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Trigger Points

This is a group where massage therapists can share their voice on trigger points

Members: 330
Latest Activity: Aug 14, 2022

Discussion Forum

use of spray & stretch technique by LMTs 8 Replies

i've been using the spray and stretch technique this year with excellent results in myofascial trigger point cases of acute pain, short appointments with multiple muscle group involvement, and…Continue

Started by Jeff Sims. Last reply by Laura Garza Jun 24, 2012.

Trigger Points, easily eliminated 13 Replies

I can release trigger points anywhere on the body in 20 seconds with only finger tip pressure. Ive said it so many times.. No one believes me. Whatever... This time is that last I will say it..  Ive…Continue

Started by Gordon J. Wallis. Last reply by Shawnda Kettles Dec 7, 2011.

Observing breathing pattern disorders in the most chronic TP affected client. 1 Reply

My observation is those that are belly breathers are the worst.Do you do any diaphram release work and give corrective breathing advice? if so what do you ask your clients to do.? SteveContinue

Started by Stephen Jeffrey. Last reply by Dr. Ross Turchaninov Nov 4, 2011.

Follow up to the trigger point article

We observed so many misunderstanding in regard to trigger points and trigger point therapy that we decided to address them all at the same time in special article in the new issue of Journal of…Continue

Started by Dr. Ross Turchaninov Oct 26, 2011.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Christopher V Acosta on September 20, 2009 at 4:49pm
how do you get rid of TP? I have several clients who have them all over their backs. I try a lot of compressions as well as longitudinal release and cross fiber but TPs are definitely still there at the end of the session. I would sometimes try holding the points until they melt away but the number of points is wo widespread, I was wondering if there's a more effective way to handle a large amount of TPs on one client.
Comment by Nate Ewert on September 10, 2009 at 10:34am
I can!:)
Comment by Monica A. Roberson on September 9, 2009 at 5:17pm
can you get rid of TP's?
Comment by Mike Hinkle on September 7, 2009 at 9:11pm

My tie to TP's comes through Bonnie Prudden and Myotherapy. Bonnie was the first person I inducted into the Massage Therapy Hall of Fame in 2006. Since, we have become good friends. Her book will be coming out and I hope everyone reads about this fascinating woman. The phrase, "They don't make them like that anymore," applies to her more than anyone I know. She did so much for our profession. Read the book!
Comment by Monica A. Roberson on September 6, 2009 at 9:36pm
my experience working with those darn TP's has been..interesting..depending on the person..when the person does home care..such as tennis ball or avocado seed compression..definately helps and I have had some luck with stretch and release techniques & isometric contraction technique..I hold theTP until either ; patients's pain has diminishes massively , or, theTP softens or evaporates beneath my pressure.I have also changed my direction of the pressure itself..MFR has proven results as helps when the person opens that space tho.. have you ever used the spray and stretch technique or dry needling?
Comment by April Hawbaker, LMT on September 6, 2009 at 8:16am
I have a client who presents with the same TP week after week, and though it is smaller than its original size, it's still there, still causing that nagging P! for the ct. Thoughts? Suggestions?
Comment by Monica A. Roberson on September 5, 2009 at 9:24pm
hello Mike..thank you much for your interest..what do you do about those stubborn TP's?

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