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Spa Savvy Massage Therapists

A group of "spa savvy" massage therapists who perform dry room body spa treatments from their session rooms. Let's network, discuss and share!

Members: 82
Latest Activity: Dec 29, 2015

Discussion Forum

Spa Recipes 1 Reply

Started by Pueppi Texas. Last reply by Pueppi Texas Dec 29, 2015.

What Spa Body Wraps and Treatments do you have on your menu 5 Replies

Started by Tonya Brooks-Taylor. Last reply by Lea Chew Apr 10, 2012.

Best Slimming/Toning Body Wraps? 3 Replies

Started by Kristen Sanders. Last reply by Lea Chew Apr 10, 2012.

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Comment by Alicia Barrera-Warwick,HHP,LE on September 15, 2009 at 10:15am
Here's another one: Organic Body Care Recipes by Stephanie Tourles (spelling ?), it's like $13.00 on amazon!
Comment by Cindy Greenwood on September 15, 2009 at 4:31am
Spa Pantry is like $50, Spa Bodywork I got for $25. Spa Magic you can get for a few dollars - what a find!
Comment by Alicia Barrera-Warwick,HHP,LE on September 14, 2009 at 9:03pm
Spa Bodywork by Anne Williams is a BIG book and is on the expensive side due to the content and layout (it's hardback and in color), I believe it was designed for schools to adopt to teach spa services because there is too much information in it. It wasn't intended to be a source for recipes. You may want to try Spa Magic by Mary Muryn, her book is very easy to read with home based recipes that anyone can create. Now here's an idea, if anyone wants to put together a book for our trade, a spa recipe book is obviously needed!
Comment by Cindy Greenwood on September 14, 2009 at 8:14pm
I have found the book
Spa Bodywork: A Guide for Massage Therapists
to be a helpful book. It has recipes but it is more about treatment and technique - more of a beginner's guide if you have not worked in a Day Spa.
I did not care so much for Spa Pantry - but I know that a lot of people love it.
Comment by Marissa on September 14, 2009 at 6:42pm
Oh believe me, I have been. I just thought that it would be nice to have a convenient at my fingertips guide as well!:)
Comment by Alicia Barrera-Warwick,HHP,LE on September 14, 2009 at 2:44pm
I've seen it and it is a good book with lots recipes.... but why not try making some of your own? You might also try to google "homemade body scrubs" and/or homemade whatever and see what comes up.
Comment by Marissa on September 14, 2009 at 8:32am
Does anyone have a "recipe" book that they would recommend? I want to order Universal's "Spa Pantry Cookbook", but don't know if it is worth the price. Any helpful hints? Thanks!
Comment by Mae Onosaki on September 5, 2009 at 11:38pm
Marissa: I agree with Alicia's list. I absolutely love Shea & Cocoa butters. Jojoba is great too, in that it feels luxurious but doesn't leave an oil slick on the client (and doesn't clog pores, either!)
Comment by Felicia Brown on September 3, 2009 at 10:09am
Hey everyone! I'll be teaching my Waterless Spa Treatments class in September in Asheville, NC and October in Greensboro. This is a class I can do onsite at a spa as well or will bring to a school in your area if there is enough interest to get me there. I try to work in the Southeast region for the most part so I can drive. Not too much fun to fly with a load of spa products and tools! Please let me know if you are interested in it and I'll get you compete details. And yes, I am a NCBTMB approved provider:-)
Comment by Cindy Greenwood on September 3, 2009 at 9:17am
Compresses are NOT re-usable. You give them to client with ideas on how to store, prep, and use. They cost around 14.99/pair - So I was going to add $20 to the cost of our 60min swedish for the 1hr and $15 to the cost of our 90min Hot Stone for the 1 1/2 hr treatment to start. So for my area that's $100 & $140. This is roughly what others are charging in other areas - only one other spa in my region has it on menu and it is in for $140 for 90mins no 1hr option

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