massage and bodywork professionals
a community of practitioners
That means stop putting your website in posts that describe how great a therapist you are and how great an educator you are and then directing people to your site in the post with more of your great classes and more of your great videos.
It's bad enough when people do it once or twice, but when it's in every forum post it's kind of annoying. We all have a place in our account page for "about me" where everyone can list whatever they want about themselves - that should be enough.
I know Lara does a great job on here and ABMP has done us all a favor by creating this site, but when people are obviously using the site for their own financial benefit by using it just to sell their stuff to MTs, it's uncool.
If you just share your experiences it should be enough to get people interested.
Views: 120
I will second Vlad's suggestion, Boris, and second that it is not a criticism. I think one of the things that happens on here during some of these flame-throwing arguments--and not just with you--is that when English is not someone's first language, semantics are sometimes responsible for misunderstandings in both what you meant to say and in how the reader perceives it.
Ravensara Travillian said:
My pleasure, Boris.
Boris Prilutsky said:
Hi Vlad.
I can assure you that you do not annoying me and if this is criticism than it is constructive criticism which I am very open to it . And even appreciate it and see it as a good intentions towards me.
I know my English is not perfect, far from it. The point is, that before posting my articles I am giving it to technical writers to doublecheck English grammar as well as articulations. If it's still not good then I disappointed in their work. If you could find grammar errors that means you do know very well English and if you don't mind my future articles I can send to you for review after technical writers will do the job. It will be great. I am constantly presenting to massage therapists, MDs, chiropractors, physical therapists , and looks like they accepting my English including accent very well. It also helps that in the time of presentations most of the time I am demonstrating hands-on. Of course reading, it is a different perception. On level of English and better I know six languages. This is also can confuse me. But most important we are communicating and having some understanding. Thanks again.
Best wishes.
PS.BTW. Raven have corrected me that social medical diseases stand for sexual transmitted diseases. I did appreciate it. Then one hour after saying to her thanks I had a client, American fellow, lawyer. Just off the curiosity asked him again. He said no way, this doesn't stand for sexual transmitted diseases. At the time my technical support person already changed it in article to stress related diseases. I contact him and said Michael redo it back. For some reason and this was wrong on my end, I trusted more this lawyer. Raven my apology and thank you where right 100%. Just off the phone with my son who is American trained doctor, and he said to me that you where right. I already e-mailed to my technical support person to change it ASAP. Why did I call to my son?
Because you Vlad mentioned English and error, and I just got intuition to check it again. Life is good. Thank you guys.
Vlad is now roadkill said:
Going off topic here, I hope you won't be annoyed if I say that you might want to consider having your main posts proof-read by someone who has a good grasp of the English language, especially since you're also posting them on your website. Since the matter of semantics was brought up in one of your threads, it might be an idea to email your post to a colleague and get them to correct any errors in grammar before posting it, that way there should be less confusion over what you are aiming to communicate. I hope you don't take this as a criticism, but more of an idea to aid to you in any further topics you're planning.
Dear Laura.
All can be. But as I explained to Vlad, the good news that in America during 19 years I am presenting constantly and to the different type of healthcare practitioners. language never was a barrier. I mean people learning from me and this is what important. At universities many ,many faculties members are not negative English speakers. The question is what they are know and teaching. Related interesting story. Approximately 15 years ago I was invited to participate in roundtable discussion/rewiew of “Medical massage” text book by Ross TurchaninovMD. Additional six participants where massage therapists. Of course I did review the book previously to discussion so other participants. First 10 minutes I didn't talk but did careful listen. All this 10 minutes people comment on some English errors with in text book. Out of curiosity I asked if there possible any textbooks out there written by Americans experts that also containing some English grammar mistakes .The answer was:” or yes. It happens, in books of anatomy and other related to our fields books”. Then I propose to continue our discussion on book content. I was asked to wait until people will say what they have to say. I did another 15 minutesand guys continue to talk on English grammar mistakes that each of them discovered. I again proposed to talk on book content. My request was ignored. When my time come to speak I stated that Turchaninov’s text book in my opinion is the one of the best works in English, and maybe abroad. Great presentation of anatomy, physiology and pathology , as well great presentation of massage techniques .And because you still refusing to discuss content I come to conclusion that you are or prejudice,or incompetent or intellectually dishonest or maybe possessing combined mentioned above “qualities”I left discussion .lately 4 of participants apologized ,with two we not communicating and I'm not suffering. I reacted this way because for what ever reasons participants refused to discuss professional issues of his book.
