massage and bodywork professionals

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As a massage therapist, how do you differentiate yourself from other therapists?  As an outcall therapist I'm always looking for new ways to set myself apart.


Here's an example of what it is I do. 


Click this link:  How Day Spa's Actually Stress You Out!


Please note that I've nothing against Day Spa's or working in any massage establishment.  Keep in mind that I've also got a list of 'fears' people may have for allowing a stranger into their home.  (Outcall therapist coming to a new clients home.)  I could create a page stating just the opposite of this one.  Again, what I'm looking to do is set myself apart.  What do we do differently?  How do we 'get the word out' about our specialty?  What can we use to our advantage?  Something we're already doing but few know about?


This also follows along the lines of:  Mentioning a problem, agitate the problem, and then provide the solution. 


A couple things I do in this worth mentioning:


I relate to busy people.  I commiserate with them a bit.  Let them know that 'I understand.' 

Solutions are provided to the problem at hand.  

I give them specific reasons to choose my massage practice.

I use 'free' but only to lead them to re-schedule with me.

I use massage gift certificates.

A referral system is used that benefits everyone involved.

Up-selling to a more expensive massage package or 'couples massage' is in there.

Discounts are used drawing them to re-schedule.

Testimonials (with contact info) are used to boost credibility.

FREE reports and information is used to value-add.

Benefits of massage therapy are used.

I put emphasis on contacting me immediately as well as list my contact info several times telling them exactly what to do.

I emphasize that they need to act quickly.  (Similar to an expiration date.)

I guarantee my work, once again adding credibility and making them feel more at ease to give me a call.  (FWIW, I've NEVER had to give money back to a client, nor have I been questioned about the quality of my massage.  No one has ever tried to scam me either.  On the flip side, stating that you guarantee your work does wonders for increasing your credibility and 'loosing people up' to call you.) 


So now the question is, what are YOU doing to break away from the pack?  What makes your business special and do prospective massage clients know about what makes your business unique?




P.S. - Now before anyone blows a gasket over the specifics mentioned on that page, please note that it's an example.  Change it based on your own massage practice.  If you don't do 'free,' then don't do free.  If you need a client to refer you five clients before they get a freebie, do that.  Ya'll with me?  :-) 




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