massage and bodywork professionals
a community of practitioners
This group is dedicated to formulating a good knowledge base from which MT's can obtain a high level of understanding of the condition and how best to treat the fibromyalgia client seeking their help.
Location: World wide.
Members: 104
Latest Activity: Aug 7, 2020
The video above was created by a sufferer to convey just how complex and depressing the condition can be.
When a fibromyalgia client first visits you for treatment, it is vital to show empathy and understanding. This is due to the likelyhood she will have had an extreamly long and difficult journey in obtaining a diagnosis, The double wammy, aggresive invisable pain, and not being believed by familly or medical profession because on the outside these clients look to be in ok health. In these cases support group information will be of help. =
Chronic Pain - Is it All in Their Head? - Daniel J. Clauw M.D. The video below is a presentation by Andrew Gross MD head of Rheumatology clinic at the University of California. Massage Therapy gets very little mention in his presentation and exemplifies that MT is still struggling to get proper recognition for the help we can offer the fibromyalgia sufferer. The video does offer good insight into the possible causes and changes in the central nervous system which is well worth understanding.
An article by Eric Dalton
September/October's by Cara McGuinnis
Thanks to Kelly Sanders for the facebook link!/groups/108380879231706/
Linked in Fibromyalgia research info.
Hello members .On the February 2nd 2012 we witnessed a press release related massage therapy of extreme healing power.Massaging muscles may reduce inflammation, spur mitochondria formation. USA Today…Continue
Started by Boris Prilutsky Feb 13, 2012.
Is massage therapy recognized as an therapeutic /medical procedure???This link is to my article on this subject, where I am not only answering this question but also proposing practical steps.…Continue
Started by Boris Prilutsky Dec 11, 2011.
Various papers related to fibromyalgia research.
Nine randomized controlled trials involving 404 patients met the inclusion criteria. The meta-analyses showed that massage therapy with duration ≥5 weeks significantly improved pain
Very interesting study. Aug 2012
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a multidisciplinary treatment program in patients severely affected by fibromyalgia. Thirty-four fibromyalgia patients were randomly divided into two groups. The control group: 17 women who continued their medical treatment and participated in four educational sessions and the experimental group that included 17 patients who besides the former medical treatment also underwent a weekly 1-h session program for 8 weeks including massage therapy, ischemic pressure on the 18 tender points, aerobic exercise and thermal therapy. At the beginning of the program, there were no significant differences between the two groups in any of the parameters. At the end of treatment, there was a significant improvement in the experimental group in the following items: vitality, social functioning, grip strength and the 6-min walk test. At 1 month after the end of treatment, the experimental group showed significant differences in overall health perception, social functioning, grip strength and the 6-min walk test. At that time, considering the threshold for clinical efficacy set at an improvement of 30% or above for the analyzed variables, 25% of the patients met the requirement for improvement of the following: number of symptoms: Visual Analogic Scale for fatigue, Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire and Beck Anxiety Inventory. In conclusion, patients with severe manifestations of fibromyalgia can obtain improvement with a short-term, low-cost and simple-delivery multidisciplinary program. However, additional studies including higher numbers of patients are needed to confirm the beneficial effect of this treatment program.
Stephen, a year or so ago i read a book co-authored by Devin Starlanyl and John Sharkey titled "Healing Through Trigger Point Therapy...A Guide to Fibromyalgia, Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction". Their premise seems to be that FMS is due to ignored trigger points that soon breed more trigger points that breed more trigger points, etc. Pretty soon, it hurts to even think a bout moving. The pain overload eventually results in systemic sensitization. In extreme FMS cases, even the touch of clothing on the skin hurts.
Now, this could be ludicrous. But it pretty much describes the decade-long development of my sedentary sister in law's FMS.
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