massage and bodywork professionals
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I am new here, and I apologize for posting something that's probably already been discussed here. But I haven't quite found my way around yet, and need info quickly. I appreciate your bearing with me.
I've been in private practice for going on 15 years. In the last few years, I had to cut way back to part-time work in order to help my elderly parents. I am now working to get my practice back up to full time. I had been considering working in a chiropractic office for two reasons - one is that I'm simply curious what it's like to work in that environment, and the other is as a way to pick up new clients for my private practice.
It happens that one of my clients is a chiropractor who has been in practice for a few decades now. He's opening a new office and has asked if I would consider working on his patients in his office 2-3 days a week for a few hours each day. He'd like to offer my services in-house (his offices). He has referred some of his patients to me directly, by the way.
He's asked me to come see his new digs on Wednesday, and I'd like to have a proposed agreement to present to him as a starting point for our discussions. I'm wondering what insight y'all might be able to offer about this type of working situation, as well as the percentage split since I have NO idea what that should be. He will be providing a room and the clients, and he has already assured me that he has no problems with patients who elect to see me in my own private office (for which he will not receive any income).
So, any information you might care to share will be appreciated. In the meantime, I will find my way around here and see what else I might find. My sincere thanks to my esteemed colleagues!
Views: 288
Hi Nancy,
I currently work with a chiropractor and it is a good situation. If you like more of the therapeutic aspect of massage you will enjoy working in this environment. No two cases are the same and it gives you a chance to be creative and develop some new techniques for yourself. So far as the split, it depends on the relationship with you and the doctor. Does he want to have you on a regular hourly for the hours that you are in the office? Do you get compensated per massage? These are two factors that determine your split. I have a 50% when I work on the clients at the office and a small fee when I bring clients to the office. Whatever you agree to just make sure that it is fair for the situation and that you both agree.
I have a chiropractor in my office who works for ME, not the other way around. I give him 60%.
ok, I've been at this for a long time, and I've worked for several DCs. Here's what I have going right now. I'm with my DC 4 days/week, and I'm someplace else on Mondays. At the DC's I provide my own table, and all my linens, sheets, bolsters, biofreeze, kinesio tape, and cream. I do my own laundry, using his washer & dryer, and we alternate who buys the detergent. I see some clients from him, and some of my own. He sends me a few, and I send him a few. Technically speaking, I'm an independent contractor, I work under my own license, keep my own separate files, intakes and notes. I set my own fees. I book 30 & 60 minutes blocks. I am able to take debit and credit cards through his terminal, so it's quite convenient for a person to pay for their visit with me, and with him, with one swipe. I pay him the percentage of my fees that the credit card companies take as their discount. He gets 20% of my gross take. I created a very easy form to do the math, I hand it in to him at the end of the week. If most of my clients have charged, he writes me a check for the balance on Monday. If they've paid me directly, (and many do) I write him a check, and turn it in with the form. Our office manager is great, and twice a year, I do something really nice for her since she hands me more business than he does. PI cases are another subject entirely, I'll only do a few in a year, they're handled completely off the standard from. I do sell gift certificates, and I pay him his percentage when they're redeemed.
We've worked it this way for about 5 years, and so far, so good. If you think this might be a good option for you, and you'd like to see the form, I have it as a word document. Hit my website, and on the "contact me" page, tell me you'd like the settlement form.
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