The argument that you mention also didn't get well not because of English but because of not willingness to discuss topic.BTW. For my entire professional life and I thank God for it I was involved only three times in this kind” dead end” arguments. Other people think that lucky me. I preferred never to have opponents
who will refuse discuss issues and will try to distract my discussions. But life is good, and peace will prevail.have to run to office.
Best wishes.
I will second Vlad's suggestion, Boris, and second that it is not a criticism. I think one of the things that happens on here during some of these flame-throwing arguments--and not just with you--is that when English is not someone's first language, semantics are sometimes responsible for misunderstandings in both what you meant to say and in how the reader perceives it.
Ravensara Travillian said:My pleasure, Boris.
Boris Prilutsky said:
Hi Vlad.
I can assure you that you do not annoying me and if this is criticism than it is constructive criticism which I am very open to it . And even appreciate it and see it as a good intentions towards me.
I know my English is not perfect, far from it. The point is, that before posting my articles I am giving it to technical writers to doublecheck English grammar as well as articulations. If it's still not good then I disappointed in their work. If you could find grammar errors that means you do know very well English and if you don't mind my future articles I can send to you for review after technical writers will do the job. It will be great. I am constantly presenting to massage therapists, MDs, chiropractors, physical therapists , and looks like they accepting my English including accent very well. It also helps that in the time of presentations most of the time I am demonstrating hands-on. Of course reading, it is a different perception. On level of English and better I know six languages. This is also can confuse me. But most important we are communicating and having some understanding. Thanks again.
Best wishes.
PS.BTW. Raven have corrected me that social medical diseases stand for sexual transmitted diseases. I did appreciate it. Then one hour after saying to her thanks I had a client, American fellow, lawyer. Just off the curiosity asked him again. He said no way, this doesn't stand for sexual transmitted diseases. At the time my technical support person already changed it in article to stress related diseases. I contact him and said Michael redo it back. For some reason and this was wrong on my end, I trusted more this lawyer. Raven my apology and thank you where right 100%. Just off the phone with my son who is American trained doctor, and he said to me that you where right. I already e-mailed to my technical support person to change it ASAP. Why did I call to my son?
Because you Vlad mentioned English and error, and I just got intuition to check it again. Life is good. Thank you guys.
Vlad is now roadkill said:
Going off topic here, I hope you won't be annoyed if I say that you might want to consider having your main posts proof-read by someone who has a good grasp of the English language, especially since you're also posting them on your website. Since the matter of semantics was brought up in one of your threads, it might be an idea to email your post to a colleague and get them to correct any errors in grammar before posting it, that way there should be less confusion over what you are aiming to communicate. I hope you don't take this as a criticism, but more of an idea to aid to you in any further topics you're planning.
That was an interesting example of the complexities of English when it comes to writing. I'm sure you can understand that there is a big difference between communicating through a verbal presentation and the written word. I'm not an author of any book and I applaud anyone that has had a book published - on any subject. Writing on any science-based topic is much more difficult that any other type of writing. The reason for that is the level of scrutiny that *should* be put on it for levels of clarity and lessening the chances of misinterpretation. I can understand how you wanted to concentrate on content on the book review. I understand that in most book reviews requested by publishers, the reviewers are asked to not concern themselves with typos and small grammatical errors. However, if it comes to the meaning of what is communicated, then that's a different story. The reviewers should make sure that the meaning is clear and unambiguous in that type of book (literature is a different "story" altogether - yes, that was a bad joke thrown in here). In order to be able to give a good analysis of content, the content needs to be as unambiguous as possible. As someone who knows about how academia works, you can also understand that it is a domain in which the meaning of the written word is very important.
It may have been that the reviewers were driving everyone crazy with small spelling mistakes though, so I can't really comment on the situation you were in. I can understand how you might have wanted to draw people to the bigger picture if that was the case.
Hi Vlad.
I agree with you that it is big difference between communicating through a verbal including hands-on presentation and the written words. I don't believe English grammar mistakes can be reason for misinterpretation of presented concept.BTW. 4 people from review panel with whom I am friend did admit that they couldn't understand the content including concepts and not the grammar was the reason for it. For last 15 years our community has developed to the level that most of practitioners can understand concept presented at Dr,Turchaninov’s book. 15 years ago it wasn't like this. For example you, did recommend to improve grammar of my articles but didn't complain on difficulty to understand concept because of English grammar errors.
