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Name the muscle that attaches to the scapula beginning with the letter O ? Ask your educator or search the web !

Can you name this muscle and its action and attachments ? If you know you can answere this question you must then ask another muscle question = A with a Q
Keep the A+Q chain running ! get that brain working, clues can be action, origin or insertion orientated.

Views: 269

Replies to This Discussion

wow... this discussion cooled off, eh?

Old Question: What is the primary plane of action of the rectus capitis posterior minor?

Answer: the primary plane of action of the suboccipital muscle (a muscle group considered to be more of a sensory organ, or stabilizer, rather than mover) rectus capitis posterior minor would be saggital (i.e., extension of the head at the atlanto-occipital joint).

New Question: What muscle is the primary mover of the head on the trunk?

Joseph E. Muscolino said:
Do you mean the pes anserine group? (sartorius, gracilis, semitendinosus). The wording of the question got me for a while...

another question: What is the primary plane of action of the rectus capitis posterior minor?

Jaya Jeff Sims said:
magnus! ... adductor magnus is known as the fourth hamstring as part of it attaches proximally to the ischial tuberosity. i think there's some common layers of fascia that magnus and the hamstrings share also...

next question: identify the three muscles that share a common distal attachment with proximal attachments that include the ischial tuberosity, the pubis, and the ASIS? bonus question: what is the name of the distal attachment structure?

Stephen Jeffrey said:
Dominiques Question:
What construct is often referred to by functional anatomists as the fourth hamstring and why?


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