Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Hot Stone, Myofascial Release, Chair Massage, Therapeutic Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, Medical Massage, Energy Work
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I'm a therapist in Fresno and I saw you had taken the Erik Dalton course. I need 30 Ce's this year and I'm comparing one of his courses with that of Art Riggs which is a deep tissue course. Both are available to study and take tests at home. Art Riggs course is more expensive but looks like it could really help my practice in a practical way. My clients seem to ALL want "deep tissue" and Riggs course is specifically for that. Since you took the Dalton course, I was wondering if you could pass along any advice to me about quality, ease-of-learning and if it's really helped you clientele & money wise enough to justify the cost. I work in a spa and there is little to no room for assessment, stretching, etc. - mainly just hands-on table techniques and the Dalton methods seem a bit complex (although you never know where I'll move to or end up//my own massage studio one-day?!)
I would welcome your thoughts/suggestions.
Thanks!! Cynthia
At 7:55pm on September 21, 2010, Darcy Neibaur said…
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Hi Jonathan,
I'm a therapist in Fresno and I saw you had taken the Erik Dalton course. I need 30 Ce's this year and I'm comparing one of his courses with that of Art Riggs which is a deep tissue course. Both are available to study and take tests at home. Art Riggs course is more expensive but looks like it could really help my practice in a practical way. My clients seem to ALL want "deep tissue" and Riggs course is specifically for that. Since you took the Dalton course, I was wondering if you could pass along any advice to me about quality, ease-of-learning and if it's really helped you clientele & money wise enough to justify the cost. I work in a spa and there is little to no room for assessment, stretching, etc. - mainly just hands-on table techniques and the Dalton methods seem a bit complex (although you never know where I'll move to or end up//my own massage studio one-day?!)
I would welcome your thoughts/suggestions.
Thanks!! Cynthia