I do know that it is irritating people who know English well when they reading article or book and finding some grammar mistakes, but it should be ignored if this articles and book related to massage therapy, and delivering important and useful information.BTW. 15 years ago many practitioners used to advertise sports massage but use to apply techniques for sports related injuries which is really orthopedic massage techniques. No matter if one will sustain sprain strain injury playing ball or working at post office. At first case it will be sports related injury at second Job related injuries, and in both cases we applying protocols of orthopedic massage. Sports massage is a different discipline. And today we all calling babies by name. And this is great. And many many many people learning from Dr,Turchaninov’s book great deal of knowledge and I'm very happy to contribute my part. It is simple. In any case Vlad I'm feeling like am acquired good friend. Thanks.
Best wishes.
That was an interesting example of the complexities of English when it comes to writing. I'm sure you can understand that there is a big difference between communicating through a verbal presentation and the written word. I'm not an author of any book and I applaud anyone that has had a book published - on any subject. Writing on any science-based topic is much more difficult that any other type of writing. The reason for that is the level of scrutiny that *should* be put on it for levels of clarity and lessening the chances of misinterpretation. I can understand how you wanted to concentrate on content on the book review. I understand that in most book reviews requested by publishers, the reviewers are asked to not concern themselves with typos and small grammatical errors. However, if it comes to the meaning of what is communicated, then that's a different story. The reviewers should make sure that the meaning is clear and unambiguous in that type of book (literature is a different "story" altogether - yes, that was a bad joke thrown in here). In order to be able to give a good analysis of content, the content needs to be as unambiguous as possible. As someone who knows about how academia works, you can also understand that it is a domain in which the meaning of the written word is very important.
It may have been that the reviewers were driving everyone crazy with small spelling mistakes though, so I can't really comment on the situation you were in. I can understand how you might have wanted to draw people to the bigger picture if that was the case.
HI Guys
Interesting conversation. Thanks for pointing out the guidelines and I have to admit that I have breached them with out realising. I have posted my website on some comments. My apologies.
To be honest I am really more trying to create dialogue around practice issues that we all face. I have been practicing 16 years now and have found in that time it can be tough when you don't know what you are doing first up. I have seen lots of practitioners struggle over the years and want to see all versions of success presented so we can learn from each other and build a stronger industry.
I'm from Australia and don't really have much on my site to sell. I'm more interested in the connections we can create.
Apologies for the infraction
Hey Vlad
I used to get quite upset about this and like you felt it ruined the discussions/coments on MBP, here in the UK moderators strip or remove self promotional comments and those that keep violating are then banned.
However you may be surprised that I now favour this site's liberal/lax attention to the rules as it is easy to skip over the ads and get into some really interesting/informative discussions, just look how your own web site/video suits the relevence of this discussion ? . . . . . . ..:)
Vlad wrote;-
Hi Boris
you don't need to change anything ! if I can understand you then 99% of others can too:)
Hopefully you will encourage others to write articles and comment even if their perfect English is not ! !
Boris Prilutsky said:
Dear Laura.
All can be. But as I explained to Vlad, the good news that in America during 19 years I am presenting constantly and to the different type of healthcare practitioners. language never was a barrier. I mean people learning from me and this is what important. At universities many ,many faculties members are not negative English speakers. The question is what they are know and teaching. Related interesting story. Approximately 15 years ago I was invited to participate in roundtable discussion/rewiew of “Medical massage” text book by Ross TurchaninovMD. Additional six participants where massage therapists. Of course I did review the book previously to discussion so other participants. First 10 minutes I didn't talk but did careful listen. All this 10 minutes people comment on some English errors with in text book. Out of curiosity I asked if there possible any textbooks out there written by Americans experts that also containing some English grammar mistakes .The answer was:” or yes. It happens, in books of anatomy and other related to our fields books”. Then I propose to continue our discussion on book content. I was asked to wait until people will say what they have to say. I did another 15 minutesand guys continue to talk on English grammar mistakes that each of them discovered. I again proposed to talk on book content. My request was ignored. When my time come to speak I stated that Turchaninov’s text book in my opinion is the one of the best works in English, and maybe abroad. Great presentation of anatomy, physiology and pathology , as well great presentation of massage techniques .And because you still refusing to discuss content I come to conclusion that you are or prejudice,or incompetent or intellectually dishonest or maybe possessing combined mentioned above “qualities”I left discussion .lately 4 of participants apologized ,with two we not communicating and I'm not suffering. I reacted this way because for what ever reasons participants refused to discuss professional issues of his book.
