Hello members,
As you may know I have a Youtube channel
https://www.youtube.com/user/mgaft1 where I have substantial amount of massage and self-massage clips. Two of them are devoted to Medical Massage protocols for Fibromyalgia management
This clip was uploaded to my channel back in 2007 and since then I received very incorrigible and thankful comments. That’s why I was somewhat surprised when I received a comment from Mrs. Valerie Lumley a self proclaimed “recovered Fibromyalgic.” Valerie tried to worn other Youtube viewers from utilizing massage in case of fibromyalgia because according to her “Massage on the neck can make it worse.” Consequently she urged viewers to “be very careful about what you learn from these videos.” As an alternative way of Fibromyalgia treatment Valery offered her book "Curing Chronic Fibromyalgia - Choosing What Works," which based on the title was suppose to cure Fibromyalgia.
Honestly, the claim of ”Curing Chronic Fibromyalgia” made me a little skeptical, because as far as I know, Fibromyalgia is not curable condition, but could only be maintained. On the other hand I was concerned with the impact of her statement could have on other people who suffer from fibromyalgia as well as, possibly, on some therapists who could get confused by it. As a matter of fact, I am very conservative when it comes to treating people and never use massage protocols, unless they were extensively clinically tested. As for Fibromyalgia medical massage protocols that I offer; they were developed through extensive research utilizing control group to test this techniques against placebo.
In order to establish causes for symptoms, participants of study have been given different tests such is radiological examination, blood tests, etc. One of the important additional tests was histological study. The research concluded that Fibromyalgia is chronic inflammation of muscles and connective tissue. This conclusion allowed scientists to develop step by step protocol that would lead to results of fibromyalgia management. Most importantly during 30 years of clinical outcomes this protocol proved to be working. Incidentally, my site offers a fibromyalgia article that, quite extensively, explains effect of massage to Fibromyalgia patients.http://medicalmassage-edu.com/ExtraArticles/Fibromyalgia.pdf, which leads me to my point…
Different people might have different bad experiences, when it comes to disorders such as Fibromyalgia. This however, doesn’t mean that they should flat out deny methodology that was developed by extensive research and was subjected to prolonged clinical test. At the same time I welcome any new development in treatment of this vicious ailment and will be happy to exchange opinions, experiences, learn from each other and hopefully make a difference in sufferings of Fibromyalgia patients.
Best Wishes