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Creating Peace with Your Hands


Creating Peace with Your Hands

Injury Prevention and Self-Care for Massage Therapists

Location: Las Vegas
Members: 116
Latest Activity: Aug 15, 2018

Injury Prevention ans Self-Care for Bodyworkers

How Do You Ground Yourself?

Do you think about the connection between the earth and your feet when you wake up and put your feet on the ground? Well you should, especially if you are going to be working in someone else’s energy field. You are an electromagnetic being and you ground energy just like an appliance that is plugged into an electrical outlet.

Since I have had lumbar fusion surgery, I am happy to report that I can feel the ground again. It may not sound like a big deal but it is if your legs and feet have been numb and tingly for 2 ½ years. So now that I can feel the earth underneath me, I want to bring up the subject of grounding.

Grounding has to do with living inside your body and having a connection with the earth. Think of grounding as being anchored to the ground. Grounding allows for an inflow of energy to feed your bodily systems and an outflow of energy to release excessive charge in your body. Assessing the energy of the earth is essential when working with other people’s energy.

As a bodyworker, you should find a connection with the earth and feel the energy in your feet. Your feet have minor chakras that bring in and distribute energy in your body. In the morning before you get out of bed, rotate your ankles 50 times in each direction. When you put your feet on the ground, imagine energy flowing up through the inner arches of your feet. Direct the energy up through your core and take 3 deep breaths. Pay attention to your connection with the ground as you go through your day!

What are some ways to ground yourself?
1) Physical activity
2) Relaxation exercises
3) Eat food that is grounding and not over stimulating
4) Take a bath
5) Receive a massage
6) Stand in the grass barefoot and feel the earth underneath your feet
7) Engage in an activity that involves the senses
8) Listen to a CD of drumming
9) Wear grounding stones such as hematite, obsidian, or tigers eye
10) Get out into nature

Karina Braun

Learn the Braun Method of Personal Body Maintenance
Feel free..
Live healthy..

Discussion Forum

Shameful if Injured

Started by Karina Braun Nov 9, 2010.

Have you had an injury in your career? 1 Reply

Started by Karina Braun. Last reply by Darcy Neibaur Jun 27, 2010.

Self care tips 2 Replies

Started by Karina Braun. Last reply by Darcy Neibaur Jun 27, 2010.

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Comment by Karina Braun on September 15, 2014 at 1:30pm

Earn 12 CE Hours. Early registration price ending soon!

Sphere Therapeutix® is a bodywork therapy that will help to create space in the body and reduce pain and tension through the use of pressure and traction with a 4″ air filled sphere combined with t spheres®, neuromuscular techniques, and stretching.

Conditions that can be treated with Sphere Therapeutix:
• Low back pain
• Sciatica
• Overuse Syndrome of the upper and lower extremities
• Carpal Tunnel
• Plantar Fasciitis
• SI Joint Pain

November 3 & 4, 2014 Northwest Career College Las Vegas, NV


Comment by Dawn Lewis on March 4, 2014 at 3:19pm

Spontaneous Muscle Release Technique (SMRT) Class Schedule:

        SMRT: Hips, Lower Back, & Abdomen, Winter Park, FL, April 4-6, 2014, 24 CE's

                       ***10% discount ends today***

        SMRT: Shoulder, Axilla, Ribcage, & Upper Back, Rochester, MN, April 25-27, 2014, 24 CE's

        SMRT: Thighs & Knees, Seattle, WA, May 9-10, 2014, 12 CE's

        SMRT: Lower Legs & Feet, Seattle, WA, May 10-11, 2014, 12 CE's

        SMRT: Head & Neck, Coeur d'Alene, ID, May 16-17, 2014, 12 CE's

        SMRT: Back & Spine, Coeur d'Alene, ID, May 17-18, 2014, 12 CE's

        SMRT: Head & Neck, Watford City, ND, June 13 -14, 2014, 12 CE's

        SMRT: Arm & Hand, Watford City, ND, June 14-15, 2014, 12 CE's

                       The following classes will be on our website by March 10th

        SMRT: Shoulder, Axilla, Ribcage, & Upper Back, Moorhead, MN, July 18-20, 2014, 24 CE's

