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The role of Medical Massage in improvement of sexual satisfaction

The role of Medical Massage in stress management, discovery of sexuality, and improvement of sexual satisfaction

By Boris Prilutsky

Many couples cannot find balance and harmony in sexual relations and it’s not because of lack of emotions, love or admiration for each other. According to many experts in clinical psychology, sexual pathology and many other adjacent fields the main obstacle to couples’ inability to reach top sexual satisfaction, to discover the maximum of what sexual act can offer is stress and emotional memory that body cells carry.

According to many surveys nowadays stress is responsible for pandemics of stress related diseases, such as anxiety, tension headaches, essential hypertension, stomach aches, sleep disorders and more. Practically each of us to a certain degree suffers from anxieties, which is a result of higher than normal sympathetic activity.

It is impossible to get maximum satisfaction from intimacy, if not to get satisfaction at all at the time of high level of sympathetic activities. Sexual responses are regulated by the mutual activities of sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of nervous systems, but under domination influence of parasympathetic division as well as involvement of somatic innervations. Even considering the difference in female and male reflex pathways before intimacy, and at the time of sexual activities, the function of autonomic nervous system is similar. That includes blood vessel dilation, which causes penis and clitoris erections, vaginal smooth muscles contractions at the time of orgasm, as well as smooth muscles constrictions at the time of ejaculations.

In addition, activities of parasympathetic division of autonomic nervous system regulate digestive system, pulmonary system, as well as sexual reproductive organs. At the time it is the main inhibitor of over active sympathetic activities. When most of the parasympathetic potentials are directed to neutralize stress related side effects, it is impossible to expect normal parasympathetic function at a time of sexual act. At the same time only normal parasympathetic functioning is necessary for sexual satisfaction as well as for discovery of sexualities. Also it is important to mention that under stress our skeletal muscles demonstrating higher muscular tensions, which in turn limit the range of muscular constrictions. Contractions of the skeletal pelvic muscles are accompanied orgasm in both sexes, and unless these muscles relaxed, it is hard to expect full sexual satisfactions.

As you can see, stress presents number of serious challenges to a quality of sex and sexual satisfaction to its maximum extent. Many people try to manage stress by being sexually very active. Factually it doesn't work and causes trouble in personal relationship because in such a cases and under stress no harmony can be achieved. The good news is… that it is clinically and scientifically proven, that massage can address and eliminate these challenges, but let me first tell you about another serious challenge to sexual relations.

Storage of negative emotion in body parts.

Spending many years in a treatment room, at times I witnessed patients’ seemingly bizarre behavior. While massaging an absolutely healthy, with no signs of pain, part of a body, suddenly, a person starts crying, shaking or complaining about cold in a room with 75 degrees temperature. Often in the aftermath people feel embarrassed and even ask for an apology.

Explanations of these phenomena are negative memories stored in body part that started to come up to the surface. Crying, shaking or complaining of cold – all is expression of emotional release, accompanied by muscular constriction, followed by a relaxation of a part or the entire body.

Many years ago, while in a grad school, I did believe that what the textbook was saying, are rules “written in stone.” But little by little witnessing similar phenomena in the treatment room I realized that the theory of “body cells carrying emotional memory” is a true one. In my book “Simple Approach to Medical Massage” I presented an example of how a heavy weight boxer - a World champion, started to cry during the massage session, releasing emotions connected with events that had happened when he was 8 years old. “body cells carrying emotional memory” to me this is already not a theory but clinically proven phenomena.

Emotions stored in any part of the body, especially in the pelvic floor, if they are not released, will trigger a reaction to a touch such as a constriction of muscles. Harmony as well as top sexual satisfaction will not be achieved under these conditions. Imagine that at a time of a sexual act one of the partners touches a part of a body while this body part carry emotional memory or psychological scar. At the time when this happen a person might pay no attention to such constriction. But will such a person get a complete satisfaction from such an act?

Therefore emotional scars must be eliminated. It is proven scientifically and, most importantly, clinically that massage therapy is the most powerful methodology in stress management as well as it releases emotions stored in body parts.

To obtain results, fifty percent of massage should be spent on kneading. Soon I will release video file that will familiarize you with few easy to perform, various kneading techniques used in Medical Massage. We will alternate and I will teach you combination of different types of easy to perform massage techniques that will include kneading.

I will you how prepare yourself for these emotional releases, how to hold hands on body parts that stores these emotional scars, and more.

