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People always ask me why I don't have my own place?  I tell them I do.. I love working in the spa.. Being an employee.  Sure I could make potentially more money in my one practice.. but Im lazy and could never duplicate the beautiful facility and wonderful staff I work with.  Massage therapists, Estheticians, Hair Stylists, front desk staff and a bunch of other people that keep things going.  Awesome great people to work with every day... And another reason is the two $40,000.00 Vichy Massage rooms... I can give an awesome massage in those rooms.. Its a fifty five minute hands on massage followed by twenty minutes of water massage.. I'm able to do whatever kind of soft tissue work the client wants or needs...plenty of time... fifty five minutes.  After that I use this big hose, they call it a Scots hose for some reason...I guess it sounds better then a fire hose. But I use that like a portable Jacuzzi jet over the entire back of their bodies...Temperature and pressure is adjusted to the clients liking.  Perfect.  Usually about 104 degrees...It feels awesome after a good massage.. You know how good a hot shower or bath feels.. And you of course know how good a massage feels.. They both give a very relaxing feeling to the body/mind... However they are both different....Well you get both of those feelings together with this service.. Its like 1+1 = 3.... A synergistic effect.  Its a mind blowing experience... People are Zoned afterwards.   Like I said, after the hands on massage I use the hose like a portable Jacuzzi jet over the entire back side of the body.. Then after that, there are seven overhead showers that come into play... They make a waterfall down the clients back for five minutes or so... and while the client is under the  waterfall, I'm sprinkling cool water and essential oils around their body.  The client is  under a towel that is manipulated around during the service to give maximum skin exposure to the wonderful 104 degree water... I'm wearing swimming trunks and a T-shirt... The tile floor is heated...When I get a Vichy massage... I always feel like I'm floating down the Amazon river during a rain storm with some kind of safe life jacket on or something like that... lol   Its a very experiential experience and a zone out for everyone. I will attach pictures of the Vichy rooms.  I think I have two of those scheduled in a row tomorrow..Fun fun.. They always generate big tips too.  And I can do medical type work in those rooms too if necessary, and finish off with the water... Its awesome.  I am definitely able to enhance my massage work in those rooms.  

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My first massage today was a Vichy Massage.  When I asked the client if she had any aches and pains she told me that she needs to see the Chiropractor again because she has a rib out, low back pain, and sciatica.  I told her that she won't have to see the Chiropractor after this massage.  The rib out turned out to be a trigger point in her left Serratus Anterior.  Her low back pain turned out to be a trigger point in her Quadratus Lumborum, and her Sciatica turned out to be a trigger point in her Gluteus Medius.   By the end of the service she was completely pain free and couldn't stop raving about the water massage and how good she felt.  I will enclose some attachments of the trigger points, and a statement that I think all massage therapists should realize.


I ran out of attachments. So I will add the statement now.  For me, its the Truth.

Gordon J. Wallis said:

My first massage today was a Vichy Massage.  When I asked the client if she had any aches and pains she told me that see needs to see the Chiropractor again because she has a rib out, low back pain, and sciatica.  I told her that she won't have to see the Chiropractor after this massage.  The rib out turned out to be a trigger point in her left Serratus Anterior.  Her low back pain turned out to be a trigger point in her Quadratus Lumborum, and her Sciatica turned out to be a trigger point in her Gluteus Medius.   By the end of the service she was completely pain free and couldn't stop raving about the water massage and how good she felt.  I will enclose some attachments of the trigger points, and a statement that I think all massage therapists should realize.


Today I had another new client in for a vichy machage that has been suffering with right hip pain for 4.5 years. The chiropracor and physical therapists she has seen over the years have not been able to help her, which I find amazing. Because all she had were two very sore trigger points in her right Piriformis. If you go to you can see the exact triggerpoints when you look up the Priformis. Four and a half years she delt with that.! After the service her pain was comletely gone. I showed her that same website with a picture of her exact sore spots. She was shocked to say the least because her hip felt fine. She is going to come in for a follow up 15 minute session next week, but her problem is over. I've done this kind of work too long. I don't know? But you say the word trigger point and every chiropractor slash bodyworker claims they know. But my experience shows they don't.

