massage and bodywork professionals

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Massachusetts Massage Therapists


Massachusetts Massage Therapists

For all massage therapists and bodyworkers, who are lucky enough to live in the great state of Massachusetts, to connect!

Members: 105
Latest Activity: Apr 15, 2019

MA AMTA massage therapists lend a hand!

Enjoy these pix MA Chapter AMTA members volunteering for the Komen Breast Cancer 3 Day Event

Discussion Forum


Started by Edward Miano May 22, 2018.

Continuing Education MotherTouch Perinatal Massage

Started by leslie stager Aug 31, 2014.

Looking for a renter

Started by Jessica Weagle Apr 1, 2013.

Comment Wall


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Comment by vinny andrews on November 17, 2009 at 12:44pm
Complaints should likely go to the Governor's office. He appointed them. Might be wise to remind the governor of his campaign promise to help small businesses and employment. The board's inaction is resulting in graduates remaining unemployed, and businesses unable to practice. (Not to mention their slow actions on schools allow potential studentss to languish)
Comment by vinny andrews on November 17, 2009 at 9:35am
ANOTHER BOARD CANCELLATION!!! These people do need to be reported to the state. Every one of us needs to complain, they are damaging our profession by failing to perform their duties.
Comment by Timothy Starkey on November 17, 2009 at 9:16am
BAD NEWS. The Massage Board has cancelled all remaining meetings for the 2009 calendar year. Just noticed it on their website. For those waiting for a hearing. I would highly suggest contacting the Registration Board office. Depending on what you get for a response you may want to call your state legislators and ask to speak with your Senator &/or representative and let them know that you are being prohibited from applying your trade all because the massage board is not following through with their duties to expediently review your case. Get the name of whoever you speak with and follow up with them.
The cancellations are posted on the board website..
Comment by vinny andrews on November 16, 2009 at 11:14am
"one term expired 11 months ago and that person is still on the board" does that work? Maybe the Office of Investigations needs to look at this board as well ; )

Actually, good to hear there may be some enforcement of est. licensing... it does seem there are lots of est. (and people doing massage independently) without licenses.
Comment by Jessica Weagle on November 16, 2009 at 11:07am
I have noticed that there are a lot of spa's that don't have a license. There are a few in Worcester, MA. which is near me so are they doing inspections of places that have a license too now???
Comment by Timothy Starkey on November 16, 2009 at 11:01am
The Office of Investigations is beginning to make the rounds and start to fine businesses that do not have their establishment license. At one of the last board meetings there was lengthy discussion about whether the massage therapist working in an unlicensed establishment can be held accountable and the answer is yew. They would be violating the code of conduct and are putting their own license at risk.


The board still does have one position open for a community member (not afiliated with any schools and the person cannot be a licensed MT. The oard will be looking for LMT's who are not school affiliated once the terms come up...but as i term expired 11 months ago and that person is still on the board and another is due to come up in a month.
Comment by Jessica Weagle on November 16, 2009 at 10:33am
I can't help but notice that there are a lot of places that don't have an est. licnses and are doing more than 8 hours a week. Is this just not on the boards top concerns at this point
Comment by vinny andrews on November 16, 2009 at 10:29am
Sophie, I would not think so, I certainly hope not. Especially in this "temporary" time, where they have stated no particular requirements except 500 hour certified programs.
Comment by vinny andrews on November 16, 2009 at 9:56am
Rumor has it, that one problem is the Licensing Board is spending a great deal of attention to a power struggle with the Dept. of Education; a turf war over whoe controls what regarding education of massage therapists in MA.
Bad Karma!
Comment by vinny andrews on November 16, 2009 at 9:53am
Timothy, I may take your suggestion of getting involved by applying, yet again, for the licensing board; even though I don't expect much from that anymore than most of the other processes they are involved in.
First time I applied for membership consideration, (shortly after the application process started), I didn't even get an acknowledgement... four months later, when I applied a second time, I did recieve an aknowledgement, but it was a that the acknowledgement they sent me was intended for someone else. When I pointed that out to them, they did acknlwledge receipt of my application for membership. (never heard from them again of course)
(never notified if I was even considered even t hough my qualifications included 12 years experience, three years teaching, completion of 1000 hour program, and various other certifications).
The third time I applied, their reply was that I had the wrong qualifications, they wanted a "consumer," not another massage therapist. (even though their website at the time continued to report they were short 2 members.

Members (105)


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