massage and bodywork professionals

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I was wondering if I should even comment about this.. But I will.. Because I'm really bothered by it..And I run into similar situations often enough.. My last client yesterday.  She was Im guessing about fifty years old...She was very depressed looking.. Tired looking...She told me she had fibromyalgia(how do you spell it?) .   I asked  her were she hurt... She said both her arms are constantly aching. And her back hurts...She made it clear that her arms were her biggest problem.. She told me that she has had six months of deep tissue massage one to two times a  week and still not better..Talking to her further, she told me that she feels worse after the massages, and that they are so painful...She just wants to relax today...Someone gave her a gift certificate for a massage at the spa where I work... I did a complete trigger point scan..Found a trigger point in her left SI joint...a left side L4 spinal erector TP.. A really bad painful one in her Latissimus dorsi (edge of shoulder blade) on her left...One in her infraspinatus (another bad one)on her left.  And a really bad( when I say bad, I mean sore as hell) supraspinatus TP on her right side. Also a right side pectoralis TP.. She told me nobody palpated those Latissimus, infraspinatus or supraspinatus TPs before?   Long story short...I eliminated those trigger points..Wasnt painful either...She was unbelievably happy after her hour session yesterday. She couldnt believe her arms didnt hurt...... She rescheduled for another massage in four days...I will recheck her ..Im sure some of those TPs will come back..But her problem is over with...Another session or two will be about it.. Im just shocked.. All she was told by the docs was that she had fibromylagia or however you spell it, and all this massage that did  nothing for six months.!!!. My gawd???  I didnt want to know who was treating her...They obviously didnt know what they were doing... I cant believe it...She is going to be well here real soon..Her problem is simple.  Those people treating her in  must live in some kind of fantasy world?  Certainly not in reality.. So obviously easy... She had to quit because it was getting too expansive.  She told me that she paid $55.00 for each massage...I keep saying it.....But this massage education system we got going better stop teaching for the tests..Cause this is the result.

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It isn't you, it is the knowledge, skill, and compassion you bring to the table. Some respond to one person and some to another. Be happy that you could help even one person, but when you can't have no regret. There will be another arriving soon you can.

Gordon J. Wallis said:

It feels good to help people.  The problem for me is that when I cant help someone.. I feel bad..    Really good job Gary!

Therese Schwartz said:

Gary, seems to me like you are a miracle worker!!  And I'm sure your sister-in-law thinks so.

Thank you for the compliment. 

Gordon, I've had some people I couldn't help for different reasons and I felt bad too!  I like being able to help people.

Daniel, I just saw your comment.  I try to do what you are saying!  It's getting easier as I get more confident in myself.

 I think Daniel understands and is leaving unsaid the fact that some people cling to their condition (whatever it is).  Because they need it in order to feel alive.   Emotional/spiritual stress of perhaps long duration creates tension in the body. 

And sometimes, an athlete relies on the hypertonicity to keep his mind/body in top shape.   During my competition bodybuilding days in the '80s, an MT would have needed a jackhammer to relax the tension I worked very hard in the gym to attain.

Such people, you can provide a blessed hour of almost-relaxation on your table, but the relief may be gone before they sit down in their car for the drive home. 

Therese Schwartz said:

Daniel, I just saw your comment.  I try to do what you are saying!  It's getting easier as I get more confident in myself.

Placebo effect is real... I like to set that up before the massage even starts...I show them a letter from a Medical Doctor that says I cured him of back pain in one session... They read that....Then they say.."Oh am I glad I got you."  That enhances my treatment or massage big time...I show that letter to all my new clients... I just finished working on a new client that had radiating pain down her left arm along with some upper back, and neck pain... She thought she would try massage before she goes to a chiropractor... I found three trigger points..Infraspinatus, rhomboid, and one around her c5 area.  All gone now, along with her symptoms.. They went away really easy too...a good thing...Anyway, I know that letter helped...Placebe effect...I like that on my side.. Its powerful.  Not telling anyone what to do..We all have our own path.  But I would get a testimonial letter from a client that  you really helped and show that to your new clients.. Its impoved my ability to help more people.. It really has.  The mind is powerful.   And I have great confidence in myself.. Thats why its so painful when I cant help someone... Usually I feel better after my next massage when they tell me how awesome it was... lol....