The argument that you mention also didn't get well not because of English but because of not willingness to discuss topic.BTW. For my entire professional life and I thank God for it I was involved only three times in this kind” dead end” arguments. Other people think that lucky me. I preferred never to have opponents
who will refuse discuss issues and will try to distract my discussions. But life is good, and peace will prevail.have to run to office.
Best wishes.
Laura Allen said:
I will second Vlad's suggestion, Boris, and second that it is not a criticism. I think one of the things that happens on here during some of these flame-throwing arguments--and not just with you--is that when English is not someone's first language, semantics are sometimes responsible for misunderstandings in both what you meant to say and in how the reader perceives it.
Ravensara Travillian said:My pleasure, Boris.
Boris Prilutsky said:Hi Vlad.
I can assure you that you do not annoying me and if this is criticism than it is constructive criticism which I am very open to it . And even appreciate it and see it as a good intentions towards me.
I know my English is not perfect, far from it. The point is, that before posting my articles I am giving it to technical writers to doublecheck English grammar as well as articulations. If it's still not good then I disappointed in their work. If you could find grammar errors that means you do know very well English and if you don't mind my future articles I can send to you for review after technical writers will do the job. It will be great. I am constantly presenting to massage therapists, MDs, chiropractors, physical therapists , and looks like they accepting my English including accent very well. It also helps that in the time of presentations most of the time I am demonstrating hands-on. Of course reading, it is a different perception. On level of English and better I know six languages. This is also can confuse me. But most important we are communicating and having some understanding. Thanks again.
Best wishes.
PS.BTW. Raven have corrected me that social medical diseases stand for sexual transmitted diseases. I did appreciate it. Then one hour after saying to her thanks I had a client, American fellow, lawyer. Just off the curiosity asked him again. He said no way, this doesn't stand for sexual transmitted diseases. At the time my technical support person already changed it in article to stress related diseases. I contact him and said Michael redo it back. For some reason and this was wrong on my end, I trusted more this lawyer. Raven my apology and thank you where right 100%. Just off the phone with my son who is American trained doctor, and he said to me that you where right. I already e-mailed to my technical support person to change it ASAP. Why did I call to my son?
Because you Vlad mentioned English and error, and I just got intuition to check it again. Life is good. Thank you guys.
Vlad is now roadkill said:
Going off topic here, I hope you won't be annoyed if I say that you might want to consider having your main posts proof-read by someone who has a good grasp of the English language, especially since you're also posting them on your website. Since the matter of semantics was brought up in one of your threads, it might be an idea to email your post to a colleague and get them to correct any errors in grammar before posting it, that way there should be less confusion over what you are aiming to communicate. I hope you don't take this as a criticism, but more of an idea to aid to you in any further topics you're planning.
Yeah, you're right, Stephen,
I did. And my apologies to Lara for doing that.
I thought that because I wasn't making money from that endeavor and it was a feeble attempt at trying to get people interested in research that it was a different situation, but it wasn't really. I took that site offline since it was a waste of time.
Thanks for drawing my attention to my own hypocrisy!
Stephen Jeffrey said:
Hey Vlad
I used to get quite upset about this and like you felt it ruined the discussions/coments on MBP, here in the UK moderators strip or remove self promotional comments and those that keep violating are then banned.
However you may be surprised that I now favour this site's liberal/lax attention to the rules as it is easy to skip over the ads and get into some really interesting/informative discussions, just look how your own web site/video suits the relevence of this discussion ? . . . . . . ..:)
Vlad wrote;-
I thought the article was very readable and good for someone starting to look at research.
I think she had some interesting points on the reductionism/holism question.
I thought it was really interesting that only 1% of NCCAMs funding goes towards massage therapy research even though it's the No. 1 out of pocket expense involving practitioner intervention.
The new mixed methods article deserves a thread on it's own! for research literacy.
I'm putting together a wee series to get people started. Here's the first one which is on finding research and the "this site" that I refer to in the is the site which has the sites listed on the vid, on this page. The next vids will cover a bit about research terminology and types of studies. I hope some people find them useful (the vids will be coming out every couple of weeks).
It's a squirrels attempt at trying to get people interested in research and yes, I've a gawdawful accent.
Thank you Stephen for encouraging and supportive post. Of course I will continue to share my knowledge through articles and other instructional materials. Meantime thank God most of the people like you do understand what I have to say and most important adopting some useful professional information.
Best wishes.
