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Creating Peace with Your Hands


Creating Peace with Your Hands

Injury Prevention and Self-Care for Massage Therapists

Location: Las Vegas
Members: 116
Latest Activity: Aug 15, 2018

Injury Prevention ans Self-Care for Bodyworkers

How Do You Ground Yourself?

Do you think about the connection between the earth and your feet when you wake up and put your feet on the ground? Well you should, especially if you are going to be working in someone else’s energy field. You are an electromagnetic being and you ground energy just like an appliance that is plugged into an electrical outlet.

Since I have had lumbar fusion surgery, I am happy to report that I can feel the ground again. It may not sound like a big deal but it is if your legs and feet have been numb and tingly for 2 ½ years. So now that I can feel the earth underneath me, I want to bring up the subject of grounding.

Grounding has to do with living inside your body and having a connection with the earth. Think of grounding as being anchored to the ground. Grounding allows for an inflow of energy to feed your bodily systems and an outflow of energy to release excessive charge in your body. Assessing the energy of the earth is essential when working with other people’s energy.

As a bodyworker, you should find a connection with the earth and feel the energy in your feet. Your feet have minor chakras that bring in and distribute energy in your body. In the morning before you get out of bed, rotate your ankles 50 times in each direction. When you put your feet on the ground, imagine energy flowing up through the inner arches of your feet. Direct the energy up through your core and take 3 deep breaths. Pay attention to your connection with the ground as you go through your day!

What are some ways to ground yourself?
1) Physical activity
2) Relaxation exercises
3) Eat food that is grounding and not over stimulating
4) Take a bath
5) Receive a massage
6) Stand in the grass barefoot and feel the earth underneath your feet
7) Engage in an activity that involves the senses
8) Listen to a CD of drumming
9) Wear grounding stones such as hematite, obsidian, or tigers eye
10) Get out into nature

Karina Braun

Learn the Braun Method of Personal Body Maintenance
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Discussion Forum

Shameful if Injured

Started by Karina Braun Nov 9, 2010.

Have you had an injury in your career? 1 Reply

Started by Karina Braun. Last reply by Darcy Neibaur Jun 27, 2010.

Self care tips 2 Replies

Started by Karina Braun. Last reply by Darcy Neibaur Jun 27, 2010.

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Comment by Kimberly Rogers on March 11, 2010 at 5:05pm
Thanks for posting the yoga positions!
Comment by Karina Braun on March 8, 2010 at 11:58am
Do you experience low back pain or stiffness especially after sitting? Use a kneeling chair at your computer. When you sit for long periods of time, you can feel stiffness and pain. When the body is in a perched or kneeling position, forces on the lumbar spine are less and muscle balance is more equal. The concept of an inclined seat allows the opportunity for better posture. This position allows for equal weight to be transferred through the spine. Check out for various kneeling chairs.

Karina Braun
Personal Body Maintenance for Bodyworkers
Comment by Karina Braun on March 4, 2010 at 12:48pm
This article is about the day in a life of an Olympic Athlete. Although bodyworkers are not Olympic Athletes, we are still athletes. As written in my book, Creating Peace with Your Hands, you have to think of yourself as an athlete and get plenty of rest, proper nutrition, do warm up and after care, and take your resting heart rate in the morning to see if you are overtraining. Think like an athlete for a long and healthy career.

Karina Braun
Personal Body Maintenance for Bodyworkers
Comment by Karina Braun on March 4, 2010 at 12:47pm
Excellent. Thanks Darcy! I am so glad you enjoyed it. Have a great day!
Comment by Darcy Neibaur on March 3, 2010 at 6:47pm
I enjoyed reading your article in Massage Magazine's On line version today. Thank you so much for sharing.
Comment by Karina Braun on February 25, 2010 at 1:50pm
Feel your base chakra at the root of your spine. The base chakra is the first chakra and runs at the lowest vibration of energy. Sit in a chair and close your eyes. Take your focus to the pelvic floor. Breathe into this area for 3 minutes. Sense the grounding energy as you imagine a four petal lotus vibrating and giving energy to all the body’s systems. Experience the stability you get from the earth under you and translate this into your daily life.

Karina Braun
Personal Body Maintenance for Bodyworkers
Comment by Karina Braun on February 22, 2010 at 12:40pm
Perform downward facing dog to draw earth energy into your body from the feet and the hands. Since bodyworkers transfer energy through the hands, they should be aware of the minor chakras in the hands as well as, the feet. Downward facing dog is a great pose to stretch the back of the body and hamstrings. This pose is also good for opening the shoulders. Start with your body on all fours. Tuck the toes under as you lift the pelvis and press back to straighten legs. Spread your fingers and ground down into the ground as you press up. Rotate your humerus externally and lengthen the collarbones. Slide the scapulas down the back as you let the head hang. Lift the kneecaps to engage the quads and rotate the upper thighs internally. Sink your heels into the ground. Bend your knees if you feel too much stretch in the hamstrings. Stay in the pose for 3 breaths and feel the energy flowing through the hands and the feet.

Karina Braun
Personal Body Maintenance for Bodyworkers

Comment by Karina Braun on February 19, 2010 at 1:29pm
Performing massage with the feet is a great way to apply pressure. This type of massage has a lot of usefulness. Know when it is appropriate to use the feet and use long, broad strokes. The feet should not be used to do technical or precise strokes like the hands would do. Just keep it simple with your feet and you are less likely to get injured. Take care of your feet in addition to your hands for health and longevity.
Comment by Karina Braun on February 12, 2010 at 4:49pm
Ohio State study: Body posture affects confidence in your own thoughts. Sitting up straight in your chair isn’t just good for your posture – it also gives you more confidence in your own thoughts, according to a new study co-authored by Richard Petty, professor of psychology at Ohio State University.
Researchers found that people who were told to sit up straight were more likely to believe thoughts they wrote down while in that posture concerning whether they were qualified for a job.
On the other hand, those who were slumped over their desks were less likely to accept these written-down feelings about their own qualifications.
Petty says the results show how our body posture can affect not only what others think about us, but also how we think about ourselves.
“Most of us were taught that sitting up straight gives a good impression to other people. But it turns out that our posture can also affect how we think about ourselves. If you sit up straight, you end up convincing yourself by the posture you’re in.” CONTACT: Jeff Grabmeier, (614) 292-8457; SEE:
Comment by Karina Braun on January 26, 2010 at 2:02pm
What are some ways I can ground myself?
1) Physical activity
2) Relaxation exercises
3) Eat food that is grounding and not over stimulating
4) Take a bath
5) Receive a massage
6) Stand in grass and feel the earth underneath your feet

Karina Braun
Personal Body Maintenance for Bodyworkers

Members (116)


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