Gary W Addis said:

 I think Daniel understands, but is leaving unsaid is that some people cling to their condition (whatever it is)--they need it in order to feel alive.   The emotional/spiritual stress creates tension in the body.  And sometimes, an athlete relies on the hypertonicity to keep his mind/body in top shape. 

Such people, you can provide a blessed hour of almost-relaxation on your table, but the relief may be gone before they sit down in their car for the drive home. 

Therese Schwartz said:

Daniel, I just saw your comment.  I try to do what you are saying!  It's getting easier as I get more confident in myself.

Just so you guys dont think Im full of myself.. I just finished working on a client that had back pain... I found several TPs that were causing her problem. However I was unable to eliminate them after a half hour of work..So then I flowed into a LOMI LOMI type massage for an hour.. She was happy after the massage, but I wasnt... She said she felt better... and Im sure she did.. However those trigger points are still there... and that bothers me.. So I told her that if she comes in for an hour massage, I will only charge her for a half hour.. She liked that.. So that will give me an oppertunity to learn.  Ok, one more appointment and its Miller Time!!!!!  Thats my therapy... lol    Trigger points will still be there.. But I wont care..

Therese Schwartz said:

Gordon, I've had some people I couldn't help for different reasons and I felt bad too!  I like being able to help people.

This is my first post, as I just joined the group today. As I read through this thread, my first thought was how everyone seems to be judging and blaming...not exactly the kind of talk I would expect to read from a loving and caring community.

I would just like to suggest to and remind everyone here that the responsibility of a school lies in providing a foundational learning experience so the MT graduate is prepared to take the licensure exam (can't practice without it) and has the confidence to touch people and do no harm. The rest (TP expertise, for example) is the responsibility of the practitioner to learn through continuing education. Exposing students to the most widely-known modalities allows them to determine if they want to specialize in a particular area that resonates with them and gives them a basic knowledge of what's out there in the field. The rest is up to them.

Also, about the comment: "Im always , almost every day, fixing people that should of been helped a long time ago", I'd like to suggest that our job is not to "fix" anyone. Perhaps the therapists the client saw before you prepared her for your touch and that without those experiences her body may not have been as receptive to your expertise. We are a community that supports one another and learns every day from each other as well as from our clients. Ego step aside.

It's wonderful that you were able, through your expertise and knowledge, to facilitate healing in her body; it's the most gratifying part of what we do. But consider that perhaps you've had clients who just disappeared from your practice but then went on to another therapist that "fit" them judgment on you, just not the right fit for them.

Something to consider...

Sheila, forgive me for being blunt, but precisely what are you doing in your post if not judging and blaming?  As for everyone else, I haven't read any derogatory by anyone about anyone.  Till now.

I do fix people...and I do that almost every day...The word fix is just my word...But when they cant lift their arms for six months, and have gone through three months of therapy twice a week for three months for a cost to insurance companies of $600. a week.. and they arnt any better..and the therapy hurts......I eliminate a couple trigger points in the infraspinatus area and all her symptoms and pain is gone in one session... I call that fixing...or you could say trigger point elimination instead.. Same thing...  She was so happy..she cried and hugged me...I care .. a lot about all those people I work on...I dont know what Im suppose to talk about when I come in here?  Im not selling anything...Not telling anyone what to do...Im just telling people what I do...Ive been doing this long enought and starting to get good at what I do....Eliminating trigger points has helped me help tons of people...and thats almost every day.....Im not bragging... Anyone that really is into trigger points will tell you the same thing...Now there maybe other ways to help people...Im just telling what I do...And I figure if anything I say helps another therapist in even a small way..Then its good....I dont no what else to talk about... Im a massage therapist and these are my experiences...This is a forum right?  Ego?  I feel good about what I do?  Not bragging....Gosh anyone thats into trigger points knows.....Anyway.. I dont know what to talk about in here except what I do....I also do lots of cool spa massages....I think I will talk about my spa work more on another thread.. Today Im working in a $50,000.00 water massage room.. Vichy room... Its an awesme massage experience...Its fun..and the tips can be nice...I love being a massage therapist.. Im into it....And I do fix people often times by eliminating trigger points... and if other therapists or practitioners have worked on those people and not recognized their real problem.. Trigger points...I will.. Thats all.   K, I gotta go to work..  yea  Im working superbowl sunday... lol

