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When running a business it's impossible to do without incorporating colors into your business (with website design, company logo, marketing materials such as business cards and flyers,etc) . Which do you choose and why? What do you think they say 'bout you and your business ? Do you choose a general color to use such as brown, black or white to use and then build on that with more colors? Or how do you choose yours?


Can you become to strict in the use of incorporating other colors into your materials as well or can you never use to many...what's a good number of colors to go by for general usage?


From a marketing and business stance- which colors do you think are better suited to massage therapists and the marketing materials already out there for us to use?  Does some colors bring more options than others do ? And/ or which do you like using better?


Appreciate all feedback and input into this "colorful" discussion topic! Let's have fun! :)




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light and lifting colors (like light blues and related hues) or deeper colors (like earthy browns and greens) work nicely depending upon the focus of your work and your personality.

I suggest picking a general basis for your color scheme and sticking with it. It's a pain later if you have to try to reinvent materials without having a record of original colors etc... I suggest being a lil bit anal about it. Branding your business consistantly is important. It speaks that your business is professional and gives attention to it's appearance.

Good branding is a huge plus for your business. That's why brands spend mucho moola to have professional designers design every aspect of their brands; all the way down to their packaging. People buy on emotion. Put in a lil extra effort and care to present your biz professionally and consistantly and it'll pay off in the long run.

I'd say pick something that feels right for YOU. Pick it and stick with it for some time. Rebranding shakes up your customers and should be done with care. Therefore I'd recommend meditating around it and FEELING into what is right for you before choosing a final.

You can play around at to see what colors might work nicely for you.
i am really digging joanna's reply

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