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Dear Terri - Thanks so much for your post. It poses an interesting question regarding whether or not someone should be excluded from participating in a Reiki Master class. To date, I haven't found it necessary to refuse admission to any applicants for a Reiki Master Level class. I've taught Reiki eleven years. It is a question well worth considering. It seems that there might be circumstances where carefully selecting the participants would be advantageous for the entire class. This selection process may involve excluding someone who the instructor feels is not quite ready for one reason or another. I'm looking forward to reading the responses from the group. Warmly, Ariana Vincent, Reiki Master, Ariana Institute,
I agree with you. I require an essay from students interested in being attuned to Reiki Master to help me discern what their goals are. I don't think you are being too cautious. I think you are discerning and conscious.
It is my opinion that yes, you can chose who will be in your master course. The exercise of caution, though, is wise so that the assumption of whatever reason that may have for not attuning an individual to Reiki Master, is not bases in the thought that they are not to be a Reiki Master. It is for the Universe to decide who attunes whom and how they are attuned. We don't know all that is in the Universal Mind. So, we can only go by what we have/know now, and let the Universe handle the rest.
The Universe calls Reiki Masters. Through training we learn basics and fundamentals. It is that calling, whether attuned by another individual or not, that determines whether or not a person is a "true" Reiki Master. Again, the Universe will take care of the Universe, and all that is within. An individual may pursue the path of Reiki Master, and even become attuned, but if that is not their true calling, the Universe will direct them to where they are supposed to be.
There are those who will take any course just to get CEU's. As well there are those who just want to put additional letters behind their names. (To that, I am still of the opinion that the Universe can more than handle those who's intentions may not be the best. And It always does.
Sure, there are those out there in every profession who have a negative impact on whatever it is that they do. But it is the many more who do what they do because they are drawn to it and love to do it that make the difference. In the learning, even just for CEU's, the individuals are still getting something.
Out of curiosity, why is the Master level that much more important to "sift" than Level 1 or 2? There, to me, is where the discussions of whether or not a person is to practice Reiki starts. Being the closeted hopeless optimist that I am, if a person is drawn enough to Reiki (or some other form or energy work) to consider, 'well it is a CEU', they are being drawn for other reasons that they may not realize yet. They may have to figure some things out along the way; even work on an issue or two, but they have the base/foundation, and the courses will serve to help them move past their selves. It is my hope that they will move to the point of letting go and then shift their intentions to begin using Reiki as a tool for serving others.
In my opinion, I do not think that you have the right to make that decision. People are drawn to Reiki for reasons that we do not know. If you are questioning their motives or abilities, then maybe require that they have taken at least one class with you or provide adequate documentation that shows that they have had proper training. While I understand what you mean, Reiki is about healing, but you are being paid to provide a service. These people are being guided to you for a reason.
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