Daniel Cohen


Studio City, CA

United States

Profile Information:

What is your website?
www.holhealthcare.com, http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Holistic-Health-Care-Studio-City/165064410202818, www.jaderoller.com
In what year did you enter the profession?
Which modalities do you practice?
Swedish Massage, Integrative Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Craniosacral Therapy, Pre-natal Pregnancy Massage, Chair Massage, Therapeutic Massage, Acupressure, Lymph Drainage, Aromatherapy, Thai/Thai Yoga Massage, Medical Massage, Energy Work, Lomi Lomi, Medical Qi Gong, Korean Martial Therapy

Comment Wall:

  • Daniel Cohen

    Lymphatic Class at Hands on Healing Institute!
    On April 11 & 18 I will be teaching Lymphatic I again.
    I hope you will join the class.

  • Darcy Neibaur

    Welcome Daniel
  • aishato

  • Travis Alligood

    Welcome Daniel !
  • Las Vegas Massage In Summerlin

    Hi Daniel!

    Pleasure to meet you!

    My business here is good...unfortunately the rest of the city (Las Vegas) is not doing so well. Most therapists I know work for a mega spa at a casino or resort here in town, or a local day spa. Both have seen quite a decline in business.

    I run an outcall massage business. (Just myself). It's taken me several years to really build up a great clientele, but now it's marvelous ;)

  • Mike Hinkle

    Glad you are here. Would you comment at this discussion, when you get a chance? Thanks
  • Lisa

    I don't mind you borrowing the tagline btw. :)
  • Zhang Yu

    Hello Daniel,I want to find the children health community to tell or teach them my child Tuina.Thanks,Zhang Yu
  • Stephen Jeffrey

    Hi Daniel, you are putting up alot of v interesting info, cheers mate:)
  • Zhang Yu

    Hello Dan,TCM think the body with whole, not isolated .The every meridians includes the skin,vein,adipose,nerve, lymph,muscle,skeleton and organs.The doctor only need to know which meridian through the focus when judge the disease.Then the doctor
    chooses the points of the meridian to massage,acupuncture,take Chinese medcine or external application.It's the same to treat the fascia disease.For example,it is the Stomach-Meridians or Spleen-Meridians with problem if you with kneel pain.The TCM doctor with such thinking to treat all kinds of diseases.

    About my child Tuina,"Is the fascia system fully developed at birth?" Yes,I think so.Some of the patients with pain of the shoulders,I elevate their kidney Yang-Qi with my Tuina,Then their pain disappearance.
    Yes,you are right.Child Tuina while different in application from General Tuina, it uses diagnosis and some prescriptions of mine.
  • Zhang Yu

    Hi Daniel,I added new lines about China Bama longevity village in my forum.Please share .Maybe you can see the different with your third eye if you there.
    Zhang Yu
  • Truc Dinh

    Thank for become my friend, Please guide and teach me what i do not know, and mean to ask you about KMT that you have mention a few time in your post. I have a chance to visit Korea a year and ago and very interesting in their massage technique, what amaze me is it all done by bline people. Thank again.
    PS: cause I am Asian so I am want to know more about Asian body work.
  • Gary W Addis, LMT

    Thank you for the friend request, Daniel. I am honored by your offer, and gladly accept.
  • Alexei Levine


    I'm sorry to post this here, for some reason I can't message you, I just wanted to make sure you got this info, just delete it when you're done :)


    If you read the regulation you will see that it is not required to go to an accredited school in the state of California.  The school has to be approved by the BPPE (the CA Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education, which is not an accrediting agency), which all massage schools (that are operating legally) in the state are.  This means that the massage school got their license from the state to operate as a school.  Getting this school license means the school has passed certain requirements and posted a bond so that if they had to close, their students would be reimbursed for any unearned tuition.  The situation is the same in most states in the country, and in fact roughly 3/4's of all massage schools nationally are licensed or approved to do business as a school in their state, but have not been accredited by a private accrediting agency.  Most massage schools could not afford to get accreditation from one of these private accrediting corporations without a hefty tuition increase.  In the case of our school we would have to triple or quadruple our tuition so that we could afford the fees to the accreditation agency, and hire the extra people to administer the federal financial aid (mostly in the forms of loans to students, which have to be paid back by the student not the school if the student can't repay their loan).


