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I had a new client today.  She told me that her right shoulder always hurts...She had surgery on it last year, but it still hurts, and that nothing changed sense the surgery.   I said well  where does it hurt.. She said they operated on the front of her shoulder but she always felt it was coming from the back of her shoulder... I palpated her infraspinatus and she had a huge nocioceptive response..she jumped and let out a loud OUCH...I asked her if she had any type of therapy prior to the surgery last year... She said that she had four and a half months of chiropractic and massage with no results..same pain..nothing changed... I asked her if any of the massage therapists or the chiropractor that worked on her ever touched her there... She said NO. I asked her if the Medical doctor touched her there..She said No.  I asked her if after the surgery if she had any physical therapy..She said yes...I asked her if the physical therapist ever touched her on that spot...She said yes.  I asked her if she jumped and screamed like she did when I touched that spot..She said yes.  I said what did he do about it... She said he just gave her exercises to do.    I released that infraspinatus trigger point in 30 seconds.. On firm re palpation it wasnt there any more...she didnt jump or flinch.. She said I feel no pain.  Its gone.  I will see her again next week. But its gone.   

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Yeah, that's why I made that comment!  I was one of the proponents of staying on topic but the discussions are friendlier now so I'm more comfortable! :)

Thanks!  She said she was so relaxed it was amazing.  I don't know the last time she felt relaxed - with dialysis 3 days a week, 4 hours at a time for several years and the other issues she has, I bet it's been years.  She has ligamentous laxity, it runs in her family.  That's why her shoulder keeps dislocating.  She was having muscle spasms as I was massaging her, but she wasn't bothered by them.  She's so used to her body not working like it's supposed to!  I only have her for 3 months, then she's moving to Houston where she can be on standby for her kidney transplant.

She must have tremendous stress...If nothing else...we know that massage is very good for that.  It feels so good to help people.. I stayed up too late last night..and I have to get ready for work soon....I think at some point in her Im going to type about what its like to work in a spa...I love it....I work with 70 other people...and we have to water massage rooms...They are fun....I think maybe we should keep this an open thread.. go on and off subject at will.. Its good to hear about what other therapists are doing and thinking.  Hmm...wonder what kind of day is a head of me????

Therese Schwartz said:

Yeah, that's why I made that comment!  I was one of the proponents of staying on topic but the discussions are friendlier now so I'm more comfortable! :)

Thanks!  She said she was so relaxed it was amazing.  I don't know the last time she felt relaxed - with dialysis 3 days a week, 4 hours at a time for several years and the other issues she has, I bet it's been years.  She has ligamentous laxity, it runs in her family.  That's why her shoulder keeps dislocating.  She was having muscle spasms as I was massaging her, but she wasn't bothered by them.  She's so used to her body not working like it's supposed to!  I only have her for 3 months, then she's moving to Houston where she can be on standby for her kidney transplant.

I love the idea of an open thread - kind of a group stream-of-consciousness.

I stay up too late on a regular basis - not as much as I used to though.  I definitely feel better and do a better job for people when I'm not sleep-deprived.

I can't imagine working with 70 other people!!  The energy must be amazing.

its I really gotta go to work......and yea....this job is challenging if you are sleep deprived...

Therese Schwartz said:

I love the idea of an open thread - kind of a group stream-of-consciousness.

I stay up too late on a regular basis - not as much as I used to though.  I definitely feel better and do a better job for people when I'm not sleep-deprived.

I can't imagine working with 70 other people!!  The energy must be amazing.

OOPS!  I meant that Dorn Method comment for a thread over at linkedin, not here. 

Therese Schwartz said:

Gary and Gordon - my client that I asked you about turned out to be a straight-forward case of a seized-up trap.  The whole thing was so tight it felt like a rib was out because of the ridge of muscle along the border.  She also had tension that crossed her spine at about L1 and continued down to her pelvis.  She loved the massage - her first - and signed up for next week.

We've got ourselves a random thread going here!  Kinda fun, actually.

Regarding that ridge of muscle in the trap, although in the traditional usage of the term, if it ain't tender it can't be called a trigger point.  Regardless, when I find that kind of hard tightness (usually in traps) I work it as if it contains a TP-- I grasp that sucker between thumb and finger and press and hold...and it usually melts. 

I'm sorry Gary - I was unclear.  My fault!  The trigger points I found were along the top of the shoulder, but the ridge of muscle I'm talking about was down between the shoulder blade and the spine in the lower traps.

I've been in and out of the thread for a few days (a new phone w/ a learning curve :).  Got lost. 

Just ordered the Square cellphone card reader; I also have the intuit paygo, but the reader is too wide to fit the new android.  Hope the Square does, if I ever get to take the certification exam I'll want to accept CCs.

I have a Client the same your client, i have 7 clients one is shoulder  sprain muscles because their  job is very heavy and this is a long time ago said, 2nd one he is back to back to hospital for 6 months, the others are their muscles of their back  and hips, very worst one of my client is he  has a car crush in the motor way for a year, and those problem is they can't find the solution from the doctor said. The main problem the said is mucsles and their tissues are very pain.

well, i tried to  give a good treatment because that their request, deep smoothly massage and after the treatment  they said are  their whole body are very relax  and the pain are releif, absolutely gone, Then the follow week they coming back again, then again, they said are very happy my good service; they happy and abosolutely enjoy their treatment,therapeutic massage. I am really happy this kinds of all comments from all of my customers, good job

I want to learn more ........ about therapeutic deep massage.... 

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