In case if you will decide to provide therapy for your partners ,let me give you one important advice. When you perform a massage on your partner try to conduct yourself professionally like therapy giver/provider. Your attraction to each another might compel you to do otherwise. But, it is very important that treatment shouldn’t be interrupted. These 45 to 55 minutes must be dedicated to treatment, and treatment only. During this procedure your partner will get a sense of trust to your touch and for the long run releasing bad memories and healing emotional scars will do wonders to your sex life. Your sexual act in the future will be much more prolonged and you will be able to pick up sexual energy from each other and to bring this to the greatest sensation possible. By managing stress and releasing emotions quality of your life including sexual life will be improved tremendously. No doubts that your clients quality of life including sexual life qualities will be improved due to constantly receiving therapy for stress management. Just educate them to receive on weekly basis full body stress management massage. You  are welcome to visit:

Click on self massage free lessons. In theoretical part, in details I am presenting mechanism of stress debilitation on  human body as well as explaining why massage therapy is the most powerful methodology in healthcare for stress management.

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We cannot get to understanding because all what you understood from my article is that clinical psychologists have endorsed  theory about” body cells carry emotional memory “BTW. I never said it.


Your exact words, in the post above:


"According to many experts in clinical psychology, sexual pathology and many other adjacent fields the main obstacle to couples’ inability to reach top sexual satisfaction, to discover the maximum of what sexual act can offer is stress and emotional memory that body cells carry."


My question is, how did you determine that many experts in clinical psychology have this view - that the body cells carry emotional memory?  Where did you read it?  Who are they?  You said there are many, so the question should be easy to answer, if you are correct about that.


Don't change the subject.  Just answer the question, or admit that you cannot answer it and that you misspoke. 

I still don't understand how something without a nervous system can be said to have memory. Of course, people use the term figuratively all the time to sell product, like "memory foam" beds, but none of us here really believes that that's truly memory, do we?


If a client asked you how it worked, how would you connect the dots for them? Presumably, you wouldn't just point them to links on the internet, but you would take the time to explain it for them. Can you step us through it like you would explain it to a client?





Daniel Cohen said:

Psychology may be the field for stress relationship to sexual satisfaction and performance, but it appears you accept that part of the statement. Do you also accept that massage will reduce stress? As for the theory of cellular memory, you might want to search biochemistry instead.


I found these interesting


However I believe that in relation to the statement it is immaterial whether it is a cell function or brain function. Massage does cause emotional and stress release which Boris relates to sexual function/dysfunction.


Don't change the subject.


My question is a simple one.  You asserted that "according to many experts in clinical psychology...  the main obstacle to couples’ inability to reach top sexual satisfaction, to discover the maximum of what sexual act can offer is stress and emotional memory that body cells carry."


Since there are many, it should not be difficult for you to direct us to a few specific clinical psychologists, or documents written by clinical psychologists, that say this.


I'm holding a Psychology textbook (Myers, 9th edition) in my hands right now.  It has a 40-page chapter on "Memory" but not a single word about the theory that emotional memory is carried in the cells of the body.


Similarly, a google scholar search of the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, the premier journal in those subfields, contains not a single mention of "cellular memory":


But, you have told us that this concept is endorsed by many clinical psychologists.  Can you support that claim with some evidence, please?



Hi Daniel.


I'm specifically asking Boris for evidence to support his assertion that "according to many experts in clinical psychology... the main obstacle to couples’ inability to reach top sexual satisfaction, to discover the maximum of what sexual act can offer is stress and emotional memory that body cells carry."


As a psychologist myself, and as someone who spends every working day around psychologists and reading about psychology, I'm quite certain that statement is false, but I'm willing to consider evidence.  So far none has been forthcoming and Boris has engaged only in misdirection.  This leads me to believe that he cannot support his assertion.




Daniel Cohen said:

Psychology may be the field for stress relationship to sexual satisfaction and performance, but it appears you accept that part of the statement. Do you also accept that massage will reduce stress? As for the theory of cellular memory, you might want to search biochemistry instead.


I found these interesting


However I believe that in relation to the statement it is immaterial whether it is a cell function or brain function. Massage does cause emotional and stress release which Boris relates to sexual function/dysfunction.


Don't change the subject.


