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Billing insurance while on a on location call - travel fee

Hello All:


I practice in the state of Maryland and am looking to “bill” insurance for massage. I currently do not have an office, all my appointments are on  location. I was figuring of having the client pay me directly and I fill out the paperwork for them to submit to their insurance. I used to know a acupuncturist who did this regularly.


Now, while I know that I cannot charge different from my cash rates, what about my travel rate to locations? I charge a travel rate for mileage outside a certain area (so I’m not driving an hour away without compensation). Can I legal charge them (the client) for the travel charge, even though I’m on an insurance “billed” call (but not adding that amount to the insurance paperwork).


Sorry, if this is a silly question, but I couldn’t find an answer to this question anywhere else on the web. I've been trying to get some clear information about doing this in my state, but it's been difficult.


Thanks in advance!

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