  • Peggy Sue Resseau

    Business is good up here probably just not as sunny. I'd love to share more info about my Cervical class, maybe I will need to take a trip down there to hold a class.
  • Tonya Brooks-Taylor

    Daniel, I believe you mentioned you already read MA polices regarding Massage Therapy but here's a link to the mass.gov site in case you need it: MA Code of Professional Ethics for MTs 269 CMR 5.00.  I don't believe I'll be able to help you with understanding decisions around any past, present or recent policies the MA Board of Massage Therapy may have made.
  • Cynthia Nagel

    Thank you!! 
  • Ashesh mehta

    Hey Thnks daniel .
  • Luzviminda Barlongay Quiaño

    thank you...i hope that it will help me to understand some situation...actually massage is my passion, i really love my work...and im not consider this as a job but its always my pleasure to served and satisfied my clients and i see to it that they will come back to have my service... here in the philippines not all the clients are filipinos i also serve other nationality like european,americans and asean people...but you know what sometimes other countries are more appreciative than filipinos...maybe because here in the philippines massage is very common and it is cheaper, it only cost $5 to $6/hour unlike in your country its a little bit expensive isn't it? thats why the competition here is very tight but not all the practioner here is licensed...but eventhough they are licensed they're quite good..how bout you?do you mind if i ask you about your story?when did you start as a therapist or you know,. your activities as a therapist...hehehehe...im just telling whats on my mind right now...if u dont mind...

  • Luzviminda Barlongay Quiaño

    whewww!!!!meaning your already a veteran when it comes to massage,....wow!!!!


  • Zhang Yu

    Dear Dan,I want to thank you so much.It's  effective what you post the information for me here.The blockade of the my website has been raised.I am so happy.Thank you again.
  • Zhang Yu

    I am back,but I cann't see any professionals photos.
  • Zhang Yu

    Dear Dan,I cann't sign out this web,my God! We have no rights.
  • Zhang Yu

    I am so glad to hear that. Congratulations!
  • Ingrid Sagdahl

    Hi Daniel!

    Thank you for the welcome! Its really nice to have found a community like this. I dont do Lomilomi, but i have heard about it and seen it being done. It would have been nice learning it. Sounds great with that festival. Did you learn anything new? Guess you met alot of interessting people. Look forward to read more about your work!


  • Lolita Knight

    Hi Daniel


    Thanks for your interest in the Fijian Massage.  My first experience was in 1997 in a remote village in Kandavu, Fiji Islands.  From that time to present I have added many strokes and it can be completed standing, sitting in a chair and even having the therapist lie down on the floor. However, with all strokes the hands or arms are never used.  All strokes are completed using the 9 parts of the foot. 


    Lomi Lomi came from Hawaii and uses the forearm and hands so the 2 are totally different.


      I am planning on retirement to Australia in 2012 and my focus is to have one last great year teaching not only the Fijian Barefoot Massage, but also the Indian Head, Chinese Facial and Soft Touch Island methods.  I am hoping to train a few instructors in these methods and am hoping to find someone in California to carry on these beneficial modalities.  Let me know if you know of anyone in CA that would be interested.

    Details of all my classes are on my website www.fijianmassage.com  Cheers Lolita

  • Verona Warburton

    Thank you Daniel,

    I actually like this Website.I was exposed to it through the World Massage Conference.

    Massage Therapy is very very popular here in Jamaica, infact the Industry is over Populated with Therapists and there is not a body or organisation to protect us from unscrupulous employers.

    There is a Massage Association of Jamaica that is not even supported by Therapists.I have been trying to open Therapists eyes on the International scene but is getting across too slow....There are a lot of really good Massage Therapist here.

  • Lolita Knight

    Hi Daniel

     I have been away teaching CE classes in WV and VA and will be off again to TN and then the SW in Sept. Oct to Colorado Springs, CO and 3 places in NM and Lubbock Texas. Perhaps contact me on my email lolitaknightce@comcast.net so we can have more direct contact to see if you can attend some of my Fijian Massage courses and/or become an instructor as this is my focus before retiring to Aussie in 2012. Cheers, Lolita

  • Numu Sherpa


    i !Danial ,how r u? here in Nepal actually people have no scope in Nepal yet, The government here dont have any academic level of studies at all Just for massage..like you have in your countryI was able to learn through a Spa training programme and just got a certificate for it and experience certificate.I do ayurvedic abdominal massage.