My question is a simple one.  You asserted that "according to many experts in clinical psychology...  the main obstacle to couples’ inability to reach top sexual satisfaction, to discover the maximum of what sexual act can offer is stress and emotional memory that body cells carry."


Since there are many, it should not be difficult for you to direct us to a few specific clinical psychologists, or documents written by clinical psychologists, that say this.


I'm holding a Psychology textbook (Myers, 9th edition) in my hands right now.  It has a 40-page chapter on "Memory" but not a single word about the theory that emotional memory is carried in the cells of the body.


Similarly, a google scholar search of the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, the premier journal in those subfields, contains not a single mention of "cellular memory":


But, you have told us that this concept is endorsed by many clinical psychologists.  Can you support that claim with some evidence, please?



Dear Raven.

On first point :I meant social medical diseases such as essential hypertension, anxieties, clinical depression, tension headaches est. in case if in English ,social medical diseases  means sexual transmitted diseases than my apology I didn't meant it and thank you for correcting me.


My pleasure. Language is a funny old dog sometimes. 



On second point. If you will read careful my article you will find out that I particularly didn't talk on sexual dysfunction, but sexual satisfactions, and clearly explained and scientifically how and why stress affecting sympathetic and parasympathetic activities and secondary sexual satisfactions but not limited to sexual life only negative effects.


Ok, but that still didn't answer my question. Like Christopher Moyer (to whom I referred to as "Chris"), I also would like to see the citations you mention when you say: "According to many experts in clinical psychology, sexual pathology and many other adjacent fields the main obstacle to couples’ inability to reach top sexual satisfaction, to discover the maximum of what sexual act can offer is stress and emotional memory that body cells carry."


Who are the many experts in clinical psychology who say this, and can you provide the citations?



In regards to your third point. this days I will post my article on the subject where as much as possible I will extend on it. As you know there is a lot of beautiful scientifically sounds theories that clinically cannot be proven therefore they are dying.

Can you provide examples of scientifically-sound theories that are dying because they cannot be clinically proven? I know of some, like humors or phlogiston, that died because they weren't scientifically sound. I know of other urban legends, such as people thinking that mathematicians proved bumblebees can't fly, where the supposed scientifically-sound theory doesn't exist, once the facts are examined. But what are examples of actual, scientifically-sound theories that are dying because the clinical evidence absolutely contraindicates them, and why would anyone even call something that doesn't match the evidence "scientifically sound" in the first place?



On the other hand let's keep in mind, there is many clinical observations  of different phenomenons such as "body cells carry emotional memory" that we cannot explain but it does work.


If you cannot explain it, how do you know that it does work? If you see a healing that you cannot explain here, and another one there, without the explanatory power of a theory, how do you know you are seeing the same thing in both cases, rather than two different phenomena? If you have a healing that you do not understand, and someone else does as well, how can you know if it is two examples of the same phenomenon or two different phenomena if you cannot explain it?



On your fourth point. I'm sorry you didn't read careful my article.


I assure you that I did, which is why I have so many questions.



I didn't proposed to diagnose no one, but did provide some scientifically known data that can be used in promoting our services to medical doctors, and other healthcare professionals.


Ok, that answers one of my questions--in addition to working on our partners as you mentioned, this is also intended for working on clients.


If we are going to use this to promote our services to other HCPs, how do we gather data on our results and prove our effectiveness? It means asking very specific questions about our clients' sexual lives--isn't that out of scope for most MTs?


As massage therapists we don't have to be specifically trained in psychology, urology, or any of the other disciplines but massage therapy. Let's keep in mind that now we talking on stress management massage  in particular. On this subject training should include information on stress debilitation mechanism on human body , physiological effect of massage in order to know what we are doing, as well hands-on training.


Leaving aside my question of how emotions are stored elsewhere than the nervous system, let me ask if I am reading your article correctly or not. You write:  

Emotions stored in any part of the body, especially in the pelvic floor, if they are not released, will trigger a reaction to a touch such as a constriction of muscles...Contractions of the skeletal pelvic muscles are accompanied orgasm in both sexes, and unless these muscles relaxed, it is hard to expect full sexual satisfactions.

Therefore emotional scars must be eliminated. It is proven scientifically and, most importantly, clinically that massage therapy is the most powerful methodology in stress management as well as it releases emotions stored in body parts.

I will you how prepare yourself for these emotional releases, how to hold hands on body parts that stores these emotional scars, and more...To obtain results, fifty percent of massage should be spent on kneading. Soon I will release video file for $2.99 Rent.


