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FREE 12 steps abdominal visceral massage training By Boris Prilutsky.

Dear friends.

Stress and resulting stasis of venous blood in abdominal cavity causes multiple abnormalities such as Chron’s disease, gastric ulcers, gastro intestinal track diseases, colitis, constipation, irregularity and insufficiency of bowel movement, diverticulitis, acid reflux diseases and irritable bowel syndrome but also not limited to producing severe lower back pain. In many cases if not to incorporate abdominal mobilizations it difficult to help people who is suffering from lower back pains, because lower back region dysfunction as well abdominal cavity disorders ,both can trigger this pains. Today these dysfunctions became massive phenomenon.


Because Abdominal/visceral massage is the most powerful methodology in addressing venous blood stasis and reducing lymphedema, I have decided to share my knowledge in abdominal visceral massage protocols.  I propose links to twelve steps hands on each step separately.  I hope you would like these videos and, most importantly, be able to learn from it.  I highly recommend review each step numerous times. 


You are welcome ask questions, post comments and provide constructive criticism.  


Best Wishes,

Boris Prilutsky


Abdominal/Visceral Massage - Introduction


Abdominal/Visceral Massage - Importance


Abdominal Visceral Massage - Planning, Preparation & Step 1


Abdominal/Visceral Massage - Step 2


Abdominal/Visceral Massage Steps 3 and 4


Abdominal/Visceral Massage Steps 5 and 6


Abdominal Visceral Massage Steps 7, 8 and 9


Abdominal/Visceral Massage Steps 10, 11 and 12



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