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I would call my post:" be careful new brand/ alternative name to massage therapy attempting to come up.
Dear friends.
Nowadays Manual therapy name is overused, and in many cases misleading. I have figure out from many of social media discussions that many of our fellows, not really like to call themselves massage therapist, and starting installment of new professional definition”Manual therapist”I am very much against, this attempt because of reasons have mentioned above. In one of my conversations discussions I express my opinion on this subject and was requested to explain my understanding in regards to this subject. Actually this is not an understanding but matter of reality.
Best wishes.
Hi Jonathan.
As I have promised, please read my explanation on what is it manual therapy.
In med/lat manus, means hand, and therefore therapy by means of manus involvement, is a manual therapy. Most likely you know that manual therapy as an comprehensive concept was developed in Eastern European countries. Name of this therapy little by little became more and more popular in United States of America, however the concept in many cases when people using “manual therapy name” is lost. In 1969 my cousin attended presentation of Prof.Kish, who proposed spinal manipulative techniques. After taking this seminar, he was very excited and said to me:” this techniques is a very significant support to what we are doing”. It's kind of gentle very precise to each spinal movement segment, manipulation. Something between chiropractors’ adjustment and adjustments by Osteopathic Physicians. Prof.Kish called it manever. In 1974 I had the privilege to take class from these at the time very old man, originally Hungarian national, who have borne in Budapest before world war 1. What I can recall ,he graduated from some Hungarian medical school. After world war 2 he ended up living in Soviet Ukraine, city of Ujgorod. Was teaching there in local medical school. He never claimed to be developer of this type of manual therapy, opposite, he claimed to be trained in this method in Austria. However I and many,many other from my generation, strongly believing that he is the one who in the end of 60s initiate manual therapy developments. Professor Kish, knew and did practice medical massage, including connective tissue massage, muscular manipulations by means of massage, and other disciplines. He did teach that there is no substitute to massage therapy, and if adjustment/manerver will be done with out normalizing myofacial function, then no rehabilitation will be achieved. Any facet joint subluxations is a results of myofascial dysfunction, therefore only comprehensive rehabilitative approach should be applied. In 60s, very significant additions to manual therapy was contributed by Bulgarian scientist Dr.Boris Ivanov by proposing clinical approach to corrections of Biomechanics. In the beginning of the 70s Eastern European methods of manual therapy, was even further developed, by including into post-isometric relaxation techniques proposed by Czech Republic scientist Dr. Karel Lewitt. Come out that PIR techniques much more effective and achieving faster results in cases of need to restore muscular energy productions due to muscular pathologies with in the same muscles. Previously for this purpose we all use to use Russian physician Manakov’s techniques massaging under stretching. Honestly in certain cases even today I am using Manakov’s techniques. But I can assure you that everyone, including every member of manual therapy association until 1980 knew that soft tissue mobilization by means of massage cannot be substituted. Interesting enough that many medical doctors professors of medicine who used to practice hands-on/ incorporate medical massage in their treatments, where members of manual therapy Association , but never called themselves :”Manual therapist “but always where proud to say :” I'm also medical massage practitioner” to conclude yes, massage therapy is a manual therapy by definition.
Best wishes.
PS.let's keep in mind, adjustments is out of our scope of practice.
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