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Thanks Massage Magazine for highlighting nontraditional modalities!

VERONA, NJ, November 18, 2009 /Cambridge Who's Who/ -- Heide I. Nispel, Owner of New Planet Earth, has been recognized by Cambridge Who's Who for demonstrating dedication, leadership and excellence in massage therapy as well as her research and application of nontraditional healing modalities with origins in Eastern tradition - healing body, mind and spirit.

As the owner of New Planet Earth, Ms. Nispel is responsible for working independently with private clients and through Spa facilities and giving classes for nontraditional healing modalities. She currently performs environmental clearing work from electromagnetic frequency toxicity of private and public spaces and work environments and is doing research in energy balancing of chakras and elemental organ energies using specially designed tools for this process. After undergoing back surgery 20 years ago, she was inspired to explore nontraditional ways of healing and attributes her success to her unending quest for knowledge, hard work and integrity.

Would love to see more information about everything energy. I really know very little, but the more forces seem to fight against even discussing it openly, the more I want to about it and know why they resist so much. I would love to hear from those who have something to share. You are more than welcome to send me a message. Thanks!

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Interesting, Mike! I for one am deeply interested in energy work of all kinds. I have come to bellieve that we were given all that we need to survive in these bodies. The trick is to believe it whole heartedly, without a doubt. I hope you will check out the modality I spoke of with you last night in chat. I have experienced it as have others in my family. It is gentle and it works.
The blessing of energy work is it's gentleness. The premise is that all di-ease starts as a disturbance or block in our energy body. It can have started with as simple a thing as Mommy saying, "Take that dress off. It is ugly." That remark is taken in and can set off an entire chain of psychological events.Trick is to release it.
I am just learning it all also, Mike. Have been a nurse for 25+ years and I now see that pills only mask symptoms. Getting to the root of the problem can lead to a real cure.
We will talk more. I love learning and exploring this stuff.
Hi Mike,

What kind of info are you looking for? I have several experiences I could share that personally impacted me during my practice.

Not meaning to sound trite here... energy work always puts me into a state of awe. I know it exists and has profound impacts with many of the clients I work with. Even after practicing for 12 years, each experience causes me to step back for a moment and go "holy @#%#, this stuff really works!!!".

For those of us who facilitate energy work, we know it is effective, no doubts about it. I do not wish to offend anyone here for all the opinions that have been shared, but when you participate and live in the kind of awareness developed through energy work, the efforts of people who try to block its progression or try to refute it seem insignificant. Its like trying to say the sky really isn't blue. For those who can see, the sky is definately blue, or rather what we call the color blue. To those who can't see, the color of the sky really doesn't matter and it just seems like a silly argument.

Hmmm,... I just reread my last paragraph. Am I making any sense?

When you let go of expectations, the results of energy work can be mind blowing. You begin to perceive a much bigger picture of the universe. Kind of like Neo when he discovers his life in the Matrix was just a construct, a dream. And what is considered by most as the entirety of life is just the tip of the iceberg.

I'm gonna stop now before I'm written off as a complete nut.

Me too. An acupunturist, I had for a friend, learned at Beijing Hospital. He told me of patients healing in six weeks there using acupunture during open heart surgery. He said it takes 6 months here to heal afterwards.

I think this may be part of the Western fear. If these things are proven, their way, will go by the way. I think there is a lot of commomn ground. But I hear a lot of fear as well.

A friend just sent me this and I am checking on it. One modality, Reiki, is currently used in or referred by 50 major hospitals across the U.S.

Look forward to talking with you too, have a safe evening!
I promise I will not start ranting about the machiavelien nature of pharmaceutical companies controling western medicine. There are reasons why doctors get in trouble from the AMA for making reasonable suggestions to their patients like eating more nutritional food or using herbs and essential oils instead of pharmaceutical medicines. At least that is what I have heard.

Mike Hinkle said:
Me too. An acupunturist, I had for a friend, learned at Beijing Hospital. He told me of patients healing in six weeks there using acupunture during open heart surgery. He said it takes 6 months here to heal afterwards.

I think this may be part of the Western fear. If these things are proven, their way, will go by the way. I think there is a lot of commomn ground. But I hear a lot of fear as well.

A friend just sent me this and I am checking on it. One modality, Reiki, is currently used in or referred by 50 major hospitals across the U.S.

Look forward to talking with you too, have a safe evening!
Gerry, there is no need to worry about anything you feel and or want to express, however you want to. I got your back. We are here to discuss and that's what we are going to do. No matter how it seems to others, your voice carries the same weight as anyones does.

I am looking for all the research I can get my hands on. I want to help promote energy work. Nay-sayers only make me more determined. Especially, if they holler and have no proof to the contrary. There are studies that can be organized and I am already talking with volunteers to do some of these studies. There are several doctors that are wanting to supervise and we are starting to organize. I'll let you know details as we get more organized. Do you have a group in the VA area? Would like eight regions doing different work. Keep the Faith!

Gerry Bunnell said:
Hi Mike,

What kind of info are you looking for? I have several experiences I could share that personally impacted me during my practice.

Not meaning to sound trite here... energy work always puts me into a state of awe. I know it exists and has profound impacts with many of the clients I work with. Even after practicing for 12 years, each experience causes me to step back for a moment and go "holy @#%#, this stuff really works!!!".

For those of us who facilitate energy work, we know it is effective, no doubts about it. I do not wish to offend anyone here for all the opinions that have been shared, but when you participate and live in the kind of awareness developed through energy work, the efforts of people who try to block its progression or try to refute it seem insignificant. Its like trying to say the sky really isn't blue. For those who can see, the sky is definately blue, or rather what we call the color blue. To those who can't see, the color of the sky really doesn't matter and it just seems like a silly argument.

Hmmm,... I just reread my last paragraph. Am I making any sense?

When you let go of expectations, the results of energy work can be mind blowing. You begin to perceive a much bigger picture of the universe. Kind of like Neo when he discovers his life in the Matrix was just a construct, a dream. And what is considered by most as the entirety of life is just the tip of the iceberg.

I'm gonna stop now before I'm written off as a complete nut.

I like what you have to say, Gerry! Makes very perfect sense.

Gerry Bunnell said:
Hi Mike,

What kind of info are you looking for? I have several experiences I could share that personally impacted me during my practice.

Not meaning to sound trite here... energy work always puts me into a state of awe. I know it exists and has profound impacts with many of the clients I work with. Even after practicing for 12 years, each experience causes me to step back for a moment and go "holy @#%#, this stuff really works!!!".

For those of us who facilitate energy work, we know it is effective, no doubts about it. I do not wish to offend anyone here for all the opinions that have been shared, but when you participate and live in the kind of awareness developed through energy work, the efforts of people who try to block its progression or try to refute it seem insignificant. Its like trying to say the sky really isn't blue. For those who can see, the sky is definately blue, or rather what we call the color blue. To those who can't see, the color of the sky really doesn't matter and it just seems like a silly argument.

Hmmm,... I just reread my last paragraph. Am I making any sense?

When you let go of expectations, the results of energy work can be mind blowing. You begin to perceive a much bigger picture of the universe. Kind of like Neo when he discovers his life in the Matrix was just a construct, a dream. And what is considered by most as the entirety of life is just the tip of the iceberg.

I'm gonna stop now before I'm written off as a complete nut.

Thanks for posting this, Mike. You guys are my people. ~m
I think you are neat too, Marilyn!!!

Marilyn St.John said:
Thanks for posting this, Mike. You guys are my people. ~m


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