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Massage Marketing Solutions

Massage Marketing Solutions Is A Relationship Development System Designed To Attract Prospective Clients, Satisfy Existing Clients and Generate More Income Providing The Lifestyle You Want AND Deserve!

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Living Social and Groupon deals 10 Replies

I'm curious as to what everyone's feelings are regarding Living Social and Groupon.  I've thought about it, but then I heard some people complaining that they contacted one of these places and they…Continue

Started by Elaine Ward. Last reply by Alyson Schlobohm Mar 1, 2016.

online intake forms

Either I am not searching the internet correctly, or I am very surprised that in this electronic age with the proliferation of apps for massage therapists and other healthcare practioners that…Continue

Tags: fillable, online, intake

Started by David Graves NMT Apr 28, 2015.

Marketing Ideas for Massage Therapy Instructors

Golden Opportunities For Massage Therapy InstructorsBlog by Ariana Vincent, LMT, MTI, NCTMBCEO of The Ariana Institute…Continue

Tags: CE, ariana, vincent, institute, education

Started by Ariana Vincent, LMT, MTI, BCTMB May 6, 2014.

ReBook Clients 9 Replies

~ How Too Influence Your Clients So They Rebook With You Immediately Without Ever Having To Ask ThemTrying to persuade a client to book again always feels awkward, in my opinion. Even after years…Continue

Started by Las Vegas Massage In Summerlin. Last reply by David Burrows Jan 8, 2013.

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Comment by Las Vegas Massage In Summerlin on November 1, 2010 at 4:13pm

Hi Samantha!

I didn't do anything this year, but have in the past.

Here's a few basic idea's for 'seasonal holidays' to get your mind thinking ;)

Massage Marketing for the Seasons

Comment by Laurie Owen on October 18, 2010 at 11:59am
I just received this email from the Healing Touch community. Greg Pitstick did a training last year around this same time, which I took. It was definitely worth my time. It's all online, so you can watch it at your convenience. Though at the end he's "selling" his services, he also gives a lot of good information during the free training. I really do recommend it. You'll need to register asap. Laurie

Dear Laurie,

I wanted to remind you to register for the free online training event "How to Attract Clients Without Selling" being offered free to our community by Greg Pitstick and Smart Guide To Marketing.

The online training event will be held Thursday October 21, 2010 at 9:00pm eastern time , but there are only 3 days left to register.

*** It will only take a minute, so just click on this link to register:
Comment by Las Vegas Massage In Summerlin on October 15, 2010 at 11:04am

Hi Samantha!

I'll add my two cents worth in here, although I'll have to say up front that I don't perform chair massage or visit any corporate massage events or anything like that to attract clients.

Here are a couple of idea's that I use once the client is visiting for their first massage:

First, I have an introductory letter for them, welcoming them and thanking them for their business. Second, when they leave, I always give new clients a 'new client kit' filled with all sorts of stuff. Here's just a few things I include in this small classy bag. (Go to a dollar store and get these bags. You can even use those 'wine bags' people put a bottle of wine in for gifts. Just pick out a style that is appealing to the eye. You don't have to use a bag, either. There's many ways to put together a new client kit and get your information to them!)

A few of my massage business cards along with another copy of their welcome letter.

FREE reports I give them on the benefits of massage, as well as a couple specific reports on what their issue is. (Keep in mind that I've a FREE report for just about everything a good massage addresses.) They like this, it makes it personal, to them! (Ensure all your information leads them to your blog, website or opt-in box for your newsletter or such.)

A discount certificate for their spouse or family member to receive a massage from me.

A bottle of high-end water. (Other than the one I gave them after the massage.)

A relaxing/soothing music cd.

A dvd of myself explaining/performing the different modalities of massage that I perform.

A 'calendar magnet' with my info on it to put on their fridge.

A 'key card' with my info on it for them to put on their keys.

If they have children I usually throw in a bag or two of hard candy. (Everybody loves hard candy!)

At times during the different seasons of the year I'll mix up the contents of the new client kits or bags that I give them to spice it up a bit.

If you are looking just for items to give away at events, here are my favorites.

Massage business cards put together correctly. Here's my suggestions on how to put together a client-attracting massage business card.

FREE reports on benefits of massage along with specific reports on what you specialize in. (Once again, with web addresses to your sites, etc., etc.) Since I'm on about information, here's a link to HOW and WHAT a blog or mailing list or ezine should look like and what it should contain. Mailing Lists and More!

Keep in mind that you're not at an event, regardless of what it is, to sell massage. You are selling yourself and information. Most people are not quite ready for a massage from you right there on the spot, so all this information you provide is to nudge them further, just a little bit. Ensure your information leads them to your massage website or blog or whatever, so they can learn more about you, your styles of massage, etc., etc.

Calendar magnets (mentioned above) with your contact info on it.

