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I have a client who has been coming to me for over three years now. She has had remarkable improvement, and as a result of Massage Therapy, she is walking further than she has ever been able to prior to coming in spite of having had a prior Lumbar Fusion and surgery on both knees for town meniscus. She continues to have mild pain at the Left lateral hip insertion as well as pain just below the left lateral knee. We have tried working on the Gluteal muscles, as well as the IT band and the hamstrings and quads, also the left Sartorius. as this appears to be effected. Can anyone offer any other suggestions? Thank you.

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Without trying to discribe exact techniques I will just tell you how I might approach your clients problem. I see the body as having only eleven major muscles. Your clients pain is on one of those eleven muscles. "The LEFT SIDE MUSCLE." There is a picture of that muscle in the attachment below. I would palpate that entire muscle for tender points. Then use whatever techniques or procedures you know In order to eliminate any tender points you may find. If you find tender points and are able eliminate them. There is a very good possibility of helping your client greatly. There are a lot of videos on YouTube that might give you specific ideas on techniques to in order to accomplish that. I'm a trigger point guy,and always look for trigger points(tender points). Nine times out of ten, if I'm able to eliminate the trigger points, I eliminate the pain problem.

I too want more on it.

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