massage and bodywork professionals

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Is massage therapy recognized as an therapeutic /medical procedure???

Is  massage therapy recognized as an therapeutic /medical procedure???

This link is to my article on this subject, where I am not only answering this question but also proposing practical steps.



You  are welcome to post comments: thoughts and questions on the subject. It is important dialog for every one of us.


Best wishes.



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Hi Therese.

Hi Therese.

I believe when we doing good job some noises is not real destruction , and like you said people coming to you to hurt less . In regards of Upledger's books. One of the members, who live in Los Angeles, and following this post of yours, just sent to me an  e-mail and proposed to trade three books on my  DVDs. Most likely I will do it, and when I will have time will read with interest and of course will share with you my impressions. The matter-of-fact, a bit more than 15 years ago, at Sacramento I have presented seminar at California AMTA chapter convention. One of the seminars was presented by Upledger's senior instructor by name Maya. Very nice lady. she briefly explained to me a bit on this methodology. She actually explained, that practitioners picking up pulsation of dura mater exactly like arterial  radial pulse. I did  disagree with her, in regards of feeling dura mater pulsation. The point is that everything in our body pulsating, but not every pulsation we can feel by our hands. For example, if  to stick needle, into the  radial artery then probably blood would pump to the roof. When needle taking out after Epidural injection, only a few drops of cerebral spinal fluid coming out. Doesn't matter when I will read book will know more. In any case I believe orthopedic massage protocols a bit different. For example if one suffering from sprain strain injury, and developed, tendinitis and/or other inflammatory conditions, pain in such cases, is the results of excessive accumulation of extracellular fluid(lymphedema), tension within muscles and fascia, trigger point developments ets. As I have described in previous posts, modalities of orthopedic massage addressing causes of pain productions, dysfunctions etc.

Best wishes.


Therese Schwartz said:

If you ever get a chance, I think you'd appreciate Upledger's detail and approach.  The books are hard to read for those of us without a medical background, but they are excellent - very detailed in anatomy and physiology.

Thanks - I think I'm lucky to be able to work from home!  I have no kids or pets at home (my horse lives at a boarding facility), so that really helps.  My clients never know what will be going on around here while I'm working on them - one day it was bringing in a new refrigerator, another day it was installing new duct work under the house while I had a client on the table!  Luckily that only lasted about 10 minutes!  But my clients aren't bothered by it at all - they all come here to hurt less, not to have a "spa" experience.

Hmmm, never heard it described as a dura mater pulsation.  We can feel the rhythm of the cerebro-spinal fluid as it pumps into the system and then drains - it moves every bone in the body.  Not sure if that's what she's talking about.  I'll be interested to know your thoughts on the books!  They are a bit heavy reading for me, but I don't have your background.

And yes, the protocols are quite different.  I have to go - I have a client in 5 minutes!

Therese.even as you described:"cerebro-spinal fluid as it pumps", it sounds like pulsation detections.when I will read on it will reply. From now on and in order to avoid double standards, please let's stay around

:" how-to make medical doctors and other health care practitioners to referrer to ust patients?"thanks for understanding.

Best wishes.


Therese Schwartz said:

Hmmm, never heard it described as a dura mater pulsation.  We can feel the rhythm of the cerebro-spinal fluid as it pumps into the system and then drains - it moves every bone in the body.  Not sure if that's what she's talking about.  I'll be interested to know your thoughts on the books!  They are a bit heavy reading for me, but I don't have your background.

And yes, the protocols are quite different.  I have to go - I have a client in 5 minutes!

Sure! No problem! I have things I'm passionate about and have to be careful to stay on topic too!

Dear members .

Lately In my discussions, I am proposing different ideas how to get referrals from doctors as well as from other healthcare professionals. One of my friends

Posted question “Does massage affect blood sugar levels?”



