massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

What's Working Here? What Isn't? Seeking Feedback on the Site is approaching its first anniversary. I'll be writing an article to this effect for the July/August issue of ABMP's member newsletter, Different Strokes, and as I'm sitting here in a coffee shop suffering writer's block, it occurred to me that I should actually use the site, like I'm always coaching others to do, and get feedback directly from the experts. That'd be you. Some insights I'm seeking:
  • Why did you join
  • Are your expectations being met?
  • What do you love about this site?
  • What's not working?
  • What can we do to make it better/more relevant to practitioners?
  • What do you think would inspire others to join?
  • Other comments, thoughts, insights?

Thanks for your input! You guys rock!

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How about a wkly or monthly case study?

This will help sharpen our critical thinking skills.

And more of Laura Allen…

Wish we could "preview" comments prior to posting. Got used to this feature on another "sharing" site called BaseCamp. Maybe a spell checker too?

And thanks Lara for all you do. I have enjoyed the online collaboration. And met some awesome folks!
I joined around 2 months after the site was born. Have loved it ever since. This is an amazing site to meet fellow therapists and to bounce around ideas/problems/concerns. The people on here do the same thing as you do on a day to day basis and can quite literally "feel" your pain. We are creating relationships within relationships that are important on emotional and professional levels. Most of us, as Robert Chute stated, 'work in darkness and oils', so having a light to go toward at the end of the day is healthy.
I wish the members would actually use the site more! Mike Hinkle did a report not long ago and I believe, don't quote me here, that only around 300-400 members utilize the site each week.
One complaint is probably more user error than anything. We have a large number of groups that mimic each other. Meaning, that they are on the same topic, with a twist. PLEASE check the groups before getting a brilliant idea that someone else may have already thought about!
Keep up the great work everyone!
Hi Lara,
I've become a bit of an MBP junky really......such a good site, no real complaints at all. :)

Would love to hear more from the newer members, so many join, but don't join in ????
Lara the site is wonderful. I have been amazed at all the learning I have received because others are so willing to share their experience.

Rick, Mike will probably be back. 30 days out from the World Massage Festival is a very busy time for him and Cindy getting the Bridge Builder together and Printed plus last limit other items that take priority.
I already sent Mike an email Rick so hopefully he will come and post something here as well. Hope to meet you sometime at a festival. They truly are the best deal in the world and have the most to offer.

Rick Morgan said:
I kind of figured he was getting into crunch time! Pass the word that I think he needs to do this more than once a year though- maybe take the festival on the road and do 4 a year LOL

Darcy Neibaur said:
Lara the site is wonderful. I have been amazed at all the learning I have received because others are so willing to share their experience.

Rick, Mike will probably be back. 30 days out from the World Massage Festival is a very busy time for him and Cindy getting the Bridge Builder together and Printed plus last limit other items that take priority.
Hi Guys,

Thanks for all the kind words. I agree there needs to be a door greeter here at the site like a Wal~Mart greeter. I want to be one of those when I grow up. I think that may be a reason we are not getting newcomers to engage. I hope the committee that was doing that will continue. It seems we have slowed without it. I will be back in force soon. I am working on gaining research dollars to give away and organizing 2011, while preparing 2010 in 35 days. Hope you are all ready for the FUN!

Rick, if you get an association to back the plan, we could have Festival in each corner of the country.
I'm thrilled this is here. It's a great resource. If there were some way to organize the groups, that would be a good thing. There are so many of them (256) that look interesting, but too many to follow. I am glad for the running tab for most recent activity and enjoy the blogs and forums most.
Thank you for the resource.
Congratulations on a extremely successful site, Im very lucky to be a part of it. In August last year I was invited to be here and Im glad I am here, there are some really nice people.
I joined because when I was invited I felt like I would not only meet some great people doing the same work and more that I do I would learn from different people, and with hopes that I could help them. Wow my expectations are very well met. Again my favorite part is being able to meet great people with the hope I meeting them some day, somewhere. What is not working, sometimes I have an issue with the spellcheck, it does not have one so I just do my best and keep getting it. I guess get Spell check. I think while you are writing the article for the magazine tell the readers that there is a Community of Massage and Bodywork Professionals that help each other as well as clients and they have the opportunity to share both worlds to.You Rock Lara! Peace Travis
Thanks for all the feedback, guys! I really appreciate it. You name may get mentioned in the article. If anyone would prefer not to be named, please let me know.