        SMRT: Head & Neck, Atlanta, GA, August 1-2, 2014, 12 CE's

        SMRT: Back & Spine, Atlanta, GA, August 2-3, 2014, 12 CE's

        SMRT: Shoulder, Axilla, Ribcage, & Upper Back, Durham, NC, September 5-7, 2014, 24 CE's

        SMRT: Thighs & Knees, Boulder, CO, October 3-4, 2014, 12 CE's

        SMRT: Lower Legs & Feet, Boulder, CO, October 4-5, 2014, 12 CE's

To register, go to

Comment by Dawn Lewis on March 3, 2014 at 3:59pm

Have you ever had a client with a thick, tight piriformis?  Maybe you used your forearms, elbows, thumbs, and worked like crazy to get the tone to come down.  But, when you went back to piriformis, it was hypertonic again.  Has this ever happened to you?  One of the main reasons piriformis gets, and remains, tight is that the second through fourth sacral vertebrae are compressed.  This compresses the fibers of piriformis' origin, and creates hypertonicity in the muscle.  Unlocking the sacrum can be done quickly and easily.  I have a client that I have been seeing for almost 20 years.  When he first came to me, he was convinced that a girl like me would never have enough pressure for him.  He had fairly severe piriformis syndrome or psuedo-sciatica and had been getting massage for several years with limited results.  Needless to say, my pressure was fine, but it was the Spontaneous Muscle Release Technique or SMRT that really took our first session over the top.  I unlocked his sacrum, released both piriformis muscles, as well as the rest of the hip tissue in both hips and bilateral hamstrings.  One session, that is all it took with SMRT to get rid of his piriformis syndrome, and I had a client for life.  He came back every week and had me do the same massage for six months, just to be sure it would stay gone.  It came back - 15 years later after his second hip replacement.  It took us one session to fully release piriformis and it was gone again.  Work SMaRTer on piriformis!  Get better results for the client in a way that is easier on your body.  Join us in Winter Park, FL to learn this and much more.  10% discount ends Tuesday, March 4th.

Comment by Dawn Lewis on February 28, 2014 at 2:33pm

Hi Everyone! This is a link to our newest newsletter article -

Comment by Dawn Lewis on February 26, 2014 at 6:52am
I read an article recently from a link posted on facebook about plantar fasciitis. The author of the article said plantar fasciitis is largely misunderstood. First, it was thought to be a shortening of the plantar fascia, then inflammation where the plantar fascia attaches at the medial process of the calcaneal tuberosity, but lately the thinking is that the symptoms may not be in the plantar fascia at all. When the bones of the foot become compressed, whether this happens because of types of shoes worn, surgeries, and/or compensation patterns, there is damage done to the connective tissue attaching to and surrounding those bones. Compression of the tarsal bones leads to shortening of this connective tissue, and because the bones do not move fully while walking, a chafing of the connective tissue with each step. I have several clients with this issue, and with most a combination of deep tissue and SMRT works fairly well for maintenance, but for one client this only increases the inflammation. Knowing that SMRT would not increase inflammation, this week I dropped the deep tissue and combined the SMRT with myofascial unwinding. After the session, she had no pain for the first time in months. Check out Spontaneous Muscle Release Technique for the feet on video at or join us for a live seminar in Seattle,
Comment by Dawn Lewis on February 24, 2014 at 7:16am
The muscle tissue in the neck can be extremely tender and hypertonic. One of the main reasons for this is immobility or misalignment of the cervical vertebrae. Releasing the cervical ligaments unlocks the vertebrae, allowing more movement and a natural realignment of the vertebrae. When the vertebrae are mobile and moving back into their natural space, the muscle tissue is far less tender and hypertonicity is lessened automatically and instantly. For example, the scalene muscles attach to each of the cervical transverse processes from C2 through C7. Working with the muscle without addressing vertebral immobility and misalignment can cause quite a bit of pain. That pain is significantly reduced by working with the vertebral ligaments first. To see how this is done, check out: Get more SMRT releases for the cervical ligaments and the muscles of the neck at
Comment by Dawn Lewis on February 21, 2014 at 10:25am

I had an interesting incident at my chiropractor's office this week.  My chiropractor likes to use electrostimulation before each adjustment.  While I was prone on a table with my head turned to the side and electrostim pads on my mid and lower back, the man on the other table, who had had the pads on his hip, got up and walked to the restroom.

