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Lisa's Rowdy Group of MTs


Lisa's Rowdy Group of MTs

this is a place where we can chat about anything BUT massage. ok maybe a little massage talk but that's IT. :) let's spice things up here. i know all massage therapists can't be tofu eating meditating relaxed people. :) hahaha actually i love tofu...

Members: 43
Latest Activity: Feb 10, 2014

Discussion Forum

Dream Job 18 Replies

So, how's your dream job going? I have to ask! With all the issues with the economy..... Can't get away from it, so I thought I would start this little discussion so we can give and get some candid…Continue

Started by Marissa. Last reply by Gina A. Liccardo Dec 14, 2012.

Hot Tattoos 12 Replies

here's some i like that i found googling....i love tribal tatsi love feet tats toonot likin' these but great for an MT :)and of course no tat could be as hot as the ROCK...well maybe it's just cause…Continue

Started by Lisa. Last reply by Mark Schmid Oct 15, 2011.

Come back Sam ? 5 Replies

Where, oh where, has our lovely Sam gone ?Oh where, oh where, can she be?Continue

Started by Stephen Jeffrey. Last reply by Stephen Jeffrey Apr 17, 2010.

Just for fun 13 Replies

With the recent talk about movies and T.V. shows (or programmes for Stephen), I thought it would be interesting to see lists of people's Ten Favorite Movies.I'm not asking for the best movies you've…Continue

Started by Steve - Maryland L.M.T.. Last reply by Vlad Feb 28, 2010.

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Comment by Vlad on March 24, 2010 at 9:16pm
Farting - next time just say "Good aul' arse!". Yes, congratulate your butt and if the client looks at you strange tell him you haven't heard one out of it in 6 years....actually 6 and a half years. Time flies when you're fart free.
Comment by Kevin M. Deighan on March 24, 2010 at 9:11pm
Lisa...good to hear from you...hang in there. I battled depression for years after 9-11-01. Lost a very good friend in WTC Bldg 1. Lets just say it became a life changing moment for me but not before sinking to levels that as I look back, shock me that I made it though it all. Water under the bridge...and for you, this too shall pass. Keep the faith!
As for the happens. And there have been stinky ones too...thank Goodness for Fabreeze spray! My favorite aid is York Peppermint patties, always have one or two handy.
My question is...when a client falls asleep on your table...Is it still a DEEP TISSUE MASSAGE or does it morph into a swedish truthful NOW!
Comment by Lisa on March 24, 2010 at 9:11pm
hahaha...some nice laughter right there. :)
Comment by Choice Kinchen on March 24, 2010 at 12:24pm
Thanks for that...I just ate lunch.
Comment by Gail F. Rosendahl on March 24, 2010 at 11:32am
Just be carefull, if you're over thirty, sometimes you think it's a fart, but it's not!!!!
Comment by Erica Olson on March 24, 2010 at 10:22am
Lisa, I'm surprised that the schools aren't more accommodating. My senior year, I didn't attend a full week of school after about the first week of February, due to the Crohn's disease acting up so badly. There was some paperwork to be done, but I was able to get support from the school system via a home tutor. I did end up dropping a class or two (math analysis), but still graduated with honors. There's got to be something in place to help for when students have an illness, be it physical or mental.

As for farting . . . well, with my ostomy, it's all sound but no smell, which is nice. However, the sounds can get pretty loud! If I can feel it coming, I can try to muffle it with one hand, but that's not always an option. At worst, I just laugh it off and apologize for my tummy making noises. When clients poot and apologize, I always joke and say, "Better out than in!" Sometimes I even talk about how it's a good sign, showing that the parasympathetic nervous system is at work.
Comment by Marilyn St.John on March 24, 2010 at 8:35am
Lisa! Glad to hear things are smoothing out with your daughter. My younger daughter has battled depression too, and when she was in 7th grade she was one of those who "fell through the cracks"--the creative, sensitive student who the teachers & admins were calling "slow" and trying to squash into their mold. It made her depression much worse. We put Rin in a private school for 8th grade, where she did 10th grade work & regained her confidence-- it made all the difference. Today she is an artist. I've always been a little in awe that the more sensitive children seem to have so much trouble growing up, and succeed so brilliantly when they reach adulthood. Hang in there, you may have one who is just figuring out how to shine best in her own creative skin while trying to figure out how to be like everybody else. She certainly has a creative, resourceful, energetic can't really expect neat too!

Gas-X...I keep that around too! Some of my clients have no shame (I see many with IBS) and for them, that's a good thing...but I live in fear that I'll have an embarassing incident myself one day, my room isn't well-ventilated! Guess that's another argument for using essential oils...
Comment by Steve - Maryland L.M.T. on March 24, 2010 at 7:51am
Lisa, regarding your little faux pas: it's happened to me, and probably to most everyone else here.

Most people are a mass of insecurities. Last week I had a new client who had been urged by a long-time client for more than a year to see me. But she kept making excuses because she was self-conscious about her weight (she's nowhere near the heaviest woman I've ever worked on). After her first massage (ever) she said over and over that she couldn't believe she had waited so long to experience something so wonderful.

It's likely your "older gentleman" was already feeling a little intimidated by your beauty, and he was probably relieved that your little, umm . . . slip let him see you as a real person.

Moving forward, I keep a box of Gas-X at my office and use it whenever I think there might be a problem. Unfortunately, I can't seem to do anything about the days when my stomach won't stop gurgling . . . .
Comment by Lisa on March 23, 2010 at 11:07pm
Hey Kevin...I'm here. thanks for asking. i've got my hands full trying to stay on top of my daughter's mental illness, my son's schooling, my full time job and my massage career!!! i'm exhausted just typing that. :)

i have decided to home school my daughter since her mental illness is now causing technicalities to keep her from getting credit for classes. she is missing a lot of days for doctor appointments, counseling appointments and just "bad days". as we get a handle on this and find the right medications that will work for her, her school is bringing us up on truancy and in the end, excused or not, after a certain number of days are missed she will not get credit. she is a very intelligent girl and has never been a slacker at school. so it seems almost a punishment to have her repeat a grade because of missing days through no fault of her own.Luckily Texas has a ton of options to make this work AND many options that it can evolve into. she can actually even finish up high school sooner and start college. I have a teacher friend helping me with the process and will oversee her home schooling to help me out.

in the meantime...on a lighter note...i had a new client tonight. an older gentleman in his 60's. while i was working on his face, thus wrapping up the massage, (i'm almost embarrassed to admit) i accidentally let out a little FART just as i was finishing up!!!! OMG. how humiliating. the room is very peaceful and i'm in very close proximity to him. OMG did i mention how humiliating it was???? i quickly moved the chair to pretend to make more noises in the hopes that he didn't realize. hahaha he tipped me $20 and said i had a really great touch, so i'm guessing, fart and all, it was a good session. :)
Comment by Marilyn St.John on March 23, 2010 at 10:37pm
Hey everyone ~ Glad to see you back on here, Eeris! Missed you, and the baby in our family is getting plump & happy...2 months old & 16 pounds already.
I would still like to get to your workshop in Chicago but don't know if it will work out yet...
Vlad does a really great voice-over, doesn't she? Please don't lose the Irish accent, my friend. It's a gift to the rest of us, and so soothing, too. (I'll book my massage now, please!) As for me, I keep trying to lose the Midwestern twang; but have been hired for reception work in the past on the basis of my phone voice alone, so I guess it's not too bad.

I've seen Lisa pop in on other sites, so I know she's around & staying busy with "actual" work... Everybody be well. Rock on.

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