Have a beautiful day!
Ariana's Responses to Lara's Questions

* Why did you join To network about professional massage therapy and to find out about continuing education opportunities. It's a great site and I love it very much. You're doing a wonderful job.
* Are your expectations being met? I would say, yes, my expectations are being met and exceeded most of the time. This group provides wonderful opportunities for learning, growing and networking.
* What do you love about this site? I love the feeling of community and the easy connectivity with people around the world. I've recommended the site to over a thousand massage therapists. That's how much I believe in it.
* What's not working? Three things that aren't working: (1) We are not able to find out about any CE classes other than those offered by ABMP. We feel that this exclusion of everyone except ABMP is detrimental to the entire population of the site. For example if a person is interested in studying oncology massage and would like to know about M.D. Anderson Hospital's program and Tracy Walton's program, it is impossible to search for information on this site because ABMP has the exclusive on providing information regarding CE classes and sharing information about CE classes is prohibited on this site by ABMP. (2) We can't communicate via group e-mails with people in our friends list if the list is over a certain number of people. Many of us did not know that there was a low limit on the number of friends we can communicate with via group e-mails and, once we had many friends in our list on this site, we suddenly discovered that we could not communicate with anyone via group e-mails because we were over the limit. (3) A few technical issues come up from time to time that could be better addressed. For example, for some people it is impossible to upload images. I had that problem months ago and it is still an ongoing issue.
* What can we do to make it better/more relevant to practitioners? It is very relevant to practitioners. I love the fact that the people who participate in this site are professionals who share a common interest. It is an amazing site. You've done a wonderful job of bringing the community of bodyworkers and massage practitioners together.
* What do you think would inspire others to join? Follow Massage Magazine's lead and when something interesting happens on the site or when there is a particularly relevant posting, share it on other social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and MySpace.
* Other comments, thoughts, insights? I notice that Les left Facebook and said we could communicate with him on this site; however, I have not received any messages or postings from him via this site. I miss hearing from him. I find his posts informative, interesting and relevant.

You guys rock!

Ariana Vincent
Ariana Institute
I agree - Laura Allen rocks!

Susan G. Salvo said:
How about a wkly or monthly case study?

This will help sharpen our critical thinking skills.

And more of Laura Allen…

Wish we could "preview" comments prior to posting. Got used to this feature on another "sharing" site called BaseCamp. Maybe a spell checker too?

And thanks Lara for all you do. I have enjoyed the online collaboration. And met some awesome folks!
Great suggestion regarding the use of other social media! Thanks for that, as well as the rest of your feedback. Very helpful!

Regarding the CE comment, you are more than welcome to discuss CE offerings on your page, in your blog, and in the CE Group. We just ask that you don't list pricing, or send out mass messages about your programs. In regards to the paid advertising spot in the right sidebar, this is an open spot for qualified advertisers. If you are interested, please feel free to contact our Ad Sales Manager, Jodi Hardee,

Thanks for your insights, Ariana!

Ariana Vincent, LMT, MTI, NCTMB said:
Ariana's Responses to Lara's Questions

* Why did you join To network about professional massage therapy and to find out about continuing education opportunities. It's a great site and I love it very much. You're doing a wonderful job.
* Are your expectations being met? I would say, yes, my expectations are being met and exceeded most of the time. This group provides wonderful opportunities for learning, growing and networking.
* What do you love about this site? I love the feeling of community and the easy connectivity with people around the world. I've recommended the site to over a thousand massage therapists. That's how much I believe in it.
* What's not working? Three things that aren't working: (1) We are not able to find out about any CE classes other than those offered by ABMP. We feel that this exclusion of everyone except ABMP is detrimental to the entire population of the site. For example if a person is interested in studying oncology massage and would like to know about M.D. Anderson Hospital's program and Tracy Walton's program, it is impossible to search for information on this site because ABMP has the exclusive on providing information regarding CE classes and sharing information about CE classes is prohibited on this site by ABMP. (2) We can't communicate via group e-mails with people in our friends list if the list is over a certain number of people. Many of us did not know that there was a low limit on the number of friends we can communicate with via group e-mails and, once we had many friends in our list on this site, we suddenly discovered that we could not communicate with anyone via group e-mails because we were over the limit. (3) A few technical issues come up from time to time that could be better addressed. For example, for some people it is impossible to upload images. I had that problem months ago and it is still an ongoing issue.
* What can we do to make it better/more relevant to practitioners? It is very relevant to practitioners. I love the fact that the people who participate in this site are professionals who share a common interest. It is an amazing site. You've done a wonderful job of bringing the community of bodyworkers and massage practitioners together.
* What do you think would inspire others to join? Follow Massage Magazine's lead and when something interesting happens on the site or when there is a particularly relevant posting, share it on other social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and MySpace.
* Other comments, thoughts, insights? I notice that Les left Facebook and said we could communicate with him on this site; however, I have not received any messages or postings from him via this site. I miss hearing from him. I find his posts informative, interesting and relevant.

You guys rock!

Ariana Vincent
Ariana Institute

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