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We all live in different parts of the country and indeed the world...We may work for somebody or for ourselves...But what does it cost to get a one hour massage from you? Im in Alaska, and to see me for an hour it costs $95.00.
Views: 747
I plan on charging $60.00 a session. I will tell my clientele to allow at least 2 hours for their appt. I have found that I am lousy at time management. One of the reasons I want to work for myself. Once my clientlele and business is established I may increase my rates. p.s. I am located in Maine, not directly on the coast but about 15-20 miles inland.
I'm in central Oklahoma and I charge $50/hour. I work in my house so I have virtually no overhead and can charge less than most people do in town or in the state.
Gordon, if I'm ever in Alaska I'm coming to see you!
I live in Northeast Texas, and my regular hourly rate is $50.00. Unless you can't afford it, then it is whatever you can pay, whenever you can pay it. I get paid by checks, cash, fresh eggs, deer meat, wild hog meat, fresh produce, honey, and hugs. I only work on people who are in pain or experiencing dysfunction that impairs their activities of daily living. If someone calls for a relaxation or spa type massage, I refer them to another therapist. I am blessed to work for myself, don't have a lot of money, but my life is rich.
One of my clients told me that wild hog meat is really good!
I trade for things too, but nothing as creative as your trades! I'm sure the people you work on appreciate you very much.
Therese, it IS good, the hogs are a huge nuisance around here, so they are plentiful. I don't initiate "trades", really, but I accept what people offer because they don't want to be beholden or take advantage. I take as many paying clients as are available, then fill in my schedule with people who need the help. The education and experience that working like this has provided me with is priceless, and yeah, the relationships are wonderful. Hey, I'm with you, I wanna go see Gordon in Alaska, too, some day, LOL! Also Daniel in Cali, and Gary A. Let's win the Lotto and go on a Great American Massage Tour, LOL!
Therese Schwartz said:
One of my clients told me that wild hog meat is really good!
I trade for things too, but nothing as creative as your trades! I'm sure the people you work on appreciate you very much.
lol you better....
Therese Schwartz said:
I'm in central Oklahoma and I charge $50/hour. I work in my house so I have virtually no overhead and can charge less than most people do in town or in the state.
Gordon, if I'm ever in Alaska I'm coming to see you!
Id trade, but I work for someone is food and money is money..
Linda LePelley, RN, NMT said:
Therese, it IS good, the hogs are a huge nuisance around here, so they are plentiful. I don't initiate "trades", really, but I accept what people offer because they don't want to be beholden or take advantage. I take as many paying clients as are available, then fill in my schedule with people who need the help. The education and experience that working like this has provided me with is priceless, and yeah, the relationships are wonderful. Hey, I'm with you, I wanna go see Gordon in Alaska, too, some day, LOL! Also Daniel in Cali, and Gary A. Let's win the Lotto and go on a Great American Massage Tour, LOL!
Therese Schwartz said:One of my clients told me that wild hog meat is really good!
I trade for things too, but nothing as creative as your trades! I'm sure the people you work on appreciate you very much.
I live in Monterey County, California. I work by myself. An hour is $90.00. I have a few clients who buy packages of 5 or 10 massages and then discount their fee by $10.00.
Business has been steady and strong this year.
Linda, I love the idea of a massage tour! Fun! And, this work is about more than the money for me. I've been working with a good friend's autistic son at no charge for a while now; she's starting to get irritated that I'm not charging her! So it's's that thing you said about not being beholden.
Gordon - I will! :) Now I just have to get to Alaska... :)
I live in Northern Nj about 45minutes west of NYC, I charge $75.00 per hour + 7% tax, that is for a home visit- I under charge for this area though
I'm on the east side of Atlanta, GA with my own practice. I charge $80.00 for an hour.
Western Washington and its $75 to see me for an hour. But that's different from city to city here and I'm actually a little on the low side for this city. When I do in-home massages its whatever you can afford, when you can afford it, and yes, I can be bribed with food. ^.^
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