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ok...i've redesigned my card and logo and am really happy with how it came out. and of course welcome all feedback.

in designing a card (and then subsequent collateral) you want your "look" to immediately capture the attention of your target market. for me I want to work with athletes/fitness clients as well as relaxation clients. the biggest stumbling block was trying to incorporate both imagery into one look. when we think of relaxation we think candles, oils, someone on the table completely relaxed. when we think athletic a completely different image comes to mind. so my goal was to incorporate both.

as for colors...i am a true believer that your color scheme should respresent your spirit. i love warm colors and earthy tones.

as for should be clear, concise and organized.

so fire away at me...on my card as well as post up yours if you'd like me to give a suggestion or two. :)

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Thanks Noreen.

I do use the back for an appointment reminder (though i have yet to use it) :)

i took a look at your card. i like the overall look of your design, however i'm more inclined to make the address the smallest in organizing your info. rule of thumb i tend to follow in hierarchy is:

business name/personal name
name (if there was a business name)
street address

if you have a web site you want to draw them to the site to find out more. if you don't you want them to contact you. the street address is really just a means of making sure you're in the "vicinity" to me.

noreen zakrajsek said:
I like the simplicity of your card, Lisa.ook very nice. Did you use the back of it?
Samantha J. Bennett said:
.....and drats - I forgot 'bout the website's colors are black on top with a pale white design in it....and then mostly just a pale blue color, and pink within quite a few of the pics.

Lisa said:
Samantha i'm not particularly fond of any of those designs to tell you the truth. none of them actually make me "feel" massage. and if you like BLUE then your card should be blue. it should be a reflection of you.

if you'd like, i can take a look at the various designs and see if I can help you out in narrowing down some other choices. just let me know.

and in answer to your question...YES it is very important that you stay consistent with your marketing "look". you are building a brand...even if that brand is you.

give me a couple of days and let me see what I can come up with...that is if you have the time.

i also agree with can put "serving the .... area" or something in that regard. i would make sure your phone number is prominent and you might want to look into vista's web services. i believe then can easily take your business card design and format it for a web site fairly inexpensively.


by the way...i changed up mine a bit since the photos from the original "look" didn't work as well once printed on paper:

Thanks Rick for your advice about the personal note on card. I like that idea!

Rick Morgan said:
It's OK to be cheep, if I wasn't married to a designer I wouldn't have been able to afford one;) That said, people get very particular about their cards, they attach their personality and everything else to them. In the old days, your card was your Identity. Now, your website is. If you are going to spend money on Branding and Identity- do it on your website. Have a simple card, put the important info on it- name/contact/credential. Your website should be listed. Make sure it is of a paper that you can write on!!!!!! When you meet someone and give them your card- write something personal " call me to set up your appointment to help you with that shoulder" or something about your conversation. If you personalize the card to the introduction then they won't forget who you were. Cards should be put into a person's hand, not left places for people to pick up. (except for professional referral friend who will put it into your prospective clients hand for you) Almost nobody picks up a card from a bulletin board and books an appointment so that's a waste of cards and money.

Now if you can afford a designer do make sure your design is promoted through out all your media and collateral.
Samantha J. Bennett said:
lol Yep- Erica, you're exactly right! I am cheap- will just be starting out again in a new city and outta a job for awhile, monies tight at the moment, so trying to cut costs as much as I can on the things that I can end up cutting costs on and getting decent quality.
Hi Samantha,

I like this one MUCH better. i think you can make the "serving the greater..." a little smaller, as well as the license number under your name. I'd also like to see your name a bit bigger.

I also agree with Rick in that you want to keep consistent with the font usage. I like how you have the Massage Evolved on your card, so look to using that on your site as well. i would also try and incorporate the circle of images from your card onto your site...perhaps replacing the woman with the flower in her hair on your main page (especially since i've seen that same image used a lot)

Samantha J. Bennett said:
Ok All - Better or Worse? I'm liking it-
although I feel like I have things out of order with how they should be printed on the card....any ideas?
Also am I missing any important info that should be on there and isn't?
Any ideas for coloring for the text to be better?

My in-progress website has the lighter of the two blues in it, so was trying to work off that as much as possible. Also is the card to simple compared to the more elegant looking website?

I've taken a much different approach and have written about it here:

Massage Business Cards

Here is mine. Doesn't completely match my website and it is all vistprint but I did it more or less as an expirement.

my business card

Hi Joseph!

You bring up an excellent point: experimenting!

If one has the $'s, I recommend creating multiple business cards with different, unique selling propositions.


Joseph Matties said:
Here is mine. Doesn't completely match my website and it is all vistprint but I did it more or less as an expirement.

my business card

Hi Samantha!

I'll send you the e-mail straight away.

In regards to getting the prospect to enter you info into their mobile device, it really depends on the situation. This leads me back to conversation skills. Most people (hopefully no one here!) really don't know how to communicate very well. Yea, I'm being general and blunt, but have you ever noticed that?? It requires active listening and much more; to much for this thread as I'm getting off track ;)


Samantha J. Bennett said:
Well I read the article and sent an email to ya for the virual view of it, so you got me interested. I also liked someone's idea though of using the back of the card by writing a personal msg. to them after a conversation....guess it just depends where you are and who you're trying to potentially get. I could see it working, although personally I don't know many people that would enter your info. into their phone right away with one conversation- many congrats for doing that!

Kris Kelley said:

I've taken a much different approach and have written about it here:

Massage Business Cards

Hi Lisa,
Now that you have a redesigned business card, for a few weeks, has it created more clients for you ? Are more people picking them up. Peace Travis

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