massage and bodywork professionals

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Massage Students

Please use this group to share massage and bodywork related study questions, answers, support, resources and advice.

Location: online, nationwide
Members: 178
Latest Activity: Apr 15, 2013

Welcome! My name is Katie Mills and I am a School Liaison here at ABMP as well as a Massage Student.

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Discussion Forum

Hello new student here. 4 Replies

Hello AllI am a new student set to start classes in about two weeks. I am also a LPN. I am not making a career change just adding to. I was wondering if anyone had any good study tips or resources…Continue

Started by kia Campbell. Last reply by Katie Mills Oct 11, 2012.

announcement 5 Replies

Erin, I proudly announce that I just passed my licensing exam with an 85. In about a month I'll receive my license to practice.However, that does not mean I'll no longer be a student.  I will be a…Continue

Started by Gary W Addis, LMT. Last reply by Laura Garza Aug 27, 2012.

Have you taken the MBlex or NCB exam? 7 Replies

Hi Massage Students, As many of you have been on this page for a while now, I wanted to check in and see who, if any among you, are currently in (or just past) the credentialing process. Have you…Continue

Started by Erin Romanin. Last reply by Aaron J Witz Aug 13, 2012.

What are you NOT learning in massage school? 27 Replies

Hey Friends, One of our fellow members, Jane Johnson, posted a compelling question and I would like to ask for your opinions.Do you feel that your massage program is thorough, and prepares you…Continue

Started by Erin Romanin. Last reply by Gary W Addis, LMT Aug 6, 2012.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Abram Herman on October 17, 2012 at 2:05pm

That's awesome Laura, congratulations!!

Comment by Laura Garza on October 16, 2012 at 6:28pm

Hi All - I totally forgot to update you on my latest news. I took the NCBTM on Oct 9th and PASSED!  I'm officially a CMT!

Comment by Gary W Addis, LMT on September 6, 2012 at 1:46pm

Congrats.  I took my test on the 13th--9 weeks after I qualified; school held up the applications in order for a couple of slower students to get qualified to test.  Corporate issues only one check for all applicants of a qtr, don't you see. :(.  May have to wait till those are scheduled and either pass or fail b/f my license is actually applied for.  BTW, I passed with a grade of 86 (the average passing grade here is said to be 78).

I should have had my license 12 weeks ago.  Maybe your process will be quicker.

Comment by Katie Mills on September 6, 2012 at 9:22am

Awesome!  Congrats Laura!  Good luck studying in the meantime. :)

Comment by Laura Garza on September 6, 2012 at 9:20am

Yay, just got the Authorization to Test.  Now waiting on Pearson Vue for confirmation so I can schedule my test.  Woot!

Comment by Gary W Addis, LMT on August 20, 2012 at 1:53pm

Good for you, Laura.  Don't know the protocol, whether to wish good luck or to break a leg.  You'll do alright, though.  Hope it happens for you soon.  The waiting is worse than sitting on an anthill.

Comment by Laura Garza on August 20, 2012 at 1:18pm

Just got word our transcripts now reflect graduating - Woot!!  Ordered my transcripts to go to NCBTMB and send my application out just now.  Hope I get the "you can test" letter soon!

Comment by Gary W Addis, LMT on August 6, 2012 at 4:22pm

Well, my school got plenty of clients for us.  A possible 3 one day, and 4 another every week of the internship quarter; I never had an empty hour, so completed my body count in 7 weeks.  Quarter before that got more clinic hours so got their 50 bodies in less than three full weeks; 3 weeks later, they had their license and started earning money. 

Comment by Matthew Taylor on August 6, 2012 at 4:02pm

lol yeah, you could probably imagine MY impatience that my class graduated at the end of march but i still had to complete 53 hours of massage internship and would get 0 - 1 client a day!! A DAY!!! :/ not to mention all the days i got sick, had important errands to run, injury, etc that kept me out for like 30 days in total maybe. wasn't until 2 weeks ago i finally finished the last of those hours.

Comment by Gary W Addis, LMT on August 6, 2012 at 3:59pm

I hear you brother--imagine my impatience, 8 weeks after I got my stuff all done and submitted.  Part of the problem was created by my fellow students.  Two laid out so much during internship they didn't get their bodies in till the last moment of the quarter, and another didn't get his passport photos to the school for 4 of those weeks--and when he did get them, he forgot to sign them.  Or so they said--he says different, he says they had the photos much sooner.  The school's corporate hdqtrs wanted to submit one check for all four interns, so they couldn't submit till had everyone's stuff--in MS a packet containing client evaluations, transcripts, etc etc had to be submitted. 


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