Do I understand correctly that you are saying MTs should knead the client's pelvic floor in order to release "emotional scars" stored there? Because, if so, that's *way* out of scope for our training and legal practice, and an MT could get in a world of trouble for that.






Boris Prilutsky said:

Dear Raven.

On first point :I meant social medical diseases such as essential hypertension, anxieties, clinical depression, tension headaches est. in case if in English ,social medical diseases  means sexual transmitted diseases than my apology I didn't meant it and thank you for correcting me.

On second point. If you will read careful my article you will find out that I particularly didn't talk on sexual dysfunction, but sexual satisfactions, and clearly explained and scientifically how and why stress affecting sympathetic and parasympathetic activities and secondary sexual satisfactions but not limited to sexual life only negative effects.

In regards to your third point. this days I will post my article on the subject where as much as possible I will extend on it. As you know there is a lot of beautiful scientifically sounds theories that clinically cannot be proven therefore they are dying. On the other hand let's keep in mind, there is many clinical observations  of different phenomenons such as "body cells carry emotional memory" that we cannot explain but it does work. In such a case we must to accept clinical output. Exactly like in cases of other  evidence-based therapy.

On your fourth point. I'm sorry you didn't read careful my article. I didn't proposed to diagnose no one, but did provide some scientifically known data that can be used in promoting our services to medical doctors, and other healthcare professionals. As massage therapists we don't have to be specifically trained in psychology, urology, or any of the other disciplines but massage therapy. Let's keep in mind that now we talking on stress management massage  in particular. On this subject training should include information on stress debilitation mechanism on human body , physiological effect of massage in order to know what we are doing, as well hands-on training.

Best wishes.


PS. You mentioned name Chris. Who is it?

Perhaps a simple comma would change the discussion if it reflects what Boris' intention was. "according to many experts in clinical psychology... the main obstacle to couples’ inability to reach top sexual satisfaction, to discover the maximum of what sexual act can offer is stress and emotional memory, that body cells carry." thus claiming
"according to many experts in clinical psychology... the main obstacle to couples’ inability to reach top sexual satisfaction, to discover the maximum of what sexual act can offer is stress and emotional memory.... referring to the psychologists and making his own conclusion as to it being cellular memory.


As Boris states, and I agree, the difference is not of concern to a Massage Therapist getting results. Perhaps it would be fairer to debate this in Russian if you are able. As for proving or disproving claims of massage, possibly that can be discussed in a psychology forum.  The value to sexual satisfaction of massage therapy is the real discussion. Do you dispute the connection between massage - relaxation and sexual satisfaction?


Christopher A. Moyer said:

Hi Daniel.


I'm specifically asking Boris for evidence to support his assertion that "according to many experts in clinical psychology... the main obstacle to couples’ inability to reach top sexual satisfaction, to discover the maximum of what sexual act can offer is stress and emotional memory that body cells carry."


As a psychologist myself, and as someone who spends every working day around psychologists and reading about psychology, I'm quite certain that statement is false, but I'm willing to consider evidence.  So far none has been forthcoming and Boris has engaged only in misdirection.  This leads me to believe that he cannot support his assertion.




Daniel Cohen said:

Psychology may be the field for stress relationship to sexual satisfaction and performance, but it appears you accept that part of the statement. Do you also accept that massage will reduce stress? As for the theory of cellular memory, you might want to search biochemistry instead.


I found these interesting


However I believe that in relation to the statement it is immaterial whether it is a cell function or brain function. Massage does cause emotional and stress release which Boris relates to sexual function/dysfunction.


Don't change the subject.


My question is a simple one.  You asserted that "according to many experts in clinical psychology...  the main obstacle to couples’ inability to reach top sexual satisfaction, to discover the maximum of what sexual act can offer is stress and emotional memory that body cells carry."


Since there are many, it should not be difficult for you to direct us to a few specific clinical psychologists, or documents written by clinical psychologists, that say this.


I'm holding a Psychology textbook (Myers, 9th edition) in my hands right now.  It has a 40-page chapter on "Memory" but not a single word about the theory that emotional memory is carried in the cells of the body.


Similarly, a google scholar search of the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, the premier journal in those subfields, contains not a single mention of "cellular memory":


But, you have told us that this concept is endorsed by many clinical psychologists.  Can you support that claim with some evidence, please?