Another good one, Gordon!  It's been a busy week so I haven't kept up with your posts and attachments.  I'll catch up as soon as I can, sometime next week.  Got another class I'm taking this weekend!

Sory, the trigger point link i gave was incorrect.  Here is te correct one.

Gordon J. Wallis said:

Today I had another new client in for a vichy machage that has been suffering with right hip pain for 4.5 years. The chiropracor and physical therapists she has seen over the years have not been able to help her, which I find amazing. Because all she had were two very sore trigger points in her right Piriformis. If you go to you can see the exact triggerpoints when you look up the Priformis. Four and a half years she delt with that.! After the service her pain was comletely gone. I showed her that same website with a picture of her exact sore spots. She was shocked to say the least because her hip felt fine. She is going to come in for a follow up 15 minute session next week, but her problem is over. I've done this kind of work too long. I don't know? But you say the word trigger point and every chiropractor slash bodyworker claims they know. But my experience shows they don't.

I guess this is kind of like a semi blog for me or something?  Just like to comment on some to the things that I find interesting durring my work week They have meaning to me anyway.  I'm on an Android tablet and there seems to be no spell check, so I apologize for that.  Anyway I had a new client the other day that told me she had low back pain and sciatica.  She has been seeing chiropractors and different kinds of body workers on and off for a while.  I didn't want to take her massage time up with the details of her history... The key word for me in her case  was sciatica.   Most of the time, at least in my experience, when I hear that word, its never true sciatica.  Real sciatica would be a bulging  disc at L5 that would put pressure on the sciatic nerve that runs down the leg.  At any rate  it would be real nerve pain.  In her case, and I find this more often then naught, it was muscle pain.    A trigger point on the erectors around L1 that refers pain to the L5 upper hip area .  And another trigger point on the Vastus Lateralis that refers pain down the side of the leg.. Two trigger points caused her so called sciatic pain...She was in for an 80 minute  massage, so there was  plenty of time to handle those trigger points.  She left the spa pain free,  and will come  back in a week for a follow up 25  minute  masage.   Its  just when  I hear the words sciatica, pinched nerve, rib out, or fibromyalgia.  Nine times out of ten, it's not the case.

I want to make to make one  thing  real clear..  When I come in here and talk about dramatically helping people in one massage session, its all true.  But of course there are those that I fail to help, that I don't talk about.  I had a client the other day that was told she had sciatica.  Pain running down her lateral leg from hip to knee.  I found a big nocioceptive trigger point on her vastuslateralis that I  know was causing her pain.  But I could not make it go away.  She left the spa with that very same pain.   I should have been able to make that go away, but I couldn't.   I am able to help a surprising number of people now, but not everyone.   I just wanted to make that clear.

Gordon J. Wallis said:

I guess this is kind of like a semi blog for me or something?  Just like to comment on some to the things that I find interesting durring my work week They have meaning to me anyway.  I'm on an Android tablet and there seems to be no spell check, so I apologize for that.  Anyway I had a new client the other day that told me she had low back pain and sciatica.  She has been seeing chiropractors and different kinds of body workers on and off for a while.  I didn't want to take her massage time up with the details of her history... The key word for me in her case  was sciatica.   Most of the time, at least in my experience, when I hear that word, its never true sciatica.  Real sciatica would be a bulging  disc at L5 that would put pressure on the sciatic nerve that runs down the leg.  At any rate  it would be real nerve pain.  In her case, and I find this more often then naught, it was muscle pain.    A trigger point on the erectors around L1 that refers pain to the L5 upper hip area .  And another trigger point on the Vastus Lateralis that refers pain down the side of the leg.. Two trigger points caused her so called sciatic pain...She was in for an 80 minute  massage, so there was  plenty of time to handle those trigger points.  She left the spa pain free,  and will come  back in a week for a follow up 25  minute  masage.   Its  just when  I hear the words sciatica, pinched nerve, rib out, or fibromyalgia.  Nine times out of ten, it's not the case.

