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Dear friends.

Below link, is to my ongoing discussion about manual therapy as well about my views on the future of our industry. I believe that at this discussion , participants are clarifying a lot of misunderstandings.I believe that this discussion having practical outcome. Will update you  on every new post.


Best wishes.


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Dear friends .

As I have promised, please read the story, on the history  of manual therapy.

Will have to refer you to my original post, where I have explained on Prof. Kish, never called it manual  therapy, never believed that spinal movement segments manevers, should be used as an individual modality. This genus somehow ‘inspired’ his students /followers group of doctors neurologists from city of Ujgorod to separate themselves from traditional rehabilitative procedures and to create NEW “manual therapy” fields.

Historically city of Ujgorod used to be belong to former Austrian Hungarian Empire. And somehow people from this geographical region used to manage to communicate with Czech Republic scientists, more than from other parts of former Soviet Union. Soviet government was prohibiting any communications only by special permits. Really don't recalling details, but in middle of 70s, close to beginning of 80s, somehow both, Soviet scientists, most of them where from Ujgorod, and Czech Republic scientists, created manual therapy association. In order to be a  member, you'll have to be neurologist. I believe decision for conditions to be neurologist in order  to join association was because of Prof. Kish originally was trained as an neurologist, and most of his students where trained as a  neurologists. In the beginning of 90s, they start to allow to join association, even you where not neurologist.

I called it:” business calculated move  on  western Europe”because Western   European practitioners  had  money to pay for classes, memberships, books etc.

If all these years they believed, that in order to perform safe and effective manever, you must be a neurologist, why to change this rules?

 Was this belief for sale?

Dear friends. I'm sorry ,Have to run. In a little bit will write  second part of this post.

Best wishes.


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This is my continuation to previous post , on history of manual therapy.

Best wishes.


 BTW. We who where not members of association, at this time ,could legally perform Kish’s manevres adjustment, and  we did it very safe and successful with no being members of  manual therapy Association. To be honest, in most cases of back and limp disorders, no need for this type of adjustments to be applied. Matter of fact, that modalities of medical massage, allow us  to reach sustained and rapid results. I mean in a frame of our protocols, we are capable to provide adequate treatment for sustaine results.

The “commercial brain” of this association, knew how to use brilliant scientists like Karel Lewitt,Vladimir Janda and others,and  to make a move on North America, by targeting physical therapists, because physical therapists can afford, to pay memberships, to pay  $3000 for four days seminars and to buy.

Business attempt, is okay with me and especially and because it could be very beneficial for physical therapy fields .

I personally learned and today using post isometric relaxation techniques, that originally was proposed by Dr. Karel Lewitt. He is genius scientists no doubt about this.

And PIR, is in the frame of massage therapy scope of practice.

 In his books Dr.Ross, describing this methodology in details including graphics, myself demonstrating it on front of video camera.

 Do I am criticizing this teachings?

Absolutely not. I love it, believe in it, and practicing.

Do I believe that American physical therapists who will learn this methodology will be better off professionally?yes they will.

Should licensed massage therapist,   call themselves manual therapists?

No. It is confusing, even our methodology of treatment including manus /hands utilizations.

Can licensed massage therapists to call  themselves manual therapists?

 No. Physical therapy Association will go after them.

Can licensed massage therapist, to perform adjustments?

 No. This is out of our scope of practice, and will be not legal to do so.

Politically speaking, we shouldn't cross  borders of our scope of practice by attempting to use  :” manual therapist”as a definition who we are.

 Physical therapists will not appreciate it.

 For last 20 years practicing massage therapy in   US, I am successfully working with physical therapists, chiropractors, medical doctors.

In order to be respected, you should respect similar physical treatment fields, and then all of us who involved in patient's care, contributing to well been of patient. Isn't all this about patient? I deeply believe so, in the end all is about patient.

 My professor, Alexander Dembo rests in peace, was great medical massage practitioner, but also medical doctor ,neurologist whose PhD studies was dedicated to peripheral nervous system diseases. He Refused to join this association. As you know most of, spinal disorders, including sports related injuries, triggering peripheral nervous system dysfunctions /diseases, secondary negative affecting extremities, internal organs etc.. Prof.Dembo personally knew professor Kish, respected him as well knew  that  by no means the old professor, would support the separate association. The main question that Prof. Dembo, used to ask  experts, members of manual therapy assassination :” are you reaching faster, as well sustained results, better then practitioners who practicing, traditional Sherback’s method?

Ujgorod team, and Czech Republic management never answered his question.

I believe that am in position, to say that traditional medical orthopedic massage protocols application, allow us in a short period of time to reach and to sustain results, including to correct biomechanics, because we addressing causes, that producing pain, range of motion limitation, decreasing functional activities etc. Besides, we are eliminating soft tissue dysfunctions, dysfunctions that resulting facet joint subluxations.

By all means, those of us who providing therapies by means of massage, should call her/himself medical massage practitioner. In my soon coming part two article, I will explain why I believe so.

Best wishes.


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