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Lisa's Rowdy Group of MTs


Lisa's Rowdy Group of MTs

this is a place where we can chat about anything BUT massage. ok maybe a little massage talk but that's IT. :) let's spice things up here. i know all massage therapists can't be tofu eating meditating relaxed people. :) hahaha actually i love tofu...

Members: 43
Latest Activity: Feb 10, 2014

Discussion Forum

Dream Job 18 Replies

So, how's your dream job going? I have to ask! With all the issues with the economy..... Can't get away from it, so I thought I would start this little discussion so we can give and get some candid…Continue

Started by Marissa. Last reply by Gina A. Liccardo Dec 14, 2012.

Hot Tattoos 12 Replies

here's some i like that i found googling....i love tribal tatsi love feet tats toonot likin' these but great for an MT :)and of course no tat could be as hot as the ROCK...well maybe it's just cause…Continue

Started by Lisa. Last reply by Mark Schmid Oct 15, 2011.

Come back Sam ? 5 Replies

Where, oh where, has our lovely Sam gone ?Oh where, oh where, can she be?Continue

Started by Stephen Jeffrey. Last reply by Stephen Jeffrey Apr 17, 2010.

Just for fun 13 Replies

With the recent talk about movies and T.V. shows (or programmes for Stephen), I thought it would be interesting to see lists of people's Ten Favorite Movies.I'm not asking for the best movies you've…Continue

Started by Steve - Maryland L.M.T.. Last reply by Vlad Feb 28, 2010.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Steve - Maryland L.M.T. on April 14, 2010 at 5:23am
A friend gave me a 'heads up' about this:

Who is the one person in the U.S. has enough power to assemble so much talent in one place?

Comment by Vlad on April 11, 2010 at 12:48pm
What a handsome crew!
The Kinchen's are a good looking buncha guys.
Comment by Choice Kinchen on April 11, 2010 at 11:49am
If I eat sweets....and I usually don't....but I can be coerced into downing some red twizzlers.....or gummy bears. Yesterday....Choice lll, Choice lV and Choice V

Comment by Marilyn St.John on April 10, 2010 at 8:49am
Marissa, I feel your pain, especially here in MI. Most of us here have one foot in the proverbial ditch as it is and others are content being spuds. If I start politicking it won't be pretty nor appropriate for this site, though, so I just want to go on record as saying, the black jelly beans are my least-favourite because licorice tastes yucky to me...but I think I must support some candy company somewhere, since those are the only ones my girls love!
Comment by Kevin M. Deighan on April 9, 2010 at 10:36pm
So Marissa...tell us how you really feel!!!!
While I agree that There is work if you look hard enough...I'm sub-contracting at three locations...& making a living...let's band together and end unemployment by stimulating those that can work to begin the journey back off of "couch fed veal" problem and become productive maybe volunteering with American Red Cross or Habitat for Humanity or whatever rather than collecting on your duff...YEah...whatever..right?
Comment by Marissa on April 9, 2010 at 2:47pm
Beware: Politics sneaking up on you!

I actually had to applaud a financial adviser on the news. Here in IL, 20,000 people "ran out" of their unemployment benefits last month. The official unemployment numbers stayed the same, better than another increase as expected. Here's where I applauded, due to the fact that I know some of these same people.... He stated, "O.K. no more dancing around the issue. The unemployment numbers could probably be a lot better. Let's face it, there are a lot of people out there that enjoy sitting around and pulling in a pay check!"

Now, to those that may take offense...none meant. I also happen to know many people who are out there every day looking for work while getting the unemployment benefits. Unfortunately, I also know a lot who are just happy collecting a check w/o looking for work, and those that are working the system by doing under the table jobs while collecting benefits as well. Screwing everything else up for the rest of us who are trying to maintain a living.
Comment by Kevin M. Deighan on April 9, 2010 at 7:24am
...and another thing...WHO invented BLACK jelly beans? Don't they closely resemble that which a deer would drop in the woods?
I followed the Peep's teeth hurt just thinking about placing one in my mouth!
Comment by Kevin M. Deighan on April 9, 2010 at 7:20am
Well, I'm proud of myself...just finished the rest of my solid dark chocolate bunny I was pleased to find displayed for my consumption Easter morning! YUP, just consummed the last morsel for a breakfast treat!
Where can I find a replacement? I miss that poor little bunny...
Comment by Marilyn St.John on April 6, 2010 at 11:18pm
I HOPE not! There would be several hundred still in my stomach if...oh wait, I have sorta ballooned around the middle in recent years! :o(

I'm not sure if they're just a US thing, they've been around for at least 50 years, I think. They're actually marshmallow characters covered with colored sugary stuff. A very far cry from chocolate, which as we all know, is the only candy really worth eating anyway. (Imported, please, unless it's from Wilbur's in Lititz, PA!)
Comment by Marilyn St.John on April 4, 2010 at 8:49am
Ty, "Peter Cottontail" was running through my mind, too! I find myself in a position of actually having to remember the words to all those childhood songs so I can sing them with Dylan. Hope you all have a really nice Easter Sunday for yourselves! Bring on the Peeps...

Members (43)


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