I remarked to the receptionist that he had a shortened psoas.  "A short what?"  She asked.  "It's the main hip flexor muscle.  His left side is short and imbalancing his hips."  I said.  Then I apologized for mentioning it.  "No," she said, "tell me more, that's my husband."  "Oh, well then maybe I can just fix it before he gets his adjustment."  I said.  "That would be great."  She said.

So, we put him back on the table in a supine position.  I did 2 moves on each iliopsoas muscle.  It all took about 2 minutes, and he went in to be adjusted.  The chiropractor later told me he had adjusted better than he ever had.  The next day, this man emailed me and asked if he could get an appointment with me.  Although he had been getting consistent massage for years, he informed me that his hip had not felt this good in a decade and he felt it was "a miracle".

I would love to see you in Winter Park, FL and show you how to release iliopsoas in 2 minutes. 10% tuition discount ends March 4, 2014.

Comment by Dawn Lewis on February 19, 2014 at 3:54pm

        I have just finished proofing the video for our Lower Extremities DVD.  This DVD set will be over 6 hours long with extras.  The Spontaneous Muscle Release Technique information is exciting, from the ability to quickly release the deltoid ligament in the medial ankle to the ACL release that creates instant mobility in the knee, from the move that softens the ITT in 30 seconds to the ability to unlock the groin muscles without working directly on the pubic bone, from the release for the connective tissue at the popliteal fossa to the instant removal of adhesions between the hamstrings, it is fabulous.  And the extras in this set really excite me.  Patti does a take on active isolated stretching, both on the client and for you, the therapist, and Rhonda's yoga flows beautifully, and is designed to enhance your body mechanics.  Full Circle is an approved massage therapy continuing education provider through the NCBTMB, as well as in NY and ND.  This set is approved for 24 CE's.  To order,

Comment by Dawn Lewis on February 17, 2014 at 1:01pm

        Gluteus Maximus is a large muscle with many attachments.  It originates from the posterior iliac crest, the posterior inferior sacrum and the posterior coccyx.  This means tension in gluteus maximus can affect the position of these bones.  It also means that a shift or compression in these bones can have an effect on tension in gluteus maximus.  If there is an imbalance between the left and right gluteus maximus (i.e. one is hypertonic, the other is hypotonic), these bones will be pulled to the hypertonic side.  This muscle inserts on the gluteal tuberosity and the iliotibial band, which means that tension in gluteus maximus can pull the femur into a lateral rotation or a posterior position.  Additionally, since it attaches to the IT band, any imbalance can cause either too much or not enough tension in the IT band.  This link is to a video that shows an SMRT release for gluteus maximus:  This release will take tone down in hypertonic muscles and bring tone up in hypotonic muscles.  If you find that it does not work, it is possible the issue is a bony misalignment.   Get more SMRT releases for the hip at

Comment by Dawn Lewis on February 14, 2014 at 9:13am

I teach Spontaneous Muscle Release Technique, which is one of the most effective and easiest massage modalities to do.

Can't wait to go to Winter Park, FL the beginning of April!  It is so cold here in Colorado, I am looking forward to teaching this course just for a change in weather!  We had such amazing things happen in the last hip, lower back, and abdomen course though, that I am also really looking forward to the fantastic things that will happen in class in FL.  One of the reasons to take CE's is just to get worked on, to be reminded of why we do what we do, and to get the work that our bodies crave.  Some massage therapists get regular massage, but most do not.  We are busy taking care of others and neglect us.  But attending  a CE class has the advantage of letting us know why we became massage therapists in the first place, and, hopefully, of fixing some of our own issues.  Personally, I had been having sacral pain for over a year.  I finally had some SMRT work done on myself, and the pain has lessened significantly.  Hope to see you in Winter Park!


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