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Hello, first post . How do experienced bodywork folks deal with really stubborn TPs? I have a 53 yr. old woman who has mid-upper back and upper-mid glute TPs that literally feel like steak gristle. I've never felt anything this tough. Just solid. Most of her other issues have settled down, but these areas and she wants me to apply a lot of pressure, which I don't want to do. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Views: 244
Could it be myositis ossificans? That's abnormal bone growth within muscle tissue. Rare, but it does occur.
Is there pain with the TPs you mention when palpated? Can you move the hard knot? Are you certain they aren't fatty cysts? Fatty cysts -- lipomas-- can be quite small and can be dense and hard. Does the upper glute TP sit on the ilium? the mid back TP might be sitting on a rib?
Al, I'm not questioning your expertise-- actually, i don't know anything about your experience and education. Just trying to narrow the possibilities.
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