massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

I'm a Physical therapist assistant and a massage therapist. I do massages in our clinic after our orthopedic clinic is closed. I have a contract with corporate headquarters to do massages in our building. I have insurance and a membership in ABMP. My contract is renewed every year along with my insurance. My company required proof of my training and schooling prior to our massage contract.
I work in Erie, PA and live in Titusville, a small old oil town that aint' what it used to be.
I think it's fantastic that PA is finally going to have licensure for Massage therapists. It's about time! are you able to work in different parts of the country as a massage therapist? Don't some of the states have requirements that you need in order to practice massage in their state?

Martha Long

Views: 45

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Martha,

I agree, I am glad PA is finally licensing. It will help PA therapists

As I travel, I don't massage for money. I move to a different place every year and take the World Massage Festival and Massage Therapy Hall of Fame with me. I promote massage all year, in every phase, as I go. I try to make sure therapists are doing well as I travel and where I see one that needs help, I try and solve their problem. I am only licensed to practice massage for compensation in Florida. But I don't know any other therapists, that travel the country to help other therapists and to promote the industry.
Hi Mike

That's really cool that you do that and I hear Florida is a tough state to be licensed in for Massage. Tough requirements, etc..
I think that is wonderful that you do that and you certainly have alot of insight into our profession throughout the states.
What other kinds of problems do other therapist have with licensing and insurance and is the stigma "massage" more therapeutic or is it the other kind of Massage??
Hope to hear more

Mike Hinkle said:
Hi Martha,

I agree, I am glad PA is finally licensing. It will help PA therapists

As I travel, I don't massage for money. I move to a different place every year and take the World Massage Festival and Massage Therapy Hall of Fame with me. I promote massage all year, in every phase, as I go. I try to make sure therapists are doing well as I travel and where I see one that needs help, I try and solve their problem. I am only licensed to practice massage for compensation in Florida. But I don't know any other therapists, that travel the country to help other therapists and to promote the industry.
Hi Martha, we're not too far from each other - I live between Marienville and Tionesta.
I only have training in massage but have wondered the benefits of additional training such as PT; only. I have no interest in being a PT - massage is my passion. I wish the schools offered more in-depth training comparable to PT.
Anyhow, I'm wondering: How does the PT education help you when doing massages?
Of course , you hear of "parlors" along the way, but I think states are finally starting to stop some of this activity. Also therapists are actually starting to turn people in for it, even friends. The profession is cleaning itself up so we are headed in the right direction. If therapists would just"not speak ill of other therapists", I think, we will really take off. When a client hears one therapist speak ill of another to try and gain his/her business, it hurts our industry. Karma is watching!
Martha C. Long said:
Hi Mike

That's really cool that you do that and I hear Florida is a tough state to be licensed in for Massage. Tough requirements, etc..
I think that is wonderful that you do that and you certainly have alot of insight into our profession throughout the states.
What other kinds of problems do other therapist have with licensing and insurance and is the stigma "massage" more therapeutic or is it the other kind of Massage??
Hope to hear more

Mike Hinkle said:
Hi Martha,

I agree, I am glad PA is finally licensing. It will help PA therapists

As I travel, I don't massage for money. I move to a different place every year and take the World Massage Festival and Massage Therapy Hall of Fame with me. I promote massage all year, in every phase, as I go. I try to make sure therapists are doing well as I travel and where I see one that needs help, I try and solve their problem. I am only licensed to practice massage for compensation in Florida. But I don't know any other therapists, that travel the country to help other therapists and to promote the industry.
Hi, I'm Susan and I live in suburban Philadelphia, near Valley Forge. I've been working as a massage therapist since 1998. Currently I have a home based practice as well as work in a chiropractor's office. Been toying with the idea of going back to school to become a PT since the insurance companies are becoming increasingly difficult. Looking forward to learning more.
Susan Hart


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