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Sound like the dream job? Let me know what you think...

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i'm with you Rick. It sounds glamorous at first. And no doubt for the right therapist it IS a dream job. but I can't see it being a dream job for someone in the middle of their career with a practice already, or someone with a family.

That's why I've got my eyes on the Dallas Cowboys. ;) That's MY dream job.

i do love these articles though. I think they are a great opportunity to share with others. I"m gonna add this one to my Kobe article and post on my website. :)

Rick Morgan said:
Years ago when I was starting my private practice I got a call to fill in last minute for the VIP area at a Country Music Festival with some big headliners. At first I thought- cool, I could meet Toby Kieth, Sarah Evans and others and maybe could work my way into the tour. Then I asked myself- do I really want to travel in buses and keep those late hours, always on call? Would it help my practice when I got back? The sad answer was no. I would have had to reschedule my regulars and in the end, even if I got a gig to go on a tour, I would have to rebuild my practice when I got back so I turned it down. Now, had I been twenty something, the answer may have been totally different;)
Hi all,
One of my friends was hired to massage Al gore when he was here in New Hampshire in the hotel he and the president were staying at. They ran a back ground check on her,etc..
She said that she gave him a two hour massage.He was a very nice man,she liked him. When she was done Al went to the other room and she collected her belongings and was escorted to the front lobby.
She said the man at the desk told her that no one gets paid for that kind of thing. That they figure it's enough to be able to say that you have worked on the vice president.
I think it was a cheep way to do it,so did she.She said they could have at least given her a picture of the two of them together to hang in her office.Oh well,and the rich get richer!
Peace, Emma
I don't think this is a dream job. While it is noble to help clients with pain, Mr. Rose's track record and history of violence and self-centeredness is certainly distressing. I guess since the MTs boyfriend is along for the tour it will be better. However, a high-profile client with a history of domestic and public violence would have me running the other way.

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