massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

Dear members.

Recently I have opened up discussion on management of fibromyalgia. Jacqueline posted very meaningful  reply.

In my opinion one sentence is a guidelines for necessary condition to succeed with our treatment .In my reply to Jacqueline I used :” Your client can come to you with preset mine that you do not provide medical
procedure.” Received personal e-mail from member where she suggesting not to
use “medical procedure”in definitions of our work. I decided not to reply on
this subject privately but by posting as a discussion topic. Using the
opportunity I would like to encourage you to post  any opinions, concerns est. from discussion we
all including myself learning a lot. Example  Jacqueline’s sentence: :"Each client is
different in their needs so i listen very carefully, communicate through the
massage and follow up." I personally see huge and deep professional
philosophical  meaning in each of Jacqueline’s
word.I mean we can open  separate
discussion on: “Each client is different in their needs”” communicate through
the massage”..:” so i listen very carefully”


back to” medical procedure”

interpretation of massage therapy is that free providing therapy by means of massage. Therapy means benefits to human health. Benefits to humans  health is a medical procedure.
Any dictionary will support my samples of words. If somebody do not feel
comfortable to use medical procedure can not use it. It is okay with me but
should keep in mind that he providing therapy, and therapy is about results,
and results as improvement in health. As you can see all this words circle is
about the same.

As well as medical massage or massage therapy means absolutely the same. I believe that conscious of this words have to be adopted by us. Using the opportunity ,would like to offer to you beautiful words that
recently come across my eyes

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented, and famous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about
shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make
manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's
in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other
people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our
presence automatically liberates others.” - Marianne Williamson

Best wishes.



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Replies to This Discussion

I would put us in the feild of medical. Why, because as a Dr. does he tries to help heal his patients.We as Massage Terapist try to heal our patients as well,not with medicine but the passion and skills that we all were taught to do other have hads that that are drawn with out being told where the pain is others seek out the pain. But on the same line we are trying to heal the same area as a Dr. has been working on. I have some clients that come to me on weekly bases,order of their Dr. some come to me to do anything they can to help with whatever pain they have.
So with that said I do put myself in a "Medical" field of healing.
Thank you.
Hi Graig.
You brought logical explanation.thanks.originally from Latin language, interpretation of word "doctor" is an educator. I believe we should educate general public as well health practitioners that we performing not cosmetic luxury" feels good procedure"
but therapeutic,medical, clinical procedure.As I explained previously all these words define the same,and each of us have to use definition of our practice as whatever she/he feel comfortable with. I believe six years ago, when our community not really loved word medical I published article on subject. I am offering a link. Maybe it will be helpful.
using the opportunity would like to correct typo from my previous post.I wrote:"interpretation of massage therapy is that free providing therapy by means of massage." instead of word" free" one should read WE. My apology.
Best wishes.
My dribble is that as 'massage therapists', itself a misnomer...'therapist"???? ...the profession is sadly lacking in education in the US. Why no study and recognition of the role of the nervous systems, both peripharal and central. I have a real problem that 'therapists' continue to 'rub' tissue that hasnt responded to this in the past. That is an old definition of insanity - to continue doing the same thing expecting a different result.
Fibromyalgia....fibrous tissue giving pain. !!! But why?
A lowering of the firing threshold of nerves....rub it...make it worse !

Cheers all
Dear Allan.
Absolutely agree with you in regards that we should understand what we are doing as well causes for disorders
including symptoms originations.In such a case we will be able positive to affect the causes and not only to inhibit symptoms. You mention fibromyalgia. In my discussion within group"making different in fibromyalgia conditions"I did explain the causes as well why massage therapy is most powerful in management of fibromyalgia.
Please visit this discussion and read article as well review video. methodology that I'm practicing for many years was developed by scientists for massage therapists. Therefore every step that we are doing we are know why including what to do. I also in the frame of this group offering free lessons on Russian medical and sports massage where I am explaining how not to make it worce but safe and effective.
Thanks for comment.I believe in positive outcomes of discussions.
Best wishes.
I agree with you AJ... and I have my own thoughts of fibro based on one of my best friends having it and my (limited) study of connective tissue.

The way I look at it, all of us carry out tension and stress in different ways. Some get headaches, others get stomach & digestive issues because their ANS is so out of whack that their enteric nervous system gets irritated, and for someone like me, I get muscle spasms. So, could it be fair to say that some carry their stress in their connective tissue? And as CT is EVERYWHERE, surrounding, enveloping and encasing every part and organ of the body, AND that our nerves are imbedded in CT, it would make sense that the symptoms are as numerous as they are.

If cortisol has run rampant through the fascia, giving someone a massage with out thinking this through will definitely make them sicker. There are so many other factors that need to be considered and dealt with before a fibro client gets a massage, and number one would be tapping into their ANS and getting it back in balance.

Of course these are just my thoughts and I am just a student... but it just seems logical.

Allan J Jones said:
My dribble is that as 'massage therapists', itself a misnomer...'therapist"???? ...the profession is sadly lacking in education in the US. Why no study and recognition of the role of the nervous systems, both peripharal and central. I have a real problem that 'therapists' continue to 'rub' tissue that hasnt responded to this in the past. That is an old definition of insanity - to continue doing the same thing expecting a different result.
Fibromyalgia....fibrous tissue giving pain. !!! But why?
A lowering of the firing threshold of nerves....rub it...make it worse !