Crossed my mind  some additional  idea how to get referrals from doctors. Please  click  link and read my  detailed description, on how to perform massage at post insulin injection. Not to repeat myself, there is enough information to learn how to do it (very simple ) and  to contact endocrinologist at your neighborhood. In a letter,or in person,or talking to office manager, based on what you will read at my reply,explain , how much important to apply these techniques immediately after injection. Ask to refer patients, who after injection will receive your treatment. Also explain, that at the time of treatment you will be able to teach patient how to do it at home as a  self massage. The procedure I am proposing is taking 15 minutes only, after providing massage for post insulin injection, please continue to perform  foot massage. You can use techniques as I am proposing. Please click link. Massage therapy in general including foot massage is important to prevent neuropathy as well blood vessels damages in diabetes cases.


Link to  following techniques  is much more extended and it   is extremely important  for prevention of diabetes related neuropathy as well blood vessels damages. At video  descriptions you will find enough information to describe in your letter to doctors why it is important to start referring patients who is suffering from diabetes, to your care.


I hope  you will like this idea, and will do it. Actually spas as well massage centers can contact doctors and will get referrals. I hope it was helpful. You are welcome to post any ideas on this subject as well  as any question you may have.

Happy 2012 to all.



Hello to everyone.just in case and you'll  be interested to attend my workshop at Las Vegas.

Below you will find   link to the page ,including detailed information on my up coming January 21-22 two days seminar. Topic :”Fundamental principles of orthopedic massage, in cases of upper back , neck, shoulder(including frozen shoulder) disorders. At this seminar I will teach you to address causes, that producing pain, limitation of motion as well other dysfunctions. Therefore you should expect positive results(less pain more range of motions) as an outcome of the treatment. Northwest school of health careers, helping me to make possible to offer you two days 16 hours CE credit workshop For $200 only. Please take advantage and preregister. Maximum class size will be 30 people. You should expect to acquire knowledge that will advance your career. I strongly believe that after completing study on the subject , you will be able to help people who is suffering from mentioned disorders. Acquired knowledge will allow you pretty fast to reimbursed  your $200 investment and to continue helping people  and making money. This is what continued education is for and about. In the beginning of January, I will provide you with additional information related to this workshops. Using the opportunity would like to wish all of you, and your families ,very happy, healthy and successful 2012.



Dear members.
As I explained myself previously, my strong belief is that we must outreach to medical doctors, physical therapists, chiropractors and other healthcare practitioners. Of course we must be capable to deliver results. We have  discussed, importance of appropriate orthopedic massage protocols, including pressure, that shouldn't be  vigorous. Also I proposed very easy to do techniques for post insulin injection. I also encouraged you to start contacting endocrinologists and other doctors. Today I would like to refer you to my fan page, where  mother posted question a while ago requesting advice for daughter’s PAT/ tachycardia. In my reply I offer different techniques including how to awake oculocardiac reflex and more.
Also using the opportunity I would like to ask you to “like” my fan page. Meantime you can view a lot of lessons. In a little bit managing company will make available free lessons only for people who will click like. Very soon we will offer you full preview of orthopedic massage/ physical therapy aide/ and chiropractor assistant program. In order to review it you will have to be a part of my fan page. I hoping to make this fan page very beneficial to all .
Visit our fan page

Best wishes.
PS. On January 21-22 I will present two days workshop: Fundamental principles of orthopedic massage in cases of neck upper back and shoulder disorders. Below is a brief information.

January 21st & 22nd, 2012
Title: Fundamental principles of Orthopedic Massage in cases of sports related injuries of neck, shoulder and upper back.
Description: At this seminar participants will be trained how to perform a hands on: lymphatic drainage for a lymphedema size management, myofascial release techniques including superficial as well deep fascia mobilization, trigger point therapy, kneading/petrissage techniques. Deep tissue mobilization will be discussed in detail.

Attention: At the time of seminar, participants will be also trained how to conduct Initial Evaluation and Assesments.

Date and Time: Saturday and Sunday January 21-22, 2012. Time: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Massage CEU Credits: Sixteen (16)
Cost: $200.00
Location: Northwest Health Careers 7398 Smoke Ranch Rd. Las Vegas, NV. 89128 Registration Instructions: Call Kris Kelley at: (702) 580-6093

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