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Things To Ponder.......body connections.......a deviation of the norm.......edge of the bell curve

If you take a course or study Orthopedic massage, Medical massage, Rolfing, and others.  There is a great deal of emphasis on proper assessment.  Even if you work in a spa, and have only one minute,  you are still making some sort of assessment.  The assessment helps you help your client/patient more effectively.  

A new patient came in the other day with neck pain, low back pain, hip pain, and knee pain.  There was a long medical history involved, with diagnosis and explanations for his pain.  And I’m sure it was all correct, or mostly correct. 

But he made a comment. “I wonder if all my pain is connected?” I told him, “To me it was.”

He hurt the most in his low back, around the L3 level.  His hip pain was mostly in the Piriformis and Greater trochanter area.  In addition, like I said, he had knee and neck pain.  

Im going to attach some charts that will help explain the connections to those seemingly unrelated body areas and his pain.  Now is this evidence based analysis?  No, it is not.  Is it worth knowing or thinking about?  You decide.

If you notice, L3 inervates a portion of the hip that covers the Greater Trochanter and Piriformis.  L3 also inervates the knee.  You will also notice that the neck is inervated by C3.  And C3 has a special relationship to L3.   Ok cool.  What’s the big deal?  MAYBE nothing.

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Sorry. That last video I posted, I already posted it. Uhm. I will see if there is another one. 
Well here is one.

Best work I have ran across. Thanks for the great videos and information. 

Yeah, these procedures are truly revolutionary. The lady in this video was suffering with 12 years of pain. Sessions are only 20 minutes long.  1st session  After the 6th session 

Brian Massey said:

Best work I have ran across. Thanks for the great videos and information. 

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