  • Gary W Addis, LMT

    Dan, you are both acupuncturist and MT, correct?


    A situation has arisen with an Australian contact.  For three months he has been visiting a similarly qualified therapist for an aching shouldr; the pain radiates down his arm into his hand.  For the entire visit the therapist has performed acupuncture, and nothing else.  No working of trigger points, no work for TOS, nothing but acupuncture.  And the pain is as strong as ever. 

    I advised my contact to ask for TP work: the therapist became irate-- HE knows what is best! 


    On the assumption that the therapist is milking my distant friend, I found an NMT-proficient therapist for him in Australia, and advised him to schedule an appointment.  As I told him, working trigger points and relaxing, especially TOS, will not cause him further harm, and may relieve the pain--something the other guy hasn't been able to do in three months.


    Your thoughts? 

  • Gary W Addis, LMT

    Daniel, thanks for the response. 


    Over a dozen or more exchanges, I described TOS, the difference between TPs and acupuncture points.  Whew! a lot of work trying to educate someone!  I think the gent followed the advice and reports relief after a few minutes with a therapist who has his interests at heart.

  • Lena Kennedy

    Hey Daniel!

    Thanks for the info on the lymphatic drainage again. I think I'm gonna purchase the whole kit and implement it in my bodywork treatments.

  • Dawn Waterman-Kelsey


    Thank you so very much for answering my question. 

    I had never encountered this 'twitching' issue, and am happy that I can now reassure my client.



    Thank you soo very much for the advice.I will check from AMTA and ABMP for the code of ethics thanks.I am the sole owner of the school in Ghana.....
  • Wilson Jordan

    Dan thanks for the invite...look forward to getting to know ya...Glad to see you are right down the road


  • marine aptsiauri

    Hey, I'm glad we became friends. In Georgia massage is quite enough popular for medical therapy. Usually people use massage therapy for prevention of physical problems or for solving already existed problems. Personally I work in several spheres - medical, children and sport massages, also manual therapy and medical physical culture. I have also founded a learning-center where students can study all those spheres and it's quite popular. What about you?

  • Therese Schwartz

    Hi Daniel,

    Thanks for the friend request!

    Have a great holiday season!


  • Therese Schwartz

    I hadn't heard anything about the baby's death - that is tragic.

    The scientific evidence is the work that John Upledger did in the 70's to show movement of the cranial bones, and then also he worked with an Israeli physicist to measure what happens in the client's body during a treatment session.  They were able to show that the electrical resistance in the body varies according to the therapist's intention, and also that during a physical release the resistance drops very low - it's such a difference that from a different room the physicist could tell when a release was happening, simply based on the readings of his instruments.  That's what I can think of off the top of my head.  Oh, they also did studies on the effects of CST on PTSD in Vietnam Veterans, and now they are working with current veterans.

    Do evidence based therapists attack everything?  I don't know much about that area but they seem to be generally aggressive.

  • Shin-TAO Kimura

    Mahalo nui loa Daniel !

    Nice to meet you and you are doing great work here.

    top of that you speek japanese ? wow.

    please keep in touch, Aloha


  • Bethany Ingraham

    Hi! It's nice to meet you. :)

    Have a wonderful day!

  • Heather Nicole Juergens

    No, so my 1st step is to apply for a school?

  • Moneca Yardley

    hi daniel, i am addicted to hats and also to zero point energy tools...have you heard of them.  i belong to a group called Amega Global and i want to make sure that everyone on the planet will be part of this group in time.  please i hope i am not intruding but can you help me be the best business associate possible...i invite you to come into the world of Amega Global. www.myamegaworld.com/back2source

  • Roeh Dale Gill

    Thanks for the request!


  • Roeh Dale Gill

    I started with LomiLomi growing up as well as fotofota, tolotolo, and amoamo. I learned from family who are from Tonga. I started Ma-Uri a little over 10 years ago. To me personally it's not too much of a difference outside of the belief system and it is a more uniformed process. The last thing you learn how ever is touch. They want you to be 100% in tune before you put your hands on any one.

  • Bianca Neuhof

    Hi Daniel, I am still quite new to Lomi Lomi. I do temple style and I'm yet to have given a pre natal Lomi lomi. The pre-natal massage I give is general relaxation massages.