massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

Stephen Jeffrey
  • Male
  • London
  • United Kingdom

Stephen Jeffrey's Friends

  • Leigha Rosenholtz
  • Allison Kate Dutton
  • Alison Scrivens
  • Megan Ho
  • Ben Pianese
  • Patricia K White
  • Mystro | Massage Software
  • Dawn Grossi, LMT
  • Danielle Tyer
  • Kerrie Milner
  • Diana Brill
  • Alison Cox
  • Michael C McDonald
  • Bette Harvey
  • Linda

Stephen Jeffrey's Groups

Stephen Jeffrey's Discussions

Post traumatic stress disorder.
12 Replies

Would returning soldiers be less likely to suffer post traumatic stress disorder if they got regular massage on return or even in the field?  Before they had a chance for the brain  to LTP (long term…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by Gary W Addis, LMT Feb 25, 2015.

Even the best MRI's can miss dangerous bone breakages.
11 Replies

  Listen to your client, listen to your intuition, what's telling you something ain't right with this client !!! Scary stuff !!!Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by Kay Warren Sep 27, 2011.


Stephen Jeffrey's Page

Latest Activity

Jenny Lancey joined Stephen Jeffrey's group

Massage and Energy work united.

This group is for therapists that unite the above in a unique way.
Mar 8
Brandon Joe Rutten joined Stephen Jeffrey's group


This group is dedicated to formulating a good knowledge base from which MT's can obtain a high level of understanding of  the condition and how best to treat the fibromyalgia client seeking their help.   See More
Aug 7, 2020
Sheila Azutillo joined Stephen Jeffrey's group

Massage and Energy work united.

This group is for therapists that unite the above in a unique way.
Sep 6, 2019

Profile Information

What is your website?
Which modalities do you practice?
Integrative Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Sports Massage, Reiki, Trigger Point Therapy, Energy Work

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The above video is a presentation from 2010 dupuytrens symposium.

The presenter reveals the believed complex processes that are taking place at a cellular level and why and how the drug treatment her company promotes may work. She does such an excellent job of explaning the these processes it also reveals how we can help with massage!  


To many MT's can't stomach cadaver style lectures so its time to introduce them to a symbolic artifical membrane/membrane's that connect them with the amazing massage they are doing by working with fascia.



Proper clinical trails may be impossible due to the volitility of the condition, indeed one could argue that in pursuing a favourable outcome we meet the neuroplasticity of the brain at it most defensive in obtaining substantive long term elimination of symtoms.
 TP's possible make media site. ERIC fibro fog lack of balance lower limb triggerpoints. Joe muscolino's explaination of nerve conduction and neuroplasticity muscular inhibition use.



Chronic Pelvic Pain
Chronic Pelvic Pain – Part 2: An Integrated management Approach



Physical Therapy and Pudendal Nerve Entrapment



Chronic pelvic pain: Pelvic floor problems, sacroiliac dysfunction and the trigger point connection



Frequency, urgency, and pelvic pain: Treating the pelvic floor versus the epithelium



How cells (might) sense microgravity



Identification of viscoelastic parameters of skin with a scar in vivo, influence of soft tissue technique on changes of skin parameters


  1. Pelvic Floor Myofascial Trigger Points: Manual Therapy for Interstitial Cystitis and Urgency/FrequencySyndrome
  2. Put and End to Pelvic Pain



Stephen Jeffrey's Blog

Misconceptions about knee pain "its deep in the joint/cartilage, arthritic, part of getting older?" simple solutions for you and your clients.

I have recently asked all my clients about their knee pain. They had not perceived massage as able to offer effective relief as they frequently thought it was bone or cartilage pain.

The following, is a suggested method you can try, on a big cross section of your clients from athletes to chronic pain sufferers.

First practice this during "swap treatments " with your fellow massage…


Posted on October 6, 2010 at 2:30pm — 4 Comments

Chronic pain, your clients FIRST visit.

I've just had my most successful year so far with people suffering chronic pain. Thoracic outlet syndrome 9yrs , Migraine 20 yrs , Back Pain 8 yrs and many more.

I wish to state how important your clients first visit is, and how you might attempt to set yourself apart from "other professionals " in the eyes of your new client.


