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For the past 3 years I have seen more and more massage schools teach that a man's chest must remain covered. The draping is taught as being the same for men and women. Does anyone know where it comes from? I don't find it in any regulations. I have been told that Massage Envy requires this. Are they now determining how massage is taught?
I would really like to know where this comes from. Seems silly to use a towel over a man's face when at the end of the massage he can pull off the towel, pull on his pants and walk outside shirtless. And since some states (Texas & New York) have equality laws allowing a woman to be topless wherever acceptable for a man, are both now required to be top covered for massage to avoid allowing women to not be top covered?
I hope someone can explain this. I am really perplexed.
Views: 5978
If it was related to Title IX, then I think they got it backwards. Title IX doesn't allow women to be restricted from activities men get. So what that would mean is that since men are allowed to have their chests undraped during a massage, then women should be allowed the same freedom.
In general response to the OP topic, I guess I try to ignore the trends that get promoted out there in popular, corporate-driven culture. It can make you crazy.
Ezekiel OBrien said:
My school the Desert Institute of the Healing Arts (Now Cortiva) taught draping of a mans chest 14 years ago. It was sold a Title 9esque thing.
When I was in massage school in Nashville TN 13 yrs ago, we were also taught to drape a man's chest. For some time now, when the male client turns over, I let him fix the sheet on his upper body how he wants. I only tuck a drape for the woman's chest. Although I will say, I've had male clients over the years tuck their own chests over, so that must have made them feel more comfortable. But most men don't seem to care.
You know, it's all about the nipples. Nipples are considered a sexual part of the body. It doesn't make sense, I don't expect it ever will why some places may require draping of a man's chest. Look at tiny bikinis on women, as long as the woman's nipples are covered, they can walk around in public, but if they were to expose the nipple, I'm sure they would be arrested.
So does TN prohibit public breast feeding?
So far it seems men's nipples may be taboo in the massage room but not outside in public. At least women's serve a nonsexual purpose while men's no real purpose at all.
Very interesting.... but not funny (as Arte Johnson used to say).
I don't know what the laws are now, I haven't lived there since completing massage school. I do know that many people do not like to see breastfeeding in public, including women. Personally, I have no problems with it or nudity. I've gone swimming before in the buff and had the sheriff called on me once in Northern CA by another woman who was there with her kid. They were the only other people there and not even that close where me & my friends were swimming.
There's a few things that seems to be sexualized by law when it comes to the massage room. For one thing, there are several cities here in Southern CA that require a venereal disease test as part of the massage licensing process (not the state certification process, but individual cities). That creates the idea of sex by the very nature of the request, same with requiring a man's chest to be draped. Some businesses here in CA have in their massage contracts that the therapist must maintain a 3 inch space between them and the table while working.
I don't agree with it either, but there it is.
My early training included: don't touch the side of the table, don't brush against the client, and never sit on the table. Now though I consider the table to be my "friend" : I lean against it for support, I use it to provide a base for leverage, I sit on it.......and occasionally get up on it!
Whatever it takes to get the best angle for whatever move I'm trying to make, I want to do it so I can give my client my best massage.
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