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Just a quick note that as of last year, outcall massage therapists are now being inspected.


I just had mine today.  (In Las Vegas.)  The State contact you via telephone and sets up an appointment with you. 


Everything was squared away for me, but here's what it seemed they were looking for.


Massage table must be free of rips and tears, not patched up with duct tape (or other methods.)  If one does have a hole in their table, I'm unsure of what we're to use to patch it (correctly.)


The face cradle must be in working order.  No rigged fixes for it.  (Again, if somethings not working, I don't know the correct solution  ;))  I wanted to get going with my day!


Sheets and blankets must be clean; no oil stains, bleach stains, rips, tears, etc., etc.


Bolsters, head-rests, etc., etc., must be clean with no rips and tears.


You must have your cleaning supplies (for your table and equipment) with you.  Need an anti-bacterial and your 10% bleach solution (with water.)


Cleaning supplies must be kept seperate or away from your massage oils or anything one is to put on the client.  I use a nice bag that I keep the oils in one side (pockets) and the cleaning supplies on the other.  Need hand-sanitizer as well.


Keep clean sheets for your clients seperate from the dirty sheets of previous clients.  Once again, I use large clear plastic bags for the clean sheets, keeping them seperate from the dirty sheets.


She did ask how I dressed, which is professional yet casual.  She did ask if I wore a uniform and I said no.  Obviously OK as nothing further was mentioned.  As to what the 'proper attire' is, I really don't know due to the fact that my simple reply was good enough  ;)


You have to have you State of Nevada Massage License with you, as well as licensing from the city or county you work in. 


This is all I can remember at this time.


If anyone has any questions let me know.  I'm sure she covered other areas, but can't recall them at this time.


Kris Kelley

At-Your-Door Massage

Massage Marketing Solutions







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Replies to This Discussion

Did she come to your home to inspect and how much time from call to arrival?
Hey Mike!

I was asked to come to the State's local office, bringing all my equipment, supplies, etc., etc.

I'm unsure how long they (Nevada State Board of Massage Therapy) give people to be inspected. I'm also unsure if these meetings and inspections are even mandatory. I was actually a bit excited about the meeting as I really didn't know what they were looking for. I'm always looking to learn more!

I was called on a Wednesday, and got in there the next Monday. (Today.) I wanted to get in and out ASAP. I was also confident that I was up to par, and I was ;)


Mike Hinkle said:
Did she come to your home to inspect and how much time from call to arrival?
Thank you for sharing this information Kris. I was curious as to what they would be inspecting an outcall Massage Therapist on.
Thanks for the heads up Kris, I'll be sure to bring my table WITHOUT the duct tape, sadly old faithful does have it's battle scars and I'm not sure what else to use to cover them. Think I'm ok on everything else.
Just hope they aren't nit picking those of us that are doing legit work when they have such bigger fish to fry.

Hi Lorrie!

The 'inspector' I had was very kind and not nit-picky at all.

With that being said, I'll have to say that I'm used to this 'inspection game' as I used to be in the restaurant and retail business, dealing with the local county health inspectors.

If I'm given a 'heads-up warning' as in this case, of course I'm going to 'prep' for it; new sheets, newer table, etc., etc. Why give them ammo to shoot me with?? :) Not to say I use un-acceptable equipment with clients....;)

Yes, they do have bigger fish to fry, especially in 'vegas, yet it was nice to have contact with the local State Board. This is the first I've heard of them in the seven years I've been a therapist. (Other than annual licensing notices.)

Perhaps the next therapist inspected will ask more questions ;)


Lorrie said:
Thanks for the heads up Kris, I'll be sure to bring my table WITHOUT the duct tape, sadly old faithful does have it's battle scars and I'm not sure what else to use to cover them. Think I'm ok on everything else.
Just hope they aren't nit picking those of us that are doing legit work when they have such bigger fish to fry.
Thank you Kris! You have given me feedback that I can use and learn from. I appreciate that!


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