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Who in here thinks that over all, a skilled massage therapist has much more to offer a patient then any chiropractor?  Ive been a massage therapist for 26 years now...The other day I had a client that has been seeing a chiropractor for six months, with no improvement...She suffered neck and shoulder pain...I fixed her in one twenty five minute session.. Pain gone, complete range of motion restored...Ive experienced many many examples of this over the years.  Politically I cant really help an injured person...But Im much more capable then any chiropractor when it comes to actually helping someone out of pain..How many of you feel that way?  I'm curious.- Gordon

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I've met some very capable chiropractors who really work to help their clients.  However, I recommend to everyone that they get a massage before a chiropractic session.  The chiropractic work will not hold unless the soft tissue issues are addressed.  I've found that people who started getting regular massage/CranioSacral Therapy/Myofascial Release from me have voluntarily quit going to their chiropractor.

I am currently putting an 11-year-old back together after dealing with an incompetent physical therapist.  I've known of good PT's too, but she didn't get one.

I also have clients who have been damaged by incompetent or over-zealous MT's.

I guess the important thing for me is to understand that every field has really, really good people in it and some that really, really aren't.

What really bugs me is that I've never heard of an MD that sent someone to an MT.  I hope some of you have had that happen - I'd like to know there are MD's out there that know about and appreciate massage.

I've had the same experience with many clients. As with any profession you will find a wide range of skill among Chiropractors (and MTs). I've known many who do 75% massage and 25% adjustment in their sessions. Or what is most prevalent in California, they hire Massage Therapists to generate the bulk of income.


Therese, I not only have had referrals from MDs (MDs recommend my corporate massage program) but have worked on them for pain resolution including a herniated disc for a back specialist. For some people (even MDs) results equal evidence.

I employ a chiropractor in my clinic. He is right in line with believing that massage and chiropractic go together hand in hand (pun intended ;). I am personally a frequent recipient of both chiropractic and massage. IF the person's pain in only muscular, then yes, I might be more capable, or just the better choice at the time. If it is a misalignment causing the pain--and I know the moment I whack something out in my own body--then chiropractic is what helps. I don't go around claiming I'm more capable than the chiropractor. It all depends on what the problem is. And I also never claim to "fix" anybody.
Chiropractic still doesnt hold a candle when compared to the hands of a skilled massage therapist...Trust me on that.
My clinic gets many MD and dentist referrals. I have cultivated them and educated them. We also have many MDs as clients. The fact that it helps THEM is usually enough to entice them to refer to us.

Therese Schwartz said:

I've met some very capable chiropractors who really work to help their clients.  However, I recommend to everyone that they get a massage before a chiropractic session.  The chiropractic work will not hold unless the soft tissue issues are addressed.  I've found that people who started getting regular massage/CranioSacral Therapy/Myofascial Release from me have voluntarily quit going to their chiropractor.

I am currently putting an 11-year-old back together after dealing with an incompetent physical therapist.  I've known of good PT's too, but she didn't get one.

I also have clients who have been damaged by incompetent or over-zealous MT's.

I guess the important thing for me is to understand that every field has really, really good people in it and some that really, really aren't.

What really bugs me is that I've never heard of an MD that sent someone to an MT.  I hope some of you have had that happen - I'd like to know there are MD's out there that know about and appreciate massage.