Stephen Jeffrey said:
Hi Boris
you don't need to change anything ! if I can understand you then 99% of others can too:)
Hopefully you will encourage others to write articles and comment even if their perfect English is not ! !
Boris Prilutsky said:Dear Laura.
All can be. But as I explained to Vlad, the good news that in America during 19 years I am presenting constantly and to the different type of healthcare practitioners. language never was a barrier. I mean people learning from me and this is what important. At universities many ,many faculties members are not negative English speakers. The question is what they are know and teaching. Related interesting story. Approximately 15 years ago I was invited to participate in roundtable discussion/rewiew of “Medical massage” text book by Ross TurchaninovMD. Additional six participants where massage therapists. Of course I did review the book previously to discussion so other participants. First 10 minutes I didn't talk but did careful listen. All this 10 minutes people comment on some English errors with in text book. Out of curiosity I asked if there possible any textbooks out there written by Americans experts that also containing some English grammar mistakes .The answer was:” or yes. It happens, in books of anatomy and other related to our fields books”. Then I propose to continue our discussion on book content. I was asked to wait until people will say what they have to say. I did another 15 minutesand guys continue to talk on English grammar mistakes that each of them discovered. I again proposed to talk on book content. My request was ignored. When my time come to speak I stated that Turchaninov’s text book in my opinion is the one of the best works in English, and maybe abroad. Great presentation of anatomy, physiology and pathology , as well great presentation of massage techniques .And because you still refusing to discuss content I come to conclusion that you are or prejudice,or incompetent or intellectually dishonest or maybe possessing combined mentioned above “qualities”I left discussion .lately 4 of participants apologized ,with two we not communicating and I'm not suffering. I reacted this way because for what ever reasons participants refused to discuss professional issues of his book.
The argument that you mention also didn't get well not because of English but because of not willingness to discuss topic.BTW. For my entire professional life and I thank God for it I was involved only three times in this kind” dead end” arguments. Other people think that lucky me. I preferred never to have opponents
who will refuse discuss issues and will try to distract my discussions. But life is good, and peace will prevail.have to run to office.
Best wishes.
Laura Allen said:
I will second Vlad's suggestion, Boris, and second that it is not a criticism. I think one of the things that happens on here during some of these flame-throwing arguments--and not just with you--is that when English is not someone's first language, semantics are sometimes responsible for misunderstandings in both what you meant to say and in how the reader perceives it.
Ravensara Travillian said:My pleasure, Boris.
Boris Prilutsky said:Hi Vlad.
I can assure you that you do not annoying me and if this is criticism than it is constructive criticism which I am very open to it . And even appreciate it and see it as a good intentions towards me.
I know my English is not perfect, far from it. The point is, that before posting my articles I am giving it to technical writers to doublecheck English grammar as well as articulations. If it's still not good then I disappointed in their work. If you could find grammar errors that means you do know very well English and if you don't mind my future articles I can send to you for review after technical writers will do the job. It will be great. I am constantly presenting to massage therapists, MDs, chiropractors, physical therapists , and looks like they accepting my English including accent very well. It also helps that in the time of presentations most of the time I am demonstrating hands-on. Of course reading, it is a different perception. On level of English and better I know six languages. This is also can confuse me. But most important we are communicating and having some understanding. Thanks again.
Best wishes.
PS.BTW. Raven have corrected me that social medical diseases stand for sexual transmitted diseases. I did appreciate it. Then one hour after saying to her thanks I had a client, American fellow, lawyer. Just off the curiosity asked him again. He said no way, this doesn't stand for sexual transmitted diseases. At the time my technical support person already changed it in article to stress related diseases. I contact him and said Michael redo it back. For some reason and this was wrong on my end, I trusted more this lawyer. Raven my apology and thank you where right 100%. Just off the phone with my son who is American trained doctor, and he said to me that you where right. I already e-mailed to my technical support person to change it ASAP. Why did I call to my son?
Because you Vlad mentioned English and error, and I just got intuition to check it again. Life is good. Thank you guys.
Vlad is now roadkill said:
Going off topic here, I hope you won't be annoyed if I say that you might want to consider having your main posts proof-read by someone who has a good grasp of the English language, especially since you're also posting them on your website. Since the matter of semantics was brought up in one of your threads, it might be an idea to email your post to a colleague and get them to correct any errors in grammar before posting it, that way there should be less confusion over what you are aiming to communicate. I hope you don't take this as a criticism, but more of an idea to aid to you in any further topics you're planning.
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