Perhaps a simple comma would change the discussion if it reflects what Boris' intention was. "according to many experts in clinical psychology... the main obstacle to couples’ inability to reach top sexual satisfaction, to discover the maximum of what sexual act can offer is stress and emotional memory, that body cells carry." thus claiming "according to many experts in clinical psychology... the main obstacle to couples’ inability to reach top sexual satisfaction, to discover the maximum of what sexual act can offer is stress and emotional memory.... referring to the psychologists and making his own conclusion as to it being cellular memory.


I don't see the difference.  But in any case, my question is a simple one.  Can the specific assertion about many clinical psychologists be supported?  That's the only thing I'm asking.


As Boris states, and I agree, the difference is not of concern to a Massage Therapist getting results. Perhaps it would be fairer to debate this in Russian if you are able.


I'm definitely not able to do that.  But I don't see how language is getting in the way of the specific question.


As for proving or disproving claims of massage, possibly that can be discussed in a psychology forum.  The value to sexual satisfaction of massage therapy is the real discussion.


I'm not asking about or commenting on that.  I'm asking a very specific question based on a very specific and unambiguous assertion.



As Boris states, and I agree, the difference is not of concern to a Massage Therapist getting results.

If you can't explain what you are doing and why it works, then how do you know that you are really getting the results you think you are? As humans, we have a tendency to find ways to see what we want to see, so it's important to take precautions not to fall into cognitive and logical traps.


Perhaps it would be fairer to debate this in Russian if you are able.

Then only a few of us could follow the discussion. I think it's better to be more transparent to more people; we can clarify what Boris means as needed, as we did with the "social diseases" example above.


As for proving or disproving claims of massage, possibly that can be discussed in a psychology forum.

Why on earth would that have anything to do with a psychology forum? How we represent ourselves and our capabilities to clients is at the very heart of being a massage professional; "" is absolutely the right forum to examine the validity of claims made to each other and to clients about massage.

Daniel Cohen said:

Perhaps a simple comma would change the discussion if it reflects what Boris' intention was. "according to many experts in clinical psychology... the main obstacle to couples’ inability to reach top sexual satisfaction, to discover the maximum of what sexual act can offer is stress and emotional memory, that body cells carry." thus claiming
"according to many experts in clinical psychology... the main obstacle to couples’ inability to reach top sexual satisfaction, to discover the maximum of what sexual act can offer is stress and emotional memory.... referring to the psychologists and making his own conclusion as to it being cellular memory.


As Boris states, and I agree, the difference is not of concern to a Massage Therapist getting results. Perhaps it would be fairer to debate this in Russian if you are able. As for proving or disproving claims of massage, possibly that can be discussed in a psychology forum.  The value to sexual satisfaction of massage therapy is the real discussion. Do you dispute the connection between massage - relaxation and sexual satisfaction?


Christopher A. Moyer said:

Hi Daniel.


I'm specifically asking Boris for evidence to support his assertion that "according to many experts in clinical psychology... the main obstacle to couples’ inability to reach top sexual satisfaction, to discover the maximum of what sexual act can offer is stress and emotional memory that body cells carry."


As a psychologist myself, and as someone who spends every working day around psychologists and reading about psychology, I'm quite certain that statement is false, but I'm willing to consider evidence.  So far none has been forthcoming and Boris has engaged only in misdirection.  This leads me to believe that he cannot support his assertion.




Daniel Cohen said:

Psychology may be the field for stress relationship to sexual satisfaction and performance, but it appears you accept that part of the statement. Do you also accept that massage will reduce stress? As for the theory of cellular memory, you might want to search biochemistry instead.


I found these interesting


However I believe that in relation to the statement it is immaterial whether it is a cell function or brain function. Massage does cause emotional and stress release which Boris relates to sexual function/dysfunction.


Don't change the subject.


My question is a simple one.  You asserted that "according to many experts in clinical psychology...  the main obstacle to couples’ inability to reach top sexual satisfaction, to discover the maximum of what sexual act can offer is stress and emotional memory that body cells carry."


Since there are many, it should not be difficult for you to direct us to a few specific clinical psychologists, or documents written by clinical psychologists, that say this.


I'm holding a Psychology textbook (Myers, 9th edition) in my hands right now.  It has a 40-page chapter on "Memory" but not a single word about the theory that emotional memory is carried in the cells of the body.


