massage and bodywork professionals

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Hey all...

i've been trying to organize myself and get myself prepared for a real push forward in my career. (hence the new business card and soon to be web site). and part of this process has got me focused on my initial consulation documentation. There is a specific list required by the TX state licensing program that one must follow. We are given a check list and but no real verbage.

which on a side note Mike...THIS is one of the areas of licensing i DO NOT like. my documentation should be mine. and if the state is going to require my documentation to say something specific in it...then the state should provide that verbage to make it easy for all licensed to comply. instead we are given a check list and left to our own words. with a specific warning that administrative penalties can and will be assessed against the licensee. political crap...welcome to licensing. :)'s number 2 on the check list of requirements for my documentation:

The document must include...the parts of the client's body that will be massaged or the areas of the client's body that will be avoided during the session, including indications and contraindications's my problem. by forcing me to either list what i WILL massage OR what i WON'T immediately puts a sexual tone/verbage into the document.

if i go the route of listing everything i WILL massage then what? i have to list every muscle? every body part? seems a lot for an initital documentation. and then does it leave me open for complaints because in a particular session i didn't do any face work but my documentation says i do?

if i go the route of listing what i DON'T massage then to me that opens up my documentation to sexual conversation which i don't want it to have. obviously the only parts i DON'T massage are sexual areas of the body. so immediately "sexual" comes into the verbage.

perhaps i'm over thinking this...however if you go to TX's DHSH massage page and click on the "enforcement actions" you'll see there are quite a few penalties being assigned.

this is why i don't like licensing, and wish the certification was developed to the level of higher educational standards and acceptance versus licensing. i doubt there would be this much red tape and money being fined over paperwork.

so anybody got any suggestions on verbage? Any TX people out there? :)

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Wow! Thats pretty crazy to begin with! This sounds like a law that needs to be changed!

I am wondering what the complaints are from people or what lead to something like this being created in the first place.

Putting where to make a complaint almost sets you up for getting a complaint I think.

Is draping optional?

And what if a person gets turned on by foot massage or knee massage or something weird

About the breast massage - can you state something like Breast massage is a vital component of breast health care but will not be done without your consent and explain breast massage more.

Instead of focusing on sexual massage - say massage is for the purpose of achieving therapeutic results - but I guess that could be misinterpreted too.

This is really messed up if you ask me! I would be on the state board changing this one!


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