You must allocate extra time to their first visit to enable them to relax and tell you everything thats on their minds in…


Posted on September 19, 2010 at 11:30am — 13 Comments

Protecting female therapists from males seeking sexual services.

Its already been the subject of many discussions on here, but are there any websites specifically set up to educate new female therapists on exactley how to word their web pages to minimise this occuring.

Here in the UK we've still got therapists web pages listing home phone numbers, full home addresses, and useing wording begging the double entendre.

Please tell me someone has a great site to which I can refere these innocents.



Posted on August 21, 2010 at 9:27am — 4 Comments

Hip Rotators, treatment and Pelvic stability issues ?

Hi all,
How often do you treat your clients hip rotators and how important do you view their ability to stabilize the head of the femur onto the Pelvis.
Its an intimate area to treat (I work through a towel side lying) does this cause you any problems?
Regards steve

Posted on October 1, 2009 at 6:26am — 6 Comments

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At 4:09am on June 10, 2014, Stephen Jeffrey said…

Keloid and hypertrophic scar: neurogenic inflammation hypotheses.

At 1:59am on May 14, 2014, Stephen Jeffrey said…

Mechanical effects of compression of peripheral nerves.

At 12:59am on May 14, 2014, Stephen Jeffrey said…

Sympathetic modulation of activity in rat dorsal root ganglion neurons changes over time following peripheral nerve injury.

At 12:50am on May 14, 2014, Stephen Jeffrey said…

Chronic nerve compression induces local demyelination and remyelination in a rat model of carpal tunnel syndrome.

At 12:35am on May 14, 2014, Stephen Jeffrey said…

Axotomy Upregulates the Anterograde Transport and Expression of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor by Sensory Neurons

At 12:21am on May 14, 2014, Stephen Jeffrey said…

Three distinct axonal transport rates for tau, tubulin, and other microtubule-associated proteins: evidence for dynamic interactions of tau with microtubules in vivo.

Our findings also reveal differences among various MAPs in their interactions with microtubules and provide evidence that assembly and reorganization of the microtubule network is an active process even after axons establish connections and fully mature.

Free full text

At 12:07am on May 14, 2014, Stephen Jeffrey said…

Redistribution of cytoskeletal proteins in mammalian axons disconnected from their cell bodies.

At 12:01am on May 14, 2014, Stephen Jeffrey said…

Retrograde transport of plasticity signals in Aplysia sensory neurons following axonal injury.

At 11:56pm on May 13, 2014, Stephen Jeffrey said…

Speckle microscopic evaluation of microtubule transport in growing nerve processes.

At 11:52pm on May 13, 2014, Stephen Jeffrey said…

Positive injury signals induce growth and prolong survival in Aplysia neurons.

At 11:47pm on May 13, 2014, Stephen Jeffrey said…

Modifications in the cytoskeleton transported by slow component A during axonal regeneration.

At 5:09pm on May 13, 2014, Stephen Jeffrey said…

Effects of graded compression on intraneural blood blow. An in vivo study on rabbit tibial nerve.

At 5:00pm on May 13, 2014, Stephen Jeffrey said…

Rapid axonal transport of glycerophospholipids in regenerating hypoglossal nerve of the rabbit.

At 4:51pm on May 13, 2014, Stephen Jeffrey said…

Local down-regulation of myelin-associated glycoprotein permits axonal sprouting with chronic nerve compression injury.

At 4:37pm on May 13, 2014, Stephen Jeffrey said…

Neuronal injury increases retrograde axonal transport of the neurotrophins to spinal sensory neurons and motor neurons via multiple receptor mechanisms.

At 4:13pm on May 13, 2014, Stephen Jeffrey said…

Changes in fast axonal transport during experimental nerve compression at low pressures.

At 4:09pm on May 13, 2014, Stephen Jeffrey said…

Axotomy accelerates slow component b of axonal transport.

At 3:58pm on May 13, 2014, Stephen Jeffrey said…

Skin rubdown with a dry towel activates natural killer cells in bedridden old patients.

At 3:48pm on May 13, 2014, Stephen Jeffrey said…
At 3:45pm on May 13, 2014, Stephen Jeffrey said…

Motor and sensory nerve conduction are affected differently by ice pack, ice massage, and cold water immersion.


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