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I've recently opened an independent practice and to encourage all new clients to drink more water I give them a refillable water bottle. So far the response has been wonderful. What other marketing ideas have you found successful?

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meditating and manifesting my clients invites you to join us and list your practice FREE for 6 months!

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Hi Michelle! Can you recommend a good book to read on manifestation?

Michelle Emanuel said:
meditating and manifesting my clients
Try Laura Allen's Book, One Year To A Successul Business"!
Magnetic business cards work too! People misplace the paper ones sometimes and if they have a magnetic one it's on the frig with your phone # all the time. My clients appreciated having it handy and laughed when every time they went into the refrigerator I was "right there". It reminded them they needed to get back for another massage.

I am also a lomi practitioner and I cover my clients with beautiful sarongs. They get to take it home when the session is done. They are always thrilled and surprised. The smell of the coconut oil lingers on the drive home. When they see it or wear it obviously it reminds them of the session and time to rebook!

I love your idea by the way. AWESOME
did you make sure that your refillable water bottles have your info on them?
Lisa, would you happen to know a resource for a place that would do this sort of printing? I had this idea, too, and can't seem to get it off the ground. Thank you ~ m

Lisa said:
did you make sure that your refillable water bottles have your info on them?
I also do the magnetic business cards and find they work really well.

I love the idea of the sarongs too! LomiLomi is on my list of studies and I'll keep that in mind for a later date, cheers.

I often recommend tennis ball self massage for clients and have tennis balls printed with my details that I give away, I'm sure many end up in the dogs basket but those that don't remind people to rebook.

Gloria Coppola said:
Magnetic business cards work too! People misplace the paper ones sometimes and if they have a magnetic one it's on the frig with your phone # all the time. My clients appreciated having it handy and laughed when every time they went into the refrigerator I was "right there". It reminded them they needed to get back for another massage. I am also a lomi practitioner and I cover my clients with beautiful sarongs. They get to take it home when the session is done. They are always thrilled and surprised. The smell of the coconut oil lingers on the drive home. When they see it or wear it obviously it reminds them of the session and time to rebook!

I love your idea by the way. AWESOME
Hey Marilyn,

I don't really...but if you do a google search for "promotional water bottles" there seem to be quite a few to compare prices with.

one thing to be weary of with water bottles though....there is a new study that shows that water bottles can be a risk to your health (do a google search on "water bottles health risk"). the better idea might be to do something like this...

this way you can offer regular bottled water and your promo will be a cool way of carrying that size water bottle without the health risks. it'll also initiate a great discussion ON the health risks of the other type of water bottles.

Marilyn St.John said:
Lisa, would you happen to know a resource for a place that would do this sort of printing? I had this idea, too, and can't seem to get it off the ground. Thank you ~ m

Lisa said:
did you make sure that your refillable water bottles have your info on them?
Loving it Trevs! I have people all over the state of Illinois w/ tennis balls in brief cases, car cup holders, and within easy reach at home. Where did you get them printed? I want to steal the idea f/ you if you let me?!??!?! PLEASE!:):):)

Trevor said:
I also do the magnetic business cards and find they work really well.

I love the idea of the sarongs too! LomiLomi is on my list of studies and I'll keep that in mind for a later date, cheers.

I often recommend tennis ball self massage for clients and have tennis balls printed with my details that I give away, I'm sure many end up in the dogs basket but those that don't remind people to rebook.

Gloria Coppola said:
Magnetic business cards work too! People misplace the paper ones sometimes and if they have a magnetic one it's on the frig with your phone # all the time. My clients appreciated having it handy and laughed when every time they went into the refrigerator I was "right there". It reminded them they needed to get back for another massage. I am also a lomi practitioner and I cover my clients with beautiful sarongs. They get to take it home when the session is done. They are always thrilled and surprised. The smell of the coconut oil lingers on the drive home. When they see it or wear it obviously it reminds them of the session and time to rebook!

I love your idea by the way. AWESOME
I'm sure even the ones that end up in the dog basket remind them to rebook too, especially when they strain themselves throwing the ball for the dog. haha

Trevor said:
I often recommend tennis ball self massage for clients and have tennis balls printed with my details that I give away, I'm sure many end up in the dogs basket but those that don't remind people to rebook.

This is not free for 6 months at all! I tried!!!

Liz said: invites you to join us and list your practice FREE for 6 months!

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