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Why do our text books say go see a medical doctor if you think you may be getting carpal tunnel?   I want to know?

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Im not trying to sell DVDs for that guy...There are several systems that easily handle repetitive stress injuries exceptionally well.  Its a billion dollar industry that we just let slip through our hands..  People are surprised when i tell them that massage therapy is the best modality for carpal tunnel and repetitive stress injuries.. People dont know.. Because we dont know.. Truth remains hidden.  It really does.

Gordon J. Wallis said:

Read the client testimonials on this guys site...If all massage therapist were empowered and educated with the truth..Our profession would be the one that handles and cures carpal tunnel...That industry alone is a billion dollar one.. Our perception of our own profession cripples and limits us.. Our education system is greatly flawed... Many massage therapists work for too little pay.. Grovel to other health care providers for income. Run to the other health care providers when they think they have carpal tunnel.. I once met a chiropractor that told me he is very successful  at treating carpal tunnel...I asked him what he did...he showed me...He called it Active Release..It was massage.  PS- I massaged a dental hygienist today.. She told me the hygienist  that worked in her office before her had to quit because she got carpal tunnel... That was unnecessary wasn't it.  I will try not to keep ranting about the same thing over and over... Im sure you guys are tired of it... But anyone that thinks anything will change in our industry is kidding themselves..Ever more tests and stuff to memorize, just wont do it.   An education system that is completely different, is whats needed. One that teaches truth.. Sorry about all my ranting... I try not too...But Truth Remains Hidden.   Read the testimonials....Think seriously about what the clients as well as what the therapists are saying.  Its truth.

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