I like that this is a semi-blog for you, Gordon.  I haven't had much time/energy to reply this last week or so, but I still like reading your posts.  And I know you don't help everyone.  But it's really encouraging for all of us to hear the success stories! None of us can help everyone that we work on.  Even with all the stuff I have worked hard to learn how to do, some issues are beyond me.

I have this Android tablet, and I don't know how to work it yet.  So I'm not sure if the attachments took?... But anyway I saw a client today that had a problem I have seen many many times over the years...   She could only turn her neck in one direction.. In her case she could turn her head to the right, but not to the left.  Thats usually casuse by two trigger points.. One in the Levator Scapulae, and another in the Upper Trapezius same side(left side).  Trigger points shorten muscles. So those muscles did not want to lengthen without pain when she tried to turn her head to the left. She also had another trigger point on the erectors on the left side around T8 level.  She had an hour massage.  Plenty of time to eliminate those trigger points.  After the massage her neck had a pain free full range of motion. If the attchments worked, you can see the exact trigger pints that caused her problem.  I first learned that release out of Travells book years ago.  It was amazing then,  and still cool now.


Attachments worked great!  Another great success story!

I wish I had someone in my town that knew how to get rid of trigger points - I have a LOT of them!  Yoga every night is really helping my pain levels though. I guess we all have stuff to deal with!

       Today was a trip.  I scored big time.  At least my perspective.  I had a medical  doctor in for a two hour massage this afternoon.  He told me he just needss to relax.   Stress.  I was kind of sleepy, so made sure that  I had a cup of coffee in the room just incase I needed it to stay alert and into the massage..  Anyway, about three quarters into the massage I found out that he was seeing a physical therapist for a rotator cuff injury.  I asked him how he felt after his physical therapy visits... He said worse... I'm thinking , hmmm....  I told him that I was sure that I could help him with his shoulder problem. He said ok... So I stopped fifteen minutes early in order to check his shoulder out...He said he had pain when he moved it... He was diagnosed with a rotator cuff injurey... Which by the way means nothing to me... Its usually never correct... He couldn't abduct his arm more then 40 degrees without pain.  I asked him what kind of therapy the PT had him doing.. He said weights.... I  knew  he had trigger points.   Nine times out of ten, thats what it is... Weight lifting is absolutely the worst posible therapy you can do  for a damaged muscle...Trigger pointed muscles test weak, so the PTs want to strengthen them... Big mistake..  Trigger points are  cellular damge... And the worst thing you can do is to work a  damaged muscle.  You need to relax it and create space so the blood can flow and repair the cellular damage... Anway sure enough he had  major trigger points  in his Pectoralis Major, Upper Trapezius,  and my good friend the Infraspinauts.. I asked him if the Physical therapist palpated those areas... He said no..  Unbelieveable to me.  Anyway I was able to deactivate all those TPs except for one of the pectoralis ones.   That was down graded  though.     After a few minutes of trigger point deactivation  he had nearly 90 degrees pain free range of motion... I will say 80..  He was shocked  and surprised.    I showed him in Travells book exactly his problem... Then he  said.... Im being treated for knee pain too.... I said where... He said inside of his right knee...I  don't have a picture of it, but it was his Sartorious  just above  the inside of his knee.   I asked him again before he left how he felt when leaving the PTs office...He said worse.    I asked him how he  felt leaving this spa.  He  said way better..   He cant come in for a needed follow up because he has to go back east, our of state, on Doctor business... He said he will see me when he gets back in a month..  Like Ikeep saying.  Once any underlying pathology is rulled out.. Its soft tissue work all the way... Truth remains hidden.    PS- sorry for any mis spelled words. I still have not figured this Android out... 


Why o why are you in Alaska?  I want you to work on my shoulder!  Coming to Texas soon?

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