Mike Hinkle


Roaring River, NC

United States

Profile Information:

What is your website?
Which modalities do you practice?
Swedish Massage, Integrative Massage, Reflexology, Therapeutic Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, Aromatherapy, Thai/Thai Yoga Massage

Comment Wall:

  • Jeni Spring, LMT / Heeling Sole

    Hi Mike! I thought the WMF in New Braunfels was a lot of fun and just great all around! (Especially since I live 20 minutes from New Braunfels!)
    Thanks for it all, I'll probly see you at the next one, I'll be @ the Ashiatsu booth!
  • I. Paul Dunsdon

    Hi Mike,
    This is my first day on the site so I thought I would meet some new friends and do a little networking. I see you have a very long list of modalities that you work with. Do you have a speciality? Also any advice on a guy breaking into the biz?
  • Laura Allen

    I was just updating my Twitter and gave you several plugs. Hope you're doing well.
  • Susan G. Salvo

    Added a picture. What next?
  • mukti michael buck

    Hey Mike! The vedicConservatory is being its dharma....dancing to please the gods and goddesses....offering some Grace....how be you? let me know how i may be of any assistance please.
    peace, mukti
  • Whitney Lowe

    Sounds like a great and interesting idea. Thanks for serving it up and let's continue to see if that can work.
  • Susan G. Salvo

    I think it’s a good idea. Ironically, yesterday I was invited to become part of something called Amazon Author Central. Before I commit, I need to find out more about it. What have you heard about this?

    What might be better is a group of massage instructors. That’s usually where authors go when we have questions.
  • Susan G. Salvo

    I need some reviewers for a new pathology project I'm working on.

    How do I ask for help?

    Criteria are that they are pathology instructors at a massage school and know how to work with Track Changes.
  • Susan G. Salvo

  • Peggy Lamb

    HI Mike
    I'm jealous - it's hot as hell here in Austin!
  • Shelly Slocum

    Hi mike, my name is Shelly Slocum. I am part of a group of wellness professionals that incorporates nutritional therapy into regular massage bodywork. We meet on Tuesdays at 730pm in Lexington at the Sheraton 4 pts on Newtown pike. Can you post that?
    my website
  • Karina Braun

    Hi Mike. Thanks for joining. I am looking forward to the next World Massage Festival. I sent you an email yesterday. I am happy to see this profession expanding.
    Best of luck,
    Karina, Get In Touch LLC
  • Mitchell R. Mosher, DPM, LMBT

    Hi Mike: check out the cool video Gloria did. it is on my home page www;bowenhomestudy.com. clik on watch video.
  • Mike Hinkle

    Hey guys,

    Make sure you join Karina Braun's new Group www.massageprofessionals.com/group/CreatingPeacewithYourHands
  • Whitney Lowe

    Are you planning on attending the Highlighting Massage in CIM Research conference next spring in Seattle? That would be a great place to get some ideas.
  • Mike Hinkle

    Oh Yea, with the BOK making their presentation and all the research that will be there, I will too. That will give us over a year to get the details worked out.
  • ABMP

    Thanks so much, Mike. There was a whole team that helped make this happen. We really hope it serves the community well.
  • Renee Richardson

    Welcome Mike to Tennessee Massage and Bodyworkers Group! We are here to discuss anything that you would like, and I hope that we can use each other as sound boards, and make great connections to make Tennessee a better place to practice Massage! Hope to get to know you better.

    In Healing,
    Renee Richardson, LMT
    Hixson, TN
  • Drift Away Day Spa

    Hi Mike-
    Most continuing ed we do in the mainland states but there are occasional weekend clinics and such down here. Licensing is required, same as most places- a series of requirements and a fee.
    Its a great place to live! Hot this time of year. ;o)
  • Audrey Murphy

    Hello there Mike! Thanks for making a newcomer so welcome! Bless you.
  • Robin Fann

    Hi Mike-- Ok, I joined, now how do we start an Esalen group? Robin Fann
  • Carl W. Brown

    Mike, you might want to post something on bodywork_politics http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bodywork_politics/ and have the people there check your list of regulations by state. Also check http://www.abmp.com/members/legislative_map.php
  • Doug Alexander

    Thanks for making me welcome, Mike! I'm probably going to lurk/browse for a few days to get a sense of the community.

  • Audrey Murphy

    Thanks! I am trying to get the hang of this blog..lol! Have a blessed day!
  • Julia Young Hayes

    Hi MIke,
    Yes, what you wrote about Paul's "new" class is EXACTLY what I have done now for ten years...........the beautiful additon of aquatic therapy to massage therapy...........Many more will find this modality soon, and come on board!!! I feel Blessed to have been given such a gift! Peace, Julia Young Hayes
  • Lauriann Greene, CEAS

    Hi Mike - you mentioned you were looking for a booklet on self-care and injury prevention for the World Massage Festival, saying "there's not enough good information out there." Save Your Hands! 2nd Edition is used by massage schools worldwide to provide proven, research-based, effective information on self-care and injury prevention to the profession. I'm happy to give you our adsheets to put in bags at the Festival. The subject of self-care and injury prevention is way to vast, and way too important (considering that 77% of massage therapists experience symptoms or injury) to be contained in a booklet, I'm afraid. So it's important to point therapists to a reliable source of information on the subject, which is what Rick and I have created (and people like Leon Chaitow, Ben Benjamin and many school directors agree). I hope this is helpful - we want to help you get this info out as much as possible at the Festival. Let me know if there are other ways we can help.
  • Lauriann Greene, CEAS

    Thanks very much, Mike! I'm also happy to donate a book for your raffle.

    Best wishes, Lauriann
  • Linda F Smartt

    Hi Mike,
    Thanks. This looks like a great web site.
  • Jenny Ray

    Great to be here...now as long as I can find my way back...LOL I am about as blog smart as my cat...it is always great to read what others are so willing to share...
    Nice to meet everyone....
    interesting how many of us were waitresses at some point...guess we just love to serve others!
  • Jenny Ray

    Thanks for doing this Mike...it takes a lot of energy to weave the webs that connect so many folks...
    and you do it with such grace!

  • Cindy Veach

    Hey Mike! What a fantastic website:)
  • Pamela Larimer

    Thank you very much mike! I am very new at all of this computer stuff but I will get the hang of it. Have a great day.
  • Charlie Keller

    Mahalo Mike! I appreciate it! This is a great site for us to network!!!! Have a great day!!! Aloha, Charlie :)
  • Annamae Beal

    Thank you for the warm welcome, as this is all so new to me you may be hearing from me. I look forward to being part of the community.
  • Cindy Ballis

    Thanks Mike - Keep up the good work and I hope to be able to help a lot of therapists thru this network especially once I get Sacro Wedgy® classes going. You're the hardest workin man in showbiz!
  • Misty Selph

    Thanks Mike. I think I will enjoy this site!