The key cards also mentioned above.

Another favorite are these key cards. Let me explain what I'm referring to. These are the cards that the grocery stories give you, or the CVS pharmacy gives you, with the scan code on the back to receive discounts. Now, I'm talking those cards they now have that are very small, about the third of the size of a credit card. The ones you put on your key ring with your car keys, etc., etc. This will have your name, phone number and web address printed on both sides of them. I'm not at home right now so I don't have the link to the provider of these, but you can get them cheap on the internet, printed cheap with your information on them.

These are very important because it keeps your information very close to them. Who goes anywhere without their keys?? You can also tie this into a direct mailer, mentioning that if they arrive to their next massage with you, and they've got the mini-card on their key ring at that time, they receive 10% the massage, or value add another service into their massage session, etc., etc. (It's very important that they have that mini-card on their key ring!)

Another tips that's very important is that if you're at an event performing massage or promoting your massage business is this: Have a clipboard or some manner of obtaining prospective clients information. Again, they may not be ready for a massage just yet, but if you can get their name, address and e-mail address, you can then contact them in the future. Now, if you're signing them up for your newsletter or something, ensure what they're signing explains this to them, that they will receive information from you, so it's not 'spam.'

Another basic tip here, and I know it's obvious, but I just have to say it....ensure you are professional looking, have a postive attitude and be outgoing.

Remember, you're not selling massage. You're selling yourself and providing information. Most therapists jump the gun with this, not understanding that many people are not quite ready for a massage, or want a massage at this very moment. You have to lead them a little bit further, then a little more further, more and more. (If you have a good massage website or blog, this 'moving them along further' is done on the Internet. This is why you want their contact information.)

I know I really harp on this, this building of relationships with people as opposed to just attempting to sell massage. Why? For me, personally, it's crucial to my success.

First, I'm male. Second, people don't know me. Third, which ties into the previous, is that since people don't know me, they don't trust me. I perform outcall massage in clients homes. I have to earn their trust, first.

I find this just as important for any other therapist as what I've found is that the stronger the professional relationship we develop with our clients the more apt they are to become repeat clients, not just one massage wonders, or only receive a massage when we're running some special. (The bargain hunters.)

This 'providing of information' is crucial. Why do you think the grocery stores and others use these cards? Same with big conventions and such. You register and get a card the vendors can scan, so they can provide you with more and more information.

Ok, this is getting long, best stop now ;) Hope this helps and if you've any further questions let me know!

Comment by Laurie Owen on October 6, 2010 at 12:40am
In case you're in need of a new website, or an upgrade, I highly recommend using WordPress. WordPress is easy to use, and means that you never have to have a Webmaster again. I have been following these FREE WordPress webinars, presented by GoForYourDream, and I recommend them highly.

Step-by-Step WordPress Case Study Webinar Series --create and maintain your website easily. Next series starts Thu, Oct 07 2010 This is a virtual event

FIVE Different Stories. FIVE Distinct Needs. FIVE Info-Packed Nights of FREE WordPress Training.!/goforyourdream
Comment by lee kalpin on September 22, 2010 at 7:49am
There are no specific techniques for massaging people with diabetes. It is all about knowing the appropriate precautions. It has to start with a good health history intake to determine what effects the client is experiencing from the diabetes. Could be circulatory or neurological symptoms, particularly in the legs and feet. Examine the feet for any lesions.
Read up on diabetes so you know what to watch for.
With the client, interview to determine what his or her goals are from massage. You obviously cannot cure the diabetes! So what is the client expecting from the massage treatment?
The client may in fact be just wanting relaxation (like any other client) or may have a stiff back or neck (like other clients). Then you do a regular massage for that concern, being mindful of any relevant precautions
Comment by Noel Sumbad on September 22, 2010 at 5:54am
i'm new in this profession and i want to learn more techniques in proper massaging. any massage theraphy technique for diabetic person
Comment by Las Vegas Massage In Summerlin on September 11, 2010 at 12:50pm

Hi Samantha!

I didn't understand what you were first asking, was going to ask you for further explanation, then I got busy ;)

Glad you found what you were looking for!

Comment by Darcy Neibaur on September 7, 2010 at 7:51pm
September 14 Is Massage For The Cure, raising money for the American Cancer Society
Comment by Ed Oliver on August 11, 2010 at 10:15pm
Hi all, looking forward to learning more and how this group and actions work.
Comment by Las Vegas Massage In Summerlin on June 20, 2010 at 8:51am

Hi Samantha!

Check out my Facebook profile for the replies in regards to massage gift certificates. I'd copy over here, but it would take up to much space.

Log-in to Facebook first, then click here:

Kris Kelley on Facebook

Then, just scroll down a couple of posts and you'll see the replies to my question in regards to massage gift certificates.


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