massage and bodywork professionals

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There are so many different social networks these days, how do you market your business? Do you still do the "old fashioned" mail? Do you email, text, call? Do you have a Facebook page? Are you on linkedin? Do you tweet?!?!? There are so many different forms and ways to get in touch with not only our clients, but the world (it really is at your fingetips these days)!

How to do make yourself known?

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I, myself, have used all you mention above. Some worked out well, some have not.

What I've really found is this: Find out what you really love to do, what you are good at, then master it! The biggest mistake I made, and see others doing this as well, is attempt to do 'everything.' Action-paralysis sets in, and then we end up doing nothing!

I prefer face to face; thus, I'd put myself in all kinds of situations to meet folks.

Have done well on the Internet in the past, but it had nothing to do with massage or massage marketing.

I'm only now learning the ropes of 'behavior' that draws clients. Facebook is what I've been good at, and they have been great to me. I've also learned that marketing on the Internet is much more efficient and effective. (Or it could be that I've finally learned how to use it, correctly.) It takes hours of my time at a face-to-face social event. Once I learned how to (correctly) build and develop relationships on the Internet, it's one tenth the time. (Although here in Las Vegas, it's a pretty social town. It's fun as well!)

I'm going to put this question back on you as well ;) What has worked best for you??

Hey Kris! Thanks for joining and thats for responding to my question....

So far, I'm in agreement with you. Facebook has worked the best for us! A majority of our therapists that have signed up have been from that awsome social networking site. Not only do we get our name out there, but I can also talk to our friends through the IM chat. Twitter....not so much, but EVERYONE uses it and it pulls us up high under google. LinkedIn is great, but very restricted and it's difficult sometimes for me to come across as a person behind a company as opposed to spam. We put ads on Craig's List, Backpage and I send out weekly emails through Constant Contact.

Since we are ain internet based company, we do a majority of marketing on line...

Did you know that our website could be a good way for you to market too? We have developed our system so that when you create a profile, it actually becomes your own wepage. We are in the process of (and alsmost finished with) making it so that when a client is looking up massage therapists in whatever city you're in, you and your profile will pull up high under google and google maps. Hopefully, massage therapists will start to utilize us as a tool for marketing themselves!

I would really like to be able to do the face to face marketing, but it's kind of difficult when our therapists are all over the country! But I love to travel (and I love Vegas!) so, I may start doing that! ha!


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