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How to get a total stranger to be a raving fan of your services? Easy, you give her time to build trust with you and you help allow her to experience life-changing results from your work.

I will break down these 7 steps:
(for some of you, this is just , but for many clients I have worked with this progression helps)

Stranger - Breaking the Ice
You need to make open receptive
Start by saying, "hi" ( do not take it personally if they do not respond or respond negatively, it's not you, it's their stuff)
Comment about something in the environment (some people will be put off if you become too personal too quickly)

Suspect - Starting Small Talk
Be Friendly (Obvious, but Important)
Comment casually about something in regards to them (keep it positive and complimentary)
Small talk is about matching her mood, at least initially... (it is less about what you are actually speaking about)
Don't worry about being obvious or lacking originality - it is more about your energy level and friendliness

Prospect - Begin to Develop Trust
Be relevant to the other person - if its all about you, the small voice of "what's in it for me?" has her looking elsewhere
Ask open-ended positive questions
Listen to her, mirror back what she is talking about (I do not mean this in any kind of manipulative sales tactic, I mean it as being involved and connected)
Let her elaborate on what she is speaking about
Do not finish her sentences for her (some people feel this shows connection, but it can also show it means it more important to you to butt in)
When she shares something she normally would not, you have begun to gain some trust (but it can be lost in a second, be careful)
Do not prescribe with taking diagnosis - people hate being told, they love being asked

Potential Client - Discovering Her Needs
Be empathetic to her position (does not mean you need to adopt it, just being able to see it from her perspective)
Reflect back what she has shared back with you - let her know that you understand what she has told you
Ask her if she is seeking help with her challenge or issue
Suggest some resources that you know that may be able to help her (books, website, audio programs, etc)
Ask her if she would like that help from you (only offer to help if you feel that you can help her, obvious but sometimes missed)

Client - Providing for Her Needs
Be real - be connected, don't misrepresent yourself (I'm from Los Angeles, where this is a running joke of this city)
Help them on what she has asked for - it may just be the symptom and not the cause, but you have not yet earned the trust with her to yield control to you yet
Offer opinion into cause of issue for something for her to consider, but it is just an opinion not a fact or directive
Over-deliver on expected service - make them feel as if they are the most important person at that time and place (which they are)
Leave them with something unexpected and tangible - it will serve as a reminder of your time together (it could be a tip sheet, or a small sample, something inexpensive but thoughtful of your session)
Follow up with them withing 48 hours

Repeat Client - Changing Her Life
You are consistently helping her to overcome and move past her issue/challenge/problem
You are helping her to develop new healthier lifestyle habits
You connect her with other phenomenal service providers that are relevant and helpful to her
You introduce her to products and services that help to support her for where she wants her life to go

Raving Fan - Transforming Her Life
You have helped her to free herself from her limiting challenge/issue/problem
You have helped her to live along the path of health, abundance and joy
You have created a significant change of state in her life

As you can see, it will take a little bit of time to shift your clients into raving fans but the rewards are more than worth the effort. You have helped someone to be free of your help, that does not mean you lose a client, that means you have an enthusiastic roving billboard that is continually telling others about the wonderful service that you provide. It demonstrates your own life of health, abundance and joy.

Begin today, to look someone in the eye, be friendly and just say hi, you don't know how the two of you will impact each others' lives...
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