Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Hot Stone, Sports Massage, Chair Massage, Therapeutic Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, Aromatherapy, Medical Massage
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hey chris,
I read your comment on laura's blog and I commend you for choosing a career that is going to make you and the world a more sane place. the job hunt can be daunting and Ive seen a lot of rejection (more for lack of experience than due to gender). everyone wants you to have some experience but no one wants to give it to you. its hard to know the conditions you face all the way on the other coast but if you are ever seeking advice, dont hesitate to drop a line my way.
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I read your comment on laura's blog and I commend you for choosing a career that is going to make you and the world a more sane place. the job hunt can be daunting and Ive seen a lot of rejection (more for lack of experience than due to gender). everyone wants you to have some experience but no one wants to give it to you. its hard to know the conditions you face all the way on the other coast but if you are ever seeking advice, dont hesitate to drop a line my way.