Similarly, a google scholar search of the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, the premier journal in those subfields, contains not a single mention of "cellular memory":


But, you have told us that this concept is endorsed by many clinical psychologists.  Can you support that claim with some evidence, please?



I don't know if  I  did misspoke, but there is absolutely no matter if you understood that some clinical psychologists endorsed  or according to many publications (just Google subject) discussing the fact that nowadays stress is a one of the major reasons why many people having less good quality of sexual life. My article is not about it,but to explain our power to balance sympathetic and parasympathetic activities, which will make different, and making different. For you is important to know who endorsing it. I don't care. If some clinical psychologist will not endorse our treatments , but it will not change the fact that we successfully treating such cases . Data presented in my article can help massage therapists to communicate with health care practitioners and to explain MDs and others that  massage therapy is very helpful in stress management including improvements of sexual life. I wouldn't waste my time to answer to you, but don't want you to confuse other massage therapist which you doing very successful in all discussions. every time  you repeating “I'm skeptic”. Then stay skeptic don't be  involved  in massage therapy researchers. You cannot advance our industry, just not equipped, don't have clinical experience, and skeptic.


Christopher A. Moyer said:

We cannot get to understanding because all what you understood from my article is that clinical psychologists have endorsed  theory about” body cells carry emotional memory “BTW. I never said it.


Your exact words, in the post above:


"According to many experts in clinical psychology, sexual pathology and many other adjacent fields the main obstacle to couples’ inability to reach top sexual satisfaction, to discover the maximum of what sexual act can offer is stress and emotional memory that body cells carry."


My question is, how did you determine that many experts in clinical psychology have this view - that the body cells carry emotional memory?  Where did you read it?  Who are they?  You said there are many, so the question should be easy to answer, if you are correct about that.


Don't change the subject.  Just answer the question, or admit that you cannot answer it and that you misspoke. 

Dear Daniel.

I absolutely agree with you. In most cases we  have available scientific data to explain things and most important to prove it clinically which  as you stated we are  doing very well. As a professional I grew up in country that all sports medicine was working for one goal only is to win Olympic gold. US and Soviet Union was locked in cold ideological war of systems and for Soviets to prove that system is better they use Olympic Games as a battlefields. Medical and sports massage was a big part of rehabilitative effort that contribute to this winning  gold phenomena from 1960 to 1980. I acquired some body of knowledge and clinical experience and really happy to share. Following  video clip containing explanation  mechanism of stress debilitation . I hope it will be helpful.

Best wishes.



Daniel Cohen said:
Boris thank you for stating what many comments refuse to accept "As massage therapists we don't have to be specifically trained in psychology, urology, or any of the other disciplines but massage therapy." This is why massage is a separate profession.  We are not Physicians, PTs, or other medical professionals. We are Massage Therapists with value in our own right. Why must this constantly come up? Is it not enough that the results are seen and experienced?

Boris Prilutsky said:

Christopher. It is a waste of time  for us to discuss  issues related  to massage therapy , because you are clinical psychologists  who trying to conduct research in fields of massage  and to teach other massage therapist and I am clinical massage therapist who spend in treatment room 39 years. We cannot get to understanding because all what you understood from my article is that clinical psychologists have endorsed  theory about” body cells carry emotional memory “BTW. I never said it. The difference on our views was clear to me  when we discussed  videotape where on front of our eyes  lady place hands on very sick  wolf  by name apricot. Was obvious that this animal  suffered from terrible pain, additionally his neck was arched and twisted which said to us that he is suffering from difficult neurological disease. After some time holding hands on his neck, we saw significant improvement. Because lady didn't soft tissue mobilizations, I personally agreed that some energy work was done. You did disagree and demanded explanation. As a clinician I knew how difficult to get results in cases like this and to seeing amazing results I didn't need explanation you did. Therefore let's not waste our time. Also in order to have professional discussion, professionals have to share passion and love to massage therapy, in our case it's impossible because you are not massage therapist.




Do I understand correctly that you are saying MTs should knead the client's pelvic floor in order to release "emotional scars" stored there? Because, if so, that's *way* out of scope for our training and legal practice, and an MT could get in a world of trouble for that.






Hi Raven.

when we performing abdominal/ visceral part of it is a mobilization of pelvic floor. Soon will be available my instructional video on subject, and if you will have interest to study this protocol you'll have opportunity.

Best wishes.


