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Similarities and Differences between John Barnes MFR and Dr. Andreo Spina's Functional Range Release

Good day.

I was hoping to get some unbiased opinions on any similarities and/or differences between the John Barnes MFR and Dr. Spina's Functional Range Release. 

I have taken some of the John Barnes MFR courses and enjoyed them, so I know what his courses are all about. I work with a Chiropractor that's been raving about Dr. Spina's courses so I decided to watch a few youtube videos of him explaining some of the ideas behind the courses he offers. I have to say that I find Dr. Spina very intellectual and seems to have a great attention to detail. However, he started to use some words/phrasing such as "Fascia", "Continuous Tissue", "Holding techniques for 2-3min or longer", "Piezoelectricity", etc, which reminds me of the words John Barnes also uses in his courses. I'm aware that there can be some overlapping between different courses taught from different organizations, which is fine as long as the course has enough differences to make it feel worth someone's time. When spending lots of money on a course, I want to make sure I feel like I'm learning something new and getting my moneys worth. 

So basically I'm looking to see if anyone on this forum has ever heard of Dr. Andreo Spina and/or taken any of his Functional Range Release Courses. (He also offers Functional Range Conditioning & Functional Range Assessments). Also looking for what some of the similarities and differences are between the two and lastly what some of you may feel are the strengths and weaknesses between John Barnes & Dr. Spina's courses. 

Here's the link to the Functional Anatomy Seminars website for your information, if that helps any.

I thank you for your help and time. 

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I have not taken a Myofascial Release class or a Functional Release class. I do know people that have taken John Barns Myofascial Release courses, and I have personally been worked on by an advanced Myofascial Release practitioner. I was super athletic and fit at the time. That being said, I did have aches and pains. Injuries from over jogging and various martial arts classes. I found the Myofascial Release very helpful in my recovery from these injuries.
I watched several videos on Functional Release. I can write a lot on this subject, but I gotta get ready for work soon so I will shorten things up.
I love all bodywork. They all work depending. Now I'm going to be a little bit negative. Now this is my own personal opinion, and I don't want to discourage anyone from studying any of those systems. We are all on our own path to discovery. But I find both systems into over complexity. A bit subjective in the sense of palpation and feeling things. With an over emphasis on fascia, with no mention of Myofascial Trigger points. Now if you are healthy and injured, ok. But none of those systems would work on the kinds of patients I'm seeing at the pain management clinic where I work. Again, I've never attended any seminars on those systems, so I may be wrong? But there are simpler ways of doing things.

" True refinement seeks simplicity--- The height of cultivation runs to simplicity. Halfway cultivation runs to ornamentation." - Bruce Lee.

I've released ( many times ) one trigger point and within ten seconds increased range of motion dramatically. With little to no assessment , and without reguards to fascia.

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