Anytime I see an MT bragging about how much better they are than an MD, a chiropractor, a PT, or any other practitioner, and how they heal all the people that the other practitioners haven't helped, I immediately know they are someone I wouldn't want to go to.
Not everything works for every body. That's why there is choice.
Well G.....lets C........Back in 1985 I accidentally cured a medical doctor of back pain that he had for weeks...He had already seen physical therapists and other medical doctors prior to just trying massage....Anyway his pain was gone after the massage..because of that.I  ended up working in a medical clinic a couple weeks later ...But now its 2011.. Thousands of massages later..I am now much better at what I do, ....I know longer accidentally fix people.  I on purpose fix people. It sounds  like Im bragging , and yes I cant help everyone .But much more often then not, I do.  85% of the time the pain that people experience is directly  muscular in origin...Only 15% of the time is it directly from other causes. Like Disc or internal organ pain..Thats just the stats stated by Travel and Simons way back when. And it seems about the right frequency from my standpoint today...  And 95% of all pain has a muscular element involved anyway. A good massage therapist is good at releasing muscle pain...If ten people come in hurting, and want a massage. Im able to help seven or eight of them within only a few massages,and a lot of times only one or two  sessions...Just a week ago a young women came in for a massage..She was currently seeing a chiropractor twice a week for three weeks for what she said was a pinched nerve in her neck..She had extreme pain when trying to lift her left arm over her head...Well I quickly discovered a trigger point in the posterior deltoid of her left arm... I used simple massage techniques, soft tissue release eliminated that trigger point,and she could lift her arm over her head for the first time in a month.  Im not bragging that Im curing people like a faith healer, or Jesus healing the blind and so on...But I am fixing a lot of people now..And in a lot of cases, people that have seen Chiropractors and Doctors for a long time.  I mean the lady with the triggerd deltoid, it was usless cracking her neck for weeks and taking her money...I know Im better then that Chiropractor...I have no doubt...None...Zero.  And I would have to imagine that other experienced and some not so experienced therapists in here can say much the same.  I just spent $3000.00 on continuing education material Im always studying....Im not bragging..Im on my third wife , and Im broke all the time...But I know my job, and I am a good massage therapist. Thats all.
Gordon I understand where you are coming from. I also suspect you don't believe in concealment for political correctness. But in an over regulated country where government intrudes into every aspect of our lives we are prohibited from making claims that violate licensing. As the bottom of the healthcare food chain we are easily stomped on.

"But Im much more capable then any chiropractor when it comes to actually helping someone out of pain"


If that isn't bragging, I don't know what is.

Generalizing a wee bit too, aren't you?  


I'm glad you're helping your clients out of pain, but not so glad that you've obviously let it go to your head (and you don't even realize it).



I just see the  general public as brainwashed when it comes to chiropractic.    Whats interesting....and the point I really wanted to make was the fact that all im doing for people is very simple massage work?...A trigger point in a rhomboid....Why say its a pinched nerve? , and do usless neck cracking for three weeks when it isnt working?????  He must not of touched where it hurt??  Like i did... All I did was rub where it hurt...did some stretching fixed her...It was a trigger point...I dont know how many times this has repeated itself on my massage table over the years...Years...So many times...I scratch my head?  If Im bragging,,,so be it....I just dont see that going to a chiropractor offers any advantage over massage .. ..Except for the political side of things..I really dont...I dont feel that I offer more then any other experienced massage therapist in here...But Chiropractors? Give me massage therapist any day.  I wonder if that same lady that couldnt lift her arm over her head, if she came to see you... Would you have discovered that trigger point in her deltoid?  I dont know you...but Im guessing you would of...Its not like know one else could of helped her..Lots of massage therapists would of helped that women.. Thats my real point.....Experienced massage therapists are better at helping people out of pain then any Chiropractor(except the ones that do massage) period........I mean if you couldnt find that trigger point...wowa? Better go buy and read Travels Big Red Book. If more chiropractors read that book..They would stop doing all that useless cracking and start working on  the soft tissue where most pain problems come from. Until they  do that...Yea Im better...

Vlad is now roadkill said:

"But Im much more capable then any chiropractor when it comes to actually helping someone out of pain"


If that isn't bragging, I don't know what is.

Generalizing a wee bit too, aren't you?  


I'm glad you're helping your clients out of pain, but not so glad that you've obviously let it go to your head (and you don't even realize it).



I know you know where Im c****** from.. ..Because we are on the bottom of the food chain politically.   I will attempt to be more politically correct I guess....Its just been bothering me for many years. But I tell you what Daniel..If I cant lift my arm over my head because it hurts...Id rather come see you.

Daniel Cohen said:
Gordon I understand where you are coming from. I also suspect you don't believe in concealment for political correctness. But in an over regulated country where government intrudes into every aspect of our lives we are prohibited from making claims that violate licensing. As the bottom of the healthcare food chain we are easily stomped on.

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