PS.I have double checked  and social medical diseases doesn't stand for sexually transmitted diseases.

But specifically, just to be crystal-clear, you don't insert a finger into any orifice, nor touch the anal sphincter, labia, clitoris, mons, scrotum, penis, or testes at all; is that correct?


As for "social disease", you are, of course, free to disbelieve me (although I can't begin to imagine why you'd think I would make up such a thing) and to use language in any way you want to, regardless of its connotations.


I would, however, refer you to: -- social disease: (noun, informal) a venereal disease -- "Until the 1990s, STDs were commonly known as venereal diseases :Veneris is the Latin genitive form of the name Venus, the Roman goddess of love. Social disease was another euphemism." -- Social disease: (noun) 1: Venereal disease -- SOCIAL DISEASE

Pronunciation (US): 

 Dictionary entry overview: What does social disease mean? 

  The noun SOCIAL DISEASE has 1 sense:

1. a communicable infection transmitted by sexual intercourse or genital contact

  Familiarity information: SOCIAL DISEASE used as a noun is very rare.

 Dictionary entry details 



Sense 1 social disease [BACK TO TOP]



A communicable infection transmitted by sexual intercourse or genital contact

Classified under:

Nouns denoting stable states of affairs


Cupid's diseaseCupid's itchsexually transmitted disease; social disease; VDvenereal diseasevenereal infectionVenus's cursedose

Hypernyms ("social disease" is a kind of...):

contagioncontagious disease (any disease easily transmitted by contact)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "social disease"):

genital herpesherpes genitalis (an infection caused by herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) that is usually transmitted by sexual contact; marked by recurrent attacks of painful eruptions on the skin and mucous membranes of the genital area)

clapgonorrheagonorrhoea (a common venereal disease caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae; symptoms are painful urination and pain around the urethra)

granuloma inguinalegranuloma venereum (a venereal disease caused by a bacterium of the genus Calymmatobacterium; characterized by a pimply rash of the skin in the genital and groin region)

poxsyphsyphilis (a common venereal disease caused by the treponema pallidum spirochete; symptoms change through progressive stages; can be congenital (transmitted through the placenta))

LGVlymphogranuloma venereumlymphopathia venereum (infectious disease caused by a species of chlamydia bacterium; transmitted by sexual contact; characterized by genital lesions and swelling of lymph nodes in the groin)

chlamydia (a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria of the genus Chlamydia)


It's up to you, of course, to accept or reject those definitions as you wish. Personally, I think it harms our professional relations with other HCPs to make up our own idiosyncratic definitions for well-established terms, but you're free to do as you wish.





Boris Prilutsky said:

Do I understand correctly that you are saying MTs should knead the client's pelvic floor in order to release "emotional scars" stored there? Because, if so, that's *way* out of scope for our training and legal practice, and an MT could get in a world of trouble for that.






Hi Raven.

when we performing abdominal/ visceral part of it is a mobilization of pelvic floor. Soon will be available my instructional video on subject, and if you will have interest to study this protocol you'll have opportunity.

Best wishes.


PS.I have double checked  and social medical diseases doesn't stand for sexually transmitted diseases.

I don't know if  I  did misspoke, but there is absolutely no matter if you understood that some clinical psychologists endorsed  or according to many publications (just Google subject) discussing the fact that nowadays stress is a one of the major reasons why many people having less good quality of sexual life.


You seem to be having difficulty understanding me.  I'm not commenting on or asking about that, and that is despite the fact that I think there are many things problematic with the entirely of your initial post.


Rather, I asked you a very specific question, derived directly from your own words.  You have not answered it.  I'll attempt to make this crystal clear, to help you avoid unnecessary tangents.


1.  You said "According to many experts in clinical psychology...  the main obstacle to couples’ inability to reach top sexual satisfaction, to discover the maximum of what sexual act can offer is stress and emotional memory that body cells carry."


2.  I study and teach and sometimes practice psychology for a living.  I know of no clinical psychologists or clinical psychology resources that say emotional memory is stored in 'body cells.'  I believe you just made this up, but I could be wrong, so I asked you to indicate your sources for that information.  Since you said that there are many of them, it should be easy for you to do this.


3.  You have continued to avoid this simple, direct, clear question.


That's your option and right, of course, though I am not sure why you would make that choice, unless you cannot answer the question and you do not want to admit that you just made your information up.



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