Cheers all
Dear Amanda.
Happy Sunday to you.I do appreciate your reply and using the opportunity would like like to propose to you, please visit
my discussion "to make different in fibromyalgia"where I am offering article on the subject as well video clip,and sharing my thoughts. Then I believe we will be able in much more constructive way to discuss our role in fibromyalgia management as well each of us will be able to learn, to come to conclusions,and to go out to fibromyalgia patients with formed conclusions how we can help to people who are suffering from fibromyalgia.
speaking on pandemics of negative effect of stress.most of us are victims of this sometime life-threatening side effects of stress. Muscular aches and spasms is one of side effects that must be manage. However as you will understand from my article fibromyalgia is a bit different origin disorders. No doubt that emotional trauma can lead to these developments but thank God not everyone who exposed to stress developing fibromyalgia.intentionally or not, you actually proposed very important topic for discussion"stress". I hope members will contribute to it.
Best wishes.

Amanda Cizek said:
I agree with you AJ... and I have my own thoughts of fibro based on one of my best friends having it and my (limited) study of connective tissue.

The way I look at it, all of us carry out tension and stress in different ways. Some get headaches, others get stomach & digestive issues because their ANS is so out of whack that their enteric nervous system gets irritated, and for someone like me, I get muscle spasms. So, could it be fair to say that some carry their stress in their connective tissue? And as CT is EVERYWHERE, surrounding, enveloping and encasing every part and organ of the body, AND that our nerves are imbedded in CT, it would make sense that the symptoms are as numerous as they are.

If cortisol has run rampant through the fascia, giving someone a massage with out thinking this through will definitely make them sicker. There are so many other factors that need to be considered and dealt with before a fibro client gets a massage, and number one would be tapping into their ANS and getting it back in balance.

Of course these are just my thoughts and I am just a student... but it just seems logical.

Allan J Jones said:
My dribble is that as 'massage therapists', itself a misnomer...'therapist"???? ...the profession is sadly lacking in education in the US. Why no study and recognition of the role of the nervous systems, both peripharal and central. I have a real problem that 'therapists' continue to 'rub' tissue that hasnt responded to this in the past. That is an old definition of insanity - to continue doing the same thing expecting a different result.
Fibromyalgia....fibrous tissue giving pain. !!! But why?
A lowering of the firing threshold of nerves....rub it...make it worse !

Cheers all
Thank you, Boris! I am always grateful to read more research on the subject!

Boris Prilutsky said:
Dear Amanda.
Happy Sunday to you.I do appreciate your reply and using the opportunity would like like to propose to you, please visit
my discussion "to make different in fibromyalgia"where I am offering article on the subject as well video clip,and sharing my thoughts. Then I believe we will be able in much more constructive way to discuss our role in fibromyalgia management as well each of us will be able to learn, to come to conclusions,and to go out to fibromyalgia patients with formed conclusions how we can help to people who are suffering from fibromyalgia.
speaking on pandemics of negative effect of stress.most of us are victims of this sometime life-threatening side effects of stress. Muscular aches and spasms is one of side effects that must be manage. However as you will understand from my article fibromyalgia is a bit different origin disorders. No doubt that emotional trauma can lead to these developments but thank God not everyone who exposed to stress developing fibromyalgia.intentionally or not, you actually proposed very important topic for discussion"stress". I hope members will contribute to it.
Best wishes.

Amanda Cizek said:
I agree with you AJ... and I have my own thoughts of fibro based on one of my best friends having it and my (limited) study of connective tissue.

The way I look at it, all of us carry out tension and stress in different ways. Some get headaches, others get stomach & digestive issues because their ANS is so out of whack that their enteric nervous system gets irritated, and for someone like me, I get muscle spasms. So, could it be fair to say that some carry their stress in their connective tissue? And as CT is EVERYWHERE, surrounding, enveloping and encasing every part and organ of the body, AND that our nerves are imbedded in CT, it would make sense that the symptoms are as numerous as they are.

If cortisol has run rampant through the fascia, giving someone a massage with out thinking this through will definitely make them sicker. There are so many other factors that need to be considered and dealt with before a fibro client gets a massage, and number one would be tapping into their ANS and getting it back in balance.

Of course these are just my thoughts and I am just a student... but it just seems logical.

Allan J Jones said:
My dribble is that as 'massage therapists', itself a misnomer...'therapist"???? ...the profession is sadly lacking in education in the US. Why no study and recognition of the role of the nervous systems, both peripharal and central. I have a real problem that 'therapists' continue to 'rub' tissue that hasnt responded to this in the past. That is an old definition of insanity - to continue doing the same thing expecting a different result.
Fibromyalgia....fibrous tissue giving pain. !!! But why?
A lowering of the firing threshold of nerves....rub it...make it worse !

Cheers all
Dear Amanda.
in proposed article we not only referring to research but in detail explaining the causes that leading to fibromyalgia developments but not the less important with the help of pictures and text explanation proposing protocol for fibromyalgia management. I mean it could be very helpful to everyone to study.if you would like to discuss further or you will have any my questions please do not hesitate to post it.
Best wishes.


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