Im at work now...Just finished working on a women.. A tourist.. She was schedualled for an hour and a half hot stone massage.. I asked her what she wanted or expected from the massage...She said in a depressed voice...Oh I guess Id just like to relax...Then I said what do you really want.. She said well Id like the pain to in my right shoulder to go away... She said she has been dealing(suffering) with it for 8 years!   She has gone through lots of therapy.. Physical therapy, chiropractors,,, deep tissue massage...she said it helped some.. but not really... I did my trigger point scan.. found two triggers on her spinal errectors in her right rhomboid area..  Two really sore spots...I eliminated them both in a minutes time...also found a milder trigger poinnt in her upper trap same side..That was gone quickly too... I asked her if anyone durring all the therapy that she has recieved mentioned the word trigger point.. She said no... I showed her a trigger point chart that clearly showed her exact trigger points.. Anyway.. her session was over in less then an hour...I didnt bill her for hot stones and only charged her for an hour work...  She said,, I cant believe it... You are a mirical worker.. Its the first time in years my shoulders feel free.   But all I did was eliminate a coupld of trigger points....thats all....Not bragging..any good trigger point person would of fixed her years ago... and yea she is fixed....if she lived here.. I would have her come back next week for a follow up treatment.... Its usually no more the one or two sessions...Not with everyone.. But more often then naught....So there was one today... I even made less money then I could have... I wont get paid for hot stones or for the additional half hour schedualled for that service...I care about every one I work on... To get them well and save them money... Lets say I couldnt find any TPs on her.. or I couldnt make them go away.. Some times that happens.. I dont lead them on at all.. I tell them that Im not going to be specific for their problem.. However Im more then happy to massage them any time they want.. and give as much relief as I can.  And often times I see those people for some really good spa work.....I do this every day... I work seven days a week even..    I dont mean to come accross as angry or egoed out...but I do get pissed off sometimes when I hear of all the suffering people go though when the problem can be easily resolved.  Lots of pain and money involved.. I care about that..... I like talking in here... I think massage is the highest of healing arts....Im starting to get good at it now....Im helping a lot of people...   Now I have to get ready for a water massage............later... this thread can be over I guess...

Gordon J. Wallis said:

I do fix people...and I do that almost every day...The word fix is just my word...But when they cant lift their arms for six months, and have gone through three months of therapy twice a week for three months for a cost to insurance companies of $600. a week.. and they arnt any better..and the therapy hurts......I eliminate a couple trigger points in the infraspinatus area and all her symptoms and pain is gone in one session... I call that fixing...or you could say trigger point elimination instead.. Same thing...  She was so happy..she cried and hugged me...I care .. a lot about all those people I work on...I dont know what Im suppose to talk about when I come in here?  Im not selling anything...Not telling anyone what to do...Im just telling people what I do...Ive been doing this long enought and starting to get good at what I do....Eliminating trigger points has helped me help tons of people...and thats almost every day.....Im not bragging... Anyone that really is into trigger points will tell you the same thing...Now there maybe other ways to help people...Im just telling what I do...And I figure if anything I say helps another therapist in even a small way..Then its good....I dont no what else to talk about... Im a massage therapist and these are my experiences...This is a forum right?  Ego?  I feel good about what I do?  Not bragging....Gosh anyone thats into trigger points knows.....Anyway.. I dont know what to talk about in here except what I do....I also do lots of cool spa massages....I think I will talk about my spa work more on another thread.. Today Im working in a $50,000.00 water massage room.. Vichy room... Its an awesme massage experience...Its fun..and the tips can be nice...I love being a massage therapist.. Im into it....And I do fix people often times by eliminating trigger points... and if other therapists or practitioners have worked on those people and not recognized their real problem.. Trigger points...I will.. Thats all.   K, I gotta go to work..  yea  Im working superbowl sunday... lol

Gary, I agree with you that some people cling to their conditions - I'm guilty of that myself!  I have a really hard time letting stuff go emotionally, and therefore physically.  I'd like to think that's getting better!  I work with clients who don't want to let things go.  I gently coax them in the direction of letting things go physically and do the best I can every session!  

Gordon - excellent posts!  Thanks for sharing what you do for people.  I know I need to learn